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The giant hall was suddenly shrouded in darkness, murmurs and whispers heard filling the room, the brothers huddled together and held onto each other, loud sounds were heard filling the front courtyard and filled the hall as the noises were bouncing off the giant door that opened into the room, the noises constant and progressive as they shook the door and it began to buckle at its frame, suddenly the doors flew open and people dressed in dark outfits stormed the room, people were harshly grabbed and thrown around, screaming and shouting filled the atmosphere as the the sound of gunfire filled the air, the family stood there frozen in fear, their father had ran off into the commotion with soldiers by his side, their mother harshly grabbed Yoongis shoulder swinging him around to face her

"Yoongi! Grab your brothers and get out of here! Head to the kitchens,,the cook there will help you escape, there is a tunnel route that leads out of the palace and towards the train station, use all the money you have to buy you and your brothers tickets and get on whatever train you can, just get out of the city, head to the country,there are people there who will help you-" She cut was off and the screams and shouts got louder, her eyes were filled with fear, she looked at her boys and engulfed them all in a hug, a hug so filled with love and warmth but also fear as it may be the last time she ever held her precious children

"Yoongi, go! Now!" She yelled at him to take his brothers and leave, Taehyung refused to leave his mother before and remained glued to her, she forcefully tried to push him off telling him to go with his brothers but he was so struck with fear he couldn't control his tears or his bodies, Yoongi rushed towards the two giving his mother's a stern look and a soft nod to which she replied the same motion, he grabbed his brothers arms harshly pulling them away from his mother and threw the boy over his shoulder and lead himself and the others toward the kitchens, Taehyung's screams and shouts for his mother filled the air, with everyone sharp movement and kicked from the younger Yoongi's heart shattered, people ran around them, pushing, shoving, kicking, everyone was out to protect themselves, they didn't care about who else may be hurt along the way, these type of people disgusted the young prince, they finally reached the kitchen were they were quickly pulled aside by a young boy, he couldn't of been much older then Yoongi, he prince remembered him as the chefs son

"Your highness, this way, I'll lead you towards the tunnels- quickly!" the group followed him towards the back of the kitchen and into the giant pantry and he revealed to them a hidden wall behind some shelves, opening it dust filled the room before settling the tunnel was dark and long, the chef's son quickly passed them a torch and ushered them into the tunnel, Yoongi passed Taehyung to Hoseok and tuned towards the boy, looking at him worried

"What about you? It's not safe-" the boy held his hand up towards the prince's face and gave a gentle smile

"I have to go find my family as well" he pushed Yoongi further into the tunnel towards his brothers and gave them a wide smile as he closed the wall behind them

Turning to face his family he turned the torch on and quickly began to walk in front of them leading the way, the all walked as quickly as they could, Yoongi's attention was quickly pulled towards Hoseok and Taehyung as he saw his brother struggling to pull Taehyung along, he quickly pushed passed Jimin and pushed Hoseok out of the way grabbing the small boy by his arms and shaking him slightly

"Taehyung get it together, We can't go back, can't you see what's going on!? We're under attack, Mother and Father may very well be dead! Unless you get it together and just follow us and do as your told you may just be joining them and us to because so help me Taehyung we're not going to leave you to die alone!" Taehyung stood there speechless, Yoongi grabbed his held and pulled him along, after awhile they all reached the train station their mother had talked about, the station was busy and over crowded, people were running and shouting around everywhere, the four boys were small and nothing but a speckle in everyone's eyes, the turned around to face the city to see the embers that filled the air, it hadn't just been there home that had been attacked, it was the whole city, a revolution had begun

Yoongi led his brothers straight towards the train no worrying to buy tickets as people were just jumping on the vehicles left right and center there was no order anymore, the platform was so tightly packed they were having trouble sticking together when they finally reached the train it suddenly started to move, Yoongi started to panic as he quickly pushed Hoseok up towards the train and passed Jimin to him, the trains pace began to pick up causing him and Taehyung to run after it, Hoseok held his hand out towards Yoongi who quickly grabbed it pulling himself and Taehyung up towards the train, his feet met with the trains flooring as he tried to pull Taehyung up along with him, he screamed out his brothers name

"Taehyung come on, Jump up!" he tried to pull the younger up towards him, Taehyung was panting as he tried to keep up with the ever accelerating train

"Yoongi-I-can't-" it happened in seconds, Taehyung had lost his footing and tripped, letting go of his older brothers hand and landing harshly against the platform of the station hitting his head and knocking him out cold, the last time he would ever see his brothers and he was running for his life, the train rapidly moved away, his brothers faint screams left to be carried in the wind, the small prince was left all alone...


AN- I had to split the prologue into two otherwise it was would of just been 2000 words and it seemed like a lot, the story will begin soon, I hope you're excited

The Lost Prince -kth.jjk (Royal AU) ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now