The end of our trip

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"Chanyeol what's this weird box in your jeans? Looks like a condom box"

"Condom box?" Chanyeol laughed. "It has something to do with the business, babe. Nothing important"

Baekhyun lifted his shoulders and turned around.

"Wait, you can't send this to mother, Chanyeol!"

'Your future son in law and me' Chanyeol typed into his phone and sent the picture to his mother. 'So you're going to propose?????' His mother typed. Chanyeol smiled and nodded to himself.

Chanyeol smiled. "Did I ever tell you how handsome you are, Baekhyun?"

"Everytime before you want me to take off my clothes, Chanyeol." Baekhyun lifted his eyebrows.

"You're art in my eyes, Baekhyun. You are so beautiful, Baekhyun. . ."

Baekhyun. .  Baekhyun. . .

"Baekhyun!" Chanyeol screamed, sucking oxygen into his body. He widened his eyes, bright light felt like burning through them. His body was aching, every single move was followed by pain.

"Please calm down, Mr. Park."

"Where is Baekhyun?!"

"Who?" A doctor in a white coat asked.

"Baekhyun! My employee, my boyfriend, my. . Soon to be husband" Chanyeol's voice got quiet. "Where is he?!"

"I am sorry to tell you this, but I don't know who you are talking about. Do you maybe have a picture of this certain person, so we can identify him?"

Chanyeol nodded quick and searched for his phone. He handed it the doctor.

"I will give this to our nurse, they will look after him. Pleade rest a little." He said before leaving.

Resting? How should Chanyeol rest when he had no clue about where Baekhyun was, what he was doing. He must be afraid of being alonde, maybe he was in pain, what happened, where was he?

Chanyeol couldn't stop crying, he was never afraid of losing something before, he didn't want the doctor to come back, he was afraid of the results.

Four hours later, the doctor entered the room. Chanyeol's eyes where puffy by time, he looked exhausted and broken.

"I think we identified your boyfriend, follow me."

Chanyeol only nodded, with weak legs and a heavy body he followed him. He felt relieved, Baekhyun was here, Baekhyun didn't leave him. They walked downstairs, to the last floor.

"Mr. Park, I want you to calm yourself and get yourself together for this."

He was confused, what does that mean? What does these words mean?

The doctor opened the door to this big hall, Chanyeol never saw a place like this before. There were hundreds of beds, each of them covered with a white sheets. It smelled disgusting, he never smelled something like this before, he couldn't stand it.

Are these. .  perhaps. . corpses? Chanyeol asked himself, but the doctor wanted to lead him to Baekhyun, what are they doing here?

After they passed a few beds the doctor stopped and turned around to Chanyeol.

"Mr. Park," he began. "What you're about to see is probably able to traumatise you, but you have to go through it. There is no way to identify this person, for us,but you can, Mr. Park."

What does that mean, Chanyeol was still a body filles with confusion. Where was he, what was this, why was he going to be traumatised?

With the doctor lifting the sheet, Chanyeol got his answer.

Under this, not only this but all sheets were laying corpses. One of them was the one infront of Chanyeol. "He seems to be the person on the photo. The close and the body structure are almost identical. It's up to you to identify him."

Chanyeol needed to vomit, he felt like passing out. Everything went dizzy. This person in front of him didn't look like Baekhyun, this person looked disgusting and destroyed, burnt.

His face, his whole body was burned, Chanyeol even felt the way he probably suffered. His skin wasn't soft, like the one of Baekhyun, it was demolished to the last inch.

Tears were all over Chanyeol's face. "Th-this. ." He cried, cried louder than ever in his life before.

He just lost everything he had. The positivy god sent him by giving Chanyeol Baekhyun, was taken away from him within seconds.

"He must have been suffering so much" Chanyeol cried. "I couldn't protect his sensitive skin, I was not there when he needed me. I wanted to protect him, I wanted him to be a part of my life." Chanyeol screamed, saliva on his lips, his eyes red.

"Why did you leave me, Baekhyun?" He asked. "Answer me Baekhyun" he whispered. "Why did you leave me?! WHY. ."he yelled. His lunge ached from screaming. "I thought you'd never leave me, not this early."



"Soo, we are a couple now, right?" The fresh in love Byun Baekhyun asked his new boyfriend.

Chanyeol chuckled. "Yes, Baekhyun, why?"

"Just felt like asking."

Chanyeol nodded.


Chanyeol sighed. "Yes, Baekhyun?"

"Can you tell me that you love me, please?"

The new boyfriend of the smaller one laughed. "I love you." He said.

"What, can you repeat that?" Baekhyun asked. "I couldn't hear you."

"I love you." Chanyeol repeated in patience.


A kiss shut the smaller one up. "I love you, okay? I love you, I love you, I love you, now shut up."

Baekhyun smiled to himself, nodding. But not a minute passed until.


"Yes, Baekhyun?" Chanyeol rolled his eyes. "I love you too."


Eventhough I got a comment that brought me in a bad mood I thought i'd should still update

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