Chapter 4

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Victoria's Pov

The car ride too school was kind of awkward.Jonathan hasn't said a word to me at all. Is he mad?

"Did you grab your schedule from the table " he smiled finally breaking the silence.

"Uhh yeah ... so are we almost there " i attempted to smile as the words fell from my lips.Trying to hide my nervous emotions.

He chuckled softly and with his right arm he patted my shoulder" Vick don't be nervous,this will be good for you."

ugh i hate this town.

Niall's Pov

Victoria.I smiled to myself just by thinking of her.She's so beautiful, yet she's really hurt I can see in her eyes.She's scared and timid as well.But I don't care if I'm in a wheelchair. .. I will do anything to protect her.

"Niall" Jake's voice startled me.

"Yeah " I whispered

"Are thinking of that girl?Uhh Victoria I think is her name." he questioned

I can hear his heart beat rase.

"Why is your heart beating fast at the mention of her name" I said turning my wheelchair away from the window and towards him

He slowly stood up and blinked a few times."I-uhh I just well was wondering about-"

"about her" I interrupted "you were thinking about her-"

"Wait! Not in that way ...God Niall you guys are connected"he sat on the couch "When energies are exchanged nothing can come inbetween"

"Yeah I know " I said softly with a smile "Jake I need your help?please"

Jake's Pov

Niall had asked me to take him to where She.Victoria. Lived.By now we were walking.Well I was walking, Niall was rolling his wheels with his hands.I had asked him if I help but he has so much pride in doing things himself.

"It's here" you can hear the enthusiasm in his voice. Its makes you smil-

We were just abiut to enter her gate when I.

"Wait !" I said making Niall and I stop at our track's

"What?why?" he questioned

I sniffed.... Penuela?.

"Do you smell that" I said to him.

"Penuela?"he also questioned

I was just as confused as he is.Why is there Penuela cent all over her gate.

"Why is penuela in the entrance? " Niall asked

I got a bit close but backed away quickly

"Aww damit it's just not in the entrance its all over the house ... It reeks and burns my nose "

"Wait but I wanna see her" he complained

"No not here " I said turning around expecting Niall to do te same but instead he was rolling closer to the gate.

"Niall No ! " i said grabbing his handles.

But he faught me buy sinking in his claws into my skin.

I still managed to get him away,due to disabled legs he isn't too strong."Niall ! you know what it does to us ! damit do you wanna burn huh !?" I screamed at him "Do you ...inside out !" I felt bad

He turned his wheelchair around and left.

Harry's Pov

Everyone thinks I'm in the woods demolishing a animal with my own fangs. Usually thats what I would do but today i'm paying a little visit to a certain brunette.

"Hey you ?" I said to some kid walking by the school's cafeteria.

"Yeah " he responded confused

"You know that girl right there " I pointed at Victoria.

"Ha no but dam I would tap tha-" I grabbed him the collar. "What the hell bro"

"Never mind just get out" ,gotta do shit myself.

I started walking towards her.She was turned around stuffing things in her locker.

The blood running through my vains started to boiled. My fangs and claws were already out. Ready to sink into her skin and rip the livings out of her-

"What the hell?" Jones had me against the wall, then he pushed me into the guys bathroom with his claws.

"Niall can die you know" he locked the the door."You know that".

I quickly got up and tried to sink my claws on him he pushes me towards the bathroom stall,cracking my back .But it'll fix it self later.

"Harry get out and don't go try anything"

"Verto.He will kill us all" I said trying to knock some.sense into him."He has been looking for reason to come and get us and thanks to Niall he has it."

Victoria's Pov

The last bell rang.Finally cause I want to go home.But honestly I don't know what home is . This town makes me sick .

Jonathan had asked me to wait for him on a bench near the school drop off section. I looked at my phone that Jonathan had gave me and he was taking long. He knows how I hate being alone.

I don't why i'm so nervous. Scared actually. I was touching my neck trying to get a hold of my- ....I desperately was now looking around me .My necklace ,it's gone.

"Victoria trace your steps." I whispered to myself.

I then found myself on my knees looking for my necklace. It's very important to me ,honestly I don't know why.

"Excuse me ,but is this what you're looking for "

From my knees I looked up and there was a man extending his arm towards me and in his -

"My necklace! " I stood up and grabbed it from his hand.

"Thank you so much " I smiled widely.

He extended his hand for a handshake.I smiled and extended mine's "Victoria"

Instead of shaking hands he smiled, took my hand "Nice to meet you " and kissed it,"I'm Verto."

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