Chapter 3: Life Down the Drain

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With a new battle beginning, Ahsoka Tano leads her troops into battle. How will these clones react to fighting along side a Jedi, how will they feel when she takes a risk for them? Only the force knows. General Krell is waiting for her plan to fail, he is ready to beat her up. He thinks that this Togruta is a worthless excuse for a Jedi, what will happen in this battle?

Ahsoka's point of view

"General, all squadrons are ready for battle, you may commence attack when ready." I feel the ship angle then we launch.
"Alright boys, follow me." I speed up, I trust HotShot as my gunner.
"We got incoming vulture droids, Blue squadron please keep them off the bombers."
"Will do Commander." I see them take down the droids. They are actually really good. I feel bad for how many have died under Krell.
"Ok, bombers, we are going to commence runs on the frigates, I'd say about three bombers each frigate. Everyone break off and speed up."
"Right away Commander." I see them breaking off into groups of three.
"Ready HotShot?"
"Born ready Commander."
"Then let's go." I speed us up, HotShot takes down enemy fighters, and I've noticed not one fighter has gone down yet, good, so far so good.
We are approaching the target, and I let loose the bombs. The ship exploded immediately. It went down.
"Yes," I cheer. I hear other clones do the same, The I notice that all the frigates are down, all that's left are the remaining vulture droids and the Command ship.
"Generl Krell, you can angle the Victory back the right way, the frigates have been neutralized, we are commencing attack on the command ship." No response but I see the Victory angle the right way. And it helps the others take down some vulture droids.
"Alright, squadron, form on me. We are taking down that command ship." We all speed toward it, when I sense somethings off. I slow down a bit, then I realize what it is.
"Break off run, it's a trap. Break off attack. No!" All the fighters break off at once, and just in time the ship opens fire and sends out more droids.
"Hold them off, I'm going to blow it up from the inside."
"You're doing what! Commander what are you doing?"
"Saving all our asses, that's what." I hear some giggles.
"HotShot, you will be guarding the ship while I set the charges."
"I'll be doing what!?!?"
"You heard me, now focus and stop giggling, all of you men. Let's do this." I end the transmission and head on the enemy craft. I find two turrets, but they get blown up.
"Guard the ship!" HotShot nods as I head into the reactor room, I set the charges, then get back to my bomber. Once I get there, it's been surrounded by droids.
"Oh come on." I take out my sabers and make a path. Once I'm at the ship, I let out a force blast and send all the droids backwards.
"Thanks for the save Commander, I'm sorry."
"It's fine HotShot, we need to get out of here now." I hit the detonator and then began to fly out rod the ship. A wall of fire is right behind me, HotShot is yelling like a baby, and I'm giving the engine everything I've got.
"HotShot, please shut up, this is hard.
All squadrons, I'd advise you to get away from the enemy craft, it's about to blow any minute." I end the transmission and try to go faster, the fire is visible on both sides, I'm praying to the force we get out.
Then we break free from the station, I give the steering a hard jerk to the right, I hear a thunk fun the gunners turret. Oops, forgot to warn HotShot. But then next thing you know, the command ship goes boom.
"General Krell, you may begin campaign on the surface." Still no response.
"Attention General, we are landing in the hangar." I land the ship, and as I exit it, clones are all around me, I get congratulated by all the fighters. Not one casualty from my battle, thank the force. But then General Krell approaches.
"Padawan, come here!" The clones went silent and dispersed. Avoiding the area where Krell was.
"Yes master? My mission was a success, what did I do wrong?"
"You didn't wait for my permission to take out the frigates you didn't have my permission to enter enemy craft and blow it from the inside, and you never said that you would be in a bomber. You have a Starfighter for a reason, you must fly a craft with the superiority that you posses."
"No, I flew a bomber to aid them. If you didn't notice, my job was successful, not one casualty. Why can't you say I did good! Why myst you criticize everything that I do! If Master Skywalker was here-." I'm cut off by Krell.
"Your old master isn't here. Stop acting like your still his Padawan. Your not! I suggest that you forget his training and accept my authority."
"I'm still Anakins Padawan. Remember, the council said that this was temporary! Temporary as in not gonna be forever!"
"You naïve chid, they did tell you that this can become permanent if I think your training isn't to the standards it should be." What tats not what they said.
"No, they didn't say that, but if you haven't noticed, my skills are way above others my age. My military stats are impressive, even for a Jedi, and my knowledge of things is very vast. I excelled as Anakin's Padawan, why would the council want to give me to a different master now when I've learned so much!" I'm fuming.
"Child, I will deal with you after my mission. You are to go to your room, and await for my return!"
"No, I will not do that. I want to help." Krell grabs my arms and then drags me to my room. He throws me in there.
"You will wait for my return!" I run at the door, but he locks it from the outside. I punch the door out of anger.
"Why would the council do this to me?" Then I realize that I can ask a member of the council. I sit at my desk and contact the Kel-dor that found me.
"Ahsoka, this is a pleasant surprise. What is it?"
"Is it true master Plo?"
"What do you mean lil'soka?"
"Is it true that if Master Krell thinks my training as a Padawan was conducted in a way he saw wrong, the I would become his Padawan with no chance of going back to master Skywalker?"
"Yes, I'm sorry Ahsoka, the council out voted me and master Kenobi on that. I wish it wasn't the way, but they feel like you two where getting two close." I stand up and my chair falls. I'm in horror.
"How could they do that to me? I've done nothing wrong! I can't be master Krells Padawan, his style is nothing like mine. Everything about him is the polar opposite to me. Master Plo, please please get me a different temporary master. I can't stand it here!"
"Ahsoka has something happened? Why would you talk about a master that way?" Shit, I have to tell him about it.
"Well, after I did what I was told, I went to my room. Master Krell was here to 'teach me a lesson'. I ended up with around three broken bones, a cut, and a concussion. Master Krell refused to admit me to the med bay. And I get a bad feeling whenever I'm around him!" I look at the hologram of the Kel-dor I knew.
"I'm sorry Ahsoka, but that's just the way he trained you. He doesn't go to med bays when he is hurt. You just have to adapt to the new situation. I'm sorry, but I must go now." He ended the transmission. Master Plo, abandoned me.
I end up sitting in a corner of my room, in shock. The council abandoned me, why? What did I do to deserve this? Apparently I was sitting here fore around two hours, because Krell came in.
"Ah, Padawan. My mission was successful. Now time for your punishment. I also heard that you contacted Master Plo Koon. Is this correct?"
"What is it to you? Huh? It's not like I can do anything to stop you from attacking me. There's nothing to stop you from becoming my actual master."
"No child, I am your master." I look at him in horror.
"W-what do you mean?"
"After Master Plo contacted me, I informed him of how sorely you training has been. So he and the council granted me the honor of being your master."
"No! They wouldn't? They wouldn't do that to me!"
"Oh but they did child. So come here, time to punish you." He holds me up with the force and punches me continuously, then he uses his lightsabers and burns my back and upper arm. Next he dose a forbidden act of the force, Force Insanity. I scream in pain, but I keep seeing Anakin,
"You were never good enough, I only kept you because I felt pity on you. You were never a good student, you never deserved to be my Padawan. Only some special and powerful could be my Padawan, and that clearly isn't you!"
No, no, Anakin would never say that to me. Anakin cared for me. Why would he do that?
"Good, now you see the truth, you are my Padawan now."
"Wh-what do you want master." I stand up, every muscle in my body screaming me not to, but I ignore this pain.
"Put on this cloak, we are going to the Jedi temple, and you will not talk unless spoken to. You will not even go to your friends. Make you way to you private room and stay there until I get you."
"Yes master." I bow my head after I put on the cloak. Why would Anakin not tell me how disappointed he was in me? Why? Now I'm broken. The Ahsoka Tano That was around while she was still Padawan to Anakin Skywalker, she's gone, I'm the broken shell of a fallen girl. Broken and destroyed. With a new master, no hope of going back to my old one, no hope for redemption, no chance for me to return to the same person I once was. I'm a fragment of what once was a powerful and strong Jedi, I used to be the example of a perfect student, skills unreachable, respect unwavering, trust granted. Now I'm the example of what not to do, skills sloppy, respect taken away, trust not granted, friends abandoned, light fading. I'm hoping that I can just hide from my problems.
I follow Krell to our shuttle, Crush gives me a slight wave, but I ignore it, I look depressed, I am depressed. But there's nothing anyone can do. Crush looks taken back by my sudden change of mood, I don't care. I can't care, if I want to stop being punished then this is what I have to do.
"Pilot, take us down."
We land and Krell makes for the Council chamber, I make my way to my room. I put my hood up, I notice the stares that I'm getting. People heard that the Padawan to the Chosen One has fallen from the grace of her master. I was outcast and forgotten. I get to my room, and go to the freshener. I look in the mirror, and am a bit startled, my eyes are grey. They are no longer blue or teal, they've lost their color, this is a sign of a broken Jedi. I let out a muffled sob. I'm going insane.
I order a new set of clothes, same style as my current ones, just in a diffewnt color, Light grey top, deep grey belt, light blue thingy, same dark grey leggings, and new light grey ish boots. They arrive within five minuets.
I put them on, I look in a mirror, and I don't recognize the Togruta I see. The only indication that I'm the same person is my Akul headdress and my Padawan chain. But I take that off, and wear that on my wrist. There, I keep the headdress, as a remix of how much I failed. Then I hear a mock on the door, I put my new cloak on, this one is better fit for me, a long brown cloak. I put it on and open my door.
"Master Krell, do we have a new mission?"
"Yes, the council needs Skywalker back here at the temple, so we will be taking over his mission. The liberation of Umbara."
"Ok, I'll need a moment to prepare master." I bow my head slightly and then he grants me my wish.
"By the way Padawan, I like the new you. It's far more obedient, and nice clothes."
"Thank you master." I close my door and then collapse. I'm sobbing now. Why, I'm being forced to go back to the men who I served with, but I thought they saw me as an equal, not saw me with pity. I'm so confused right now, then something breaks. Not on the outside, but something within. Ahsoka Tano, Snips, Padawan to The Chosen One, she just died. Nothing is left from my time as her. The person I was just snapped, she broke, I'm the new her. I'm just known as Padawan or Commander. Nothing special is left about me.
So I've composed myself enough to get up and head through the temple. But just my luck, I run into Master Onduli.
"Oh, hello Ahsoka. How are you? I heard what happened, I'm sorry the Council reassigned you. You were becoming a fine Jedi under Master Skywalker."
"Thank you master Luminara, but if you'll will excuse me, I must be going. Master will not me happy if I'm late." I start to head off, when Luminara grabs my wrist.
"Ahsoka, whats wring with you? Tour not acting like yourself." She pulls down my hood, to reveal my new outfit and demeanor.
"Oh my Force. Ahsoka!"
"What? This is my new outfit. This is who I am now. Have a good day master." I pull my wrist free and pull my hood up and bolt. I run away from Luminara. I know that it's a change from what I used to wear, but the long sleeves of this make my like easier. No one will see my scars. That's the only difference aside from the color, same open back same open on the front, same leggings and boot designs. The only difference is that I have long sleeves and a hood. So I don't have t wear this cloak all the time. I reach the hangar and board Krell's ship. I take off my cloak and pull up my hood, it fits perfectly, and it feels like the cloak hood, but I have to admit, I've changed. I'm loosing my mind slowly, but I can tell. I've been having mental wars since this morning. Definitely not a good sign.
"Master, I'm ready to depart."
"Good, now take us back to my ship."
"Yes master."
"Nice hood and sleeves, they really hide those awful scars."
"That was the point master, hide them so I don't have to wear the cloak constantly. Better to hide them this way."
"Good, your thinking has improved."
I land the shuttle and head directly to my room.
"Come me when we get there." I tell master Krell. He just nods.
But when I get to my room, Crush is there.
"Ahsoka, whats going on?"
"Nothing CT-8497. Just go do your job. I've got to meditate on what the next mission has to hold."
"I thought you were different then him you know. You actually led me to believe Jedi could be trusted. I guess that I was wrong." He is at the door when I reply,
"I thought so to Crush. But I guess we were all fooled. I've been fooled these past two years, led to believe that I was special, but no. I'm just as hurt as you. More so in fact. But we must keep going. Now, I'm sorry but CT-8497, I can't talk to you or any clone anymore. But seriously, I have to meditate." I gently push I'm forward and then use the five to close my door. I start to cry again , but then I stop and start to meditate. I'm trying to center myself, but I'm failing miserably.

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