Chapter 3- Pasta Stan

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   Johnny's POV

   Sooo I'm just going to start with the fact I am a hypocrite. You know how earlier I said I didn't want to go to prom with a girl I didn't have feelings for, yeah so I changed my mind. Don't judge me everyone had dates and I didn't want to sit on the bleachers drinking mediocre punch while everyone slow danced. Also Hayden teased me and I'm not going to let my sisters boyfriend make fun of me for being lonely.

   My lab partner, Nadia Turner, asked me a week prior to prom. I had turned her down, but now I decided she is a good option. She's nice and not bad looking, well not Mackenzie levels, but sometimes you have to settle with what you're given. And I was given a chance to ask Nadia in science class.

   "Hey Nadia, remember last week when you asked me to prom?" I asked, turning towards the slightly taller girl.

  She turned to me and gave me a glare, "Do you mean when you rejected me?"

   "Yeahhh, about that, if you're still looking for a date I would love to go with you." Nadia looked confused.

   "What made you change your mind?" She said, turning more towards me in her chair.

   "I realized I want a memorable senior prom, and I think you would fit in perfectly." I said, trying to come off as believable as I could.

   "I thought you liked that Kenzie girl." That really stunned me for a second. But then I recovered.

   "Me? Like Kenzie? She's like a sister to me?" More like she's my crush since I could think.

    "Really? Well then ok, I'll go to prom with you. I'm wearing a purple dress. Get a tie or something, and don't make me look stupid."

   I put my hand on my chest, " I solemnly swear that I, Johnny Orlando, will not make you look the slightest bit dumb at prom." She smiled at me.

   "Then definitely make sure not to do that."


    "Dude, Nadia Turner?!? Why didn't I think of that? You're definitely going to at least get to second base that night." Annie hit Carson, and he winked at her.

    "We all know that the only person that Johnny wants to go to second base with is Kenzie." Hayden smirked. Lauren came to my rescue.

   "Well if you keep talking like that you won't even get to first." We all laughed, all except for Hayden, who just rolled his eyes. Then he looked over my shoulder.

   "Look it's Johnny's new girlfriend." I swiveled around in my seat to see Nadia walking up to our table. She stopped in front of me.

   "Hey Johnny can we go talk somewhere?"

   "Uh sure." She smiled, and grabbed my hand to pull me out of the cafeteria. Carson wolf-whistled us as we left. As I looked back I him, Annie was shushing him. He put an arm around her and winked at me. I gave him an exasperated look.

    "So what did you need to ask me?"

     "I was wondering if you wanted to go out to dinner to night so it wouldn't be awkward at prom you know?" Nadia said, looking hopeful. Me, being the awkward teenage boy that I am, saw this as a good idea.

"That's sounds great! Where were you thinking?" She looked relieved.

"I was thinking Bella's, you know the pasta place near the mall." Good thing I'm literally a pasta stan.

"I love that place, what time should I pick you up?"

"7 sounds good, I'll text you my address. See you then Johnny." She kissed my cheek as she passed me back into the cafeteria. I touched my cheek and looked at my fingers, finding lip gloss on them. Oh no, this is going to be interesting.

A/n : sorry there isn't much jenzie so far. But we promise it's coming soon lmao

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