Chapter 6: Empty

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Ahsoka Tano trapped, separated from her body, Ahsoka is stuck in the force. Anakin searches relentlessly for his pupil in the force. When a mysterious figure shows up in the cell, Krell's body disappears, and the stranger steals something belonging to Ahsoka. What will happen when the identity of the figure is revealed???

Strangers' point of view

I'm sneaking around the complex on Umbara, these fools. I was able to slip away undetected, but I must avoid the Jedi. He will be able to sense me, and I cannot risk being discovered just yet.
I get to the room that belongs to that foolish child, the puppet in recent events. I enter it, it's not been entered recently, all of her belongings are still in the state she left them. I found what I was looking for, her beloved headdress. I pick that up, then I notice the holo canister on her desk. I grab that as well, now I make a b-line to the cell she was in.
I get there, but an alarm sounds as I open her cell door, Kirff, I have to work fast so I can retrieve my prize. I open the rift I sent her stupid conscious to. I see it, then I hold her headdress up to the rift, her conscious is sucked right into it. Perfect, I've got my prize, sure I had to forcefully rip it from her body, but I have trapped it in this measly anchor from her physical body. As I make my leave, I'm stopped by the one I wanted to avoid, a very angry Anakin Skywalker.

Anakin's point of view

Ever since the medics rushed Ahsoka's empty body to some medical facility, I've been searching the Force relentlessly, trying to find her soul. But an alarm sounds, someone is breaking out of there cell. I get out of the force, and rush to the hold, I'm pissed, someone has distanced me from my searching for Ahsoka. I find the culprit exiting a cell, the cell Ahsoka was in in-fact. I notice that he is holding something familiar to me, it looks like a headdress, but I couldn't get a good look at it, the person quickly hides it. I sense this person is strong with the force, and I feel like I've met them before.
"Who are you?!?!?" The person lowers there hood.
"I'm only collecting something of mine."
"Ahh, so you remember me."
"You will PAY for what you did to Ahsoka!"
"Ah yes, the child. Funny, she lost hope in you after I messed with her mind a bit. Who knew all it would take for her to start bending to my will, was putting some doubt in her trust in you. All I had to do was tell her that she was my padawan permanently and then beat her up and give her a very hard lesson of Force insanity." He has a twisted grin on hit face, I loath him.
"What are you talking about?!?!"
"The child took forever to fully control, I'll give her this, she's stubborn as hell. It took a lot to get her to the state I needed. She almost resisted my control when you spoke with her, but I managed to win that battle. But it took convincing fromCC-7567 to truly break her. Her faith in you and those clones was strong to say the least, she never truly lost faith, but by then her true voice had been taken from her already. Luckily for me, I was able to get something that she once held dear, I was able to transfer her conscious into a new prison, a prison in a object she once valued very much, an object that now is her worst nightmare, it knows her so it will hold her in a prison of her own fears." I'm thinking, the only things she loved that much were her padawan chain and possibly her Akul headdress, since she never got rid of that thing, and she took such pride from them both, especially the chain.
"You stole from my padawan!?!?"
"Well, from a point of view, yes." He holds up her Akul tooth headdress.
"She won't be needing this now will she. In fact I know that she was so broken I was able to make her hate this for a time. Short period time, as it symbolized something I made her hurt when thinking about. A time with YOU, I made her think things that made her depressed and sad, this," He holds up her headress.
"Was the last reminder she had of how happy she once was, the last thing she had of course was that stupid chain she kept on her wrist, but that has disappeared since she realized what I did to her and she attacked me. I think AT-5555 has it, but I could care less, this headdress also has seen her pain, if you'd like, you can hear her suffering." The headdress starts to glow, and a rift is being formed in front of it, and I hear something from in it.
"Now, we wouldn't want me to break this now would we. If I break it, her soul is lost forever, and all you'll be left with is her worthless body." He laughs.
"By the way, how are you alive? According to Rex, you died."
"Ah, it's easy to fool clones, the one called Dogmer missed my heart, barley, I felt the heat of the blaster on my precious organs. However I did go unconscious, I fooled them and gave a clone the slip so now here I am. But I'll tell you this, if you can find her in time, you can get your worthless excuse of an apprentices' soul back." With that he force jumps away and then disappears into the darkness of Umbara. I run after him furious,
"KKKKRRRREEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!" Rex and Fives come running after me,
"General are you alright?"
"No, Krell is alive and moved Ahsoka's soul from somewhere in the force into her Akul tooth headdress. And if I don't find it soon, we won't be able to save her at all." The clones grow angrier by the second.
"Why That little, when I get my hands on him, he will with, 🤬." I look at Rex with shock on my face. Rex is a clone that rarely ever uses foul language, I've never personally say any, until now.
"Rex, you good?" Fives sure loves to ask his brothers stuff that angers them more.
"No, he picked on the wrong Legion. Nobody messes with our Commander with ought her brothers in arms coming after them." I admire Rex'a words.
"I agree with you there Rex, just one thing. Ahsoka sees you and the clones as her big brothers, she may not admit it, but she dose care about you all. That and the fact that she's the only female in the 501st, not to mention a 15 year old Togruta Jedi, she tries her best to act like you all, she wants to be there for you, she-she wants you fellows to see her as a capable fighter and not a weak soldier."
"General, we have never seen her like that, and how do you know all this about her, apparently you don't know her as well as you think you do, because I've seen her train and practice when she wasn't supposed to so she could impress you."
"She dose what now?" I'm now confused.
"General, sure the Commander tries to be there for us, but she tries to live up to you."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, while she was having a moment away from Krell's influence, and clearly going insane, she confessed something to us. She said that no matter how hard she tried to practice or train, she just felt unworthy of being you padawan. She said that others at the Jedi temple feel she is unworthy to be your apprentice due to your legacy. She feels that she didn't deserve to learn from the Chosen One, but once she got to know you, she trusted you, but her trust and happiness where ripped away when you let Krell take her. She said that she is an even bigger disgrace in the Jedi Temple now that she was given a new master, since nobody has ever had to do that before. She said that now, instead of rude remarks and such that she is the disgrace in the temple that people glared at her, that other Jedi smirked at the idea of them being right. She was unworthy of you legacy. She feels like her time with you and the 501st was just a dream in her hell of a life, she believed that she's not meant to be happy. She said that whenever she's happy, it gets ripped away. General, she was in so much pain, but I know that she was speaking the truth. When I go to the temple, I do hear Jedi younglings and padawans talk about her without her knowing, but I never really knew what it was about because whenever they see me or any clone from our unit, that change subject or run off. I think they know how close she was to us, but I had word from a friend of mine who's at the temple now saying that when they loaded her body off the ship and raced her to the Halls of Healing, they swore that they saw some Jedi people sniggering and others smiled in joy, knowin they now can be your pupil." Rex says this fast then shrinks into his helmet. Im just shocked. Is this true, I'm searching the force, and it's telling me yes.
I never realized what Ahsoka had to go through at the temple, I never even thought that she wanted to impress me, or that she had to withstand scrutiny. How hard has her life be?
"What other events did she mean by happiness leads to hurt?"
"I'm well, I saw a holo recording of her second or third life day, her village was attacked by pirates, and her and her parents were separated from the others, an Akul came out of nowhere and lunged at her parents, Ahsoka then force pushed it way, accidentally killing it in the process. But when she looked back at her parents, they where instantly gunned down by pirates. Ahsoka fled and hid behind the beast she just killed, and was later found by her tribe."
"Will she ever get a break?" Rex is shocked.
"I need to go to the temple to inform the council of the information."
"That May be best." We head off, hopefully we can save her in time.

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