Chapter 2: Living Hell

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Ahsoka in hell, with her new 'master' she is being pulled two different ways. Krell knows what makes Ahsoka tick, and he is going to make sure she never finds out his true plans. Rex is now worried, he never saw Ahsoka explode before. Crush is now confused, he doesn't know what's wrong or right anymore. What will happen to the heroes?

Rex's point if view

I'm speechless, I've never witnessed Ahsoka explode like that before.
"Umm, Crush. What was that about?"
"No clue Rex. I only met her an hour ago, she was all happy though." Now I'm worried.
"Do you think the General has something to do with it??"

Crush's point of view

Rex sounds concerned, I guess Ahsoka was right. They really are close.
"I dunno Rex, I can go check on her later if that's what you want. But I'll have to wait till she is by he"
I'm cut off by a loud thudd.
"What was that Crush?" I'm now worried.
"I will go see. I will tell you what it was after I find out." He nodded and then I leave. I'm heading down towards the sound, when I notice the General leaving Commander Tano's room. Now that's weird. I nick on her door, no response. I knock again, there is some noise. I'm now worried, so I open the door. I'm horrified at what I see, Commander Tano is sprawled on the floor. She is slumping by the wall, there is a dent in the wall above her, she isn't moving. She is just laying motionless on the floor.
"Commander! Commander Tano can you hear me?" She is unresponsive. I'm shaking her gently, praying that she will wake up. Finally she's starting to stir, I've been trying for like five minuets.
"Commander Tano. Are you ok? What happened?" She is starting to sit up, but she grunts.
"He-help me up please." I help her up, I set her down on her bed.
"Commander what happened to you?" She looks nervous.
"It's, it's nothing."
"It was not nothing, I heard a thud from my room, and found you motionless on the ground. I saw the General leave your room before I got here, I was trying to wake you up for the past five minuets. What happened to you." I hope that she will answer me.
"Fine I will tell you, but promise me that you won't tell anyone . Promise me." She looks at me with her blue eyes.
"Fine, if that's what it takes for me to know. Then I promise that I won't tell a soul."
"It was the General, I broke a rule a few times, so he punished me. It's no big deal, the Jedi Council gave him permission to punish me if I disobeyed. It's nothing, I literally bright a droid factory down on my head when I was 14, this is nothing compared to that. It hurts, but I'll live. I'll heal, I think I may have some broken ribs though." She seems fine with this treatment.
"Why did you let him do this to you?"
"So he wouldn't hurt you. He thinks that getting to know you guys is some crime, I would rather get hurt rather than let him lead you men to your deaths. And like I said, I'll heal. The natural way, out will take longer, but I don't care. Don't worry about me Crush, I can take care of myself." She is so stupid.
"No you can't, you may think that you can handle yourself. But you can't, you still are only 15." I hope I can get this through her thick skull.
"My age doesn't matter, my life is pointless if I can't help others. I live to help those who can't help themselves, I know what it's like to be helpless. Now I order you to stop worrying about me." She looks determined to stop talking about this, so I have to stop.
"Fine, but I still don't agree with you."
"I know, but this is my choice. And don't you even think about telling Rex about this." How did she know what I was thinking?
"I have something called the Force, it allows me to basically reed peoples minds and stuff. You need to build mental shields to block out a force user." I'm now stunned, she is 15 and already seen, done, experienced, and learned way more than me.
"Ok, well you should at least put a backta patch on that. You have some broken ribs."
"I know, I felt them brake when I was kicked into the wall." I feel bad for her.
"Well then, I'll be going. Have a good day Commander."
"Oh, before you go. Is there a place where I can train?" I'm a bit confused at this, but I answer.
"Umm, I believe so. If you go down to the gym, there should be a training area you can use there."
"Thanks." She gives me a smile, then I leave. I need to talk to Rex.
I get back to my room and call Rex.
"Finally, I was worried. What was that noise??" Rex looks very worried.
"It was Commander Tano, she passed out. Apparently that can happen to Jedi when they get visions." I'm lying so much right now, but I know this to be true.
"This rarely happens though, they only happen if your force abilities grow." This is true to. I was told by another Jedi I worked with, it as a long time ago but it was still the truth.
"Oh, ok. Is she ok?"
"Yes, just was disoriented for a second after she woke up. Now, don't you have a mission?"
"Yes, we are landing in a few minuets."
"Well then get going." I chuckle when I say this, but Rex gets it and he leaves.
Now, why would Ahsoka train while she is injured?

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