Chapter 10: Free

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Ahsoka Tano, broken within. Now on Chriphstophis, will she be able to fix the damage Krell made, or will she die at the place where her journey started?

Ahsoka point of view

We landed on Chriphstophis about an hour ago, and I was given permission to walk around. So I went to the site of my first battle with Anakin, the wall was still on the ground and droid parts still where scattered about.

She gained a smile, this is were her master accepted her as his padawan. She can still see them sittin on that slab of debris, and Anakin's words.

"You never would have made it as ObiWan's padawan, but you might make it as mine."

She smiled, she felt some of Krells presence leave her. Gasping, she got an idea. She approached the same slab she sat on when Anakin accepted her as his padawan, and she got in a meditation position.

Entering the force, she found the remanent of Krell. He faced her, and Ahsoka went to the light her master told her to use.

All of my memories, the actual pea, they filled my mind. The collective emotion I felt from them, made me feel stronger. I opened my eyes, and saw I was glowing. So I approached Krell, and darkness surrounded him.

"You weak child, not even able to stop me. How can you be called a Jedi, if you let darkness control you so easily?" He sneered, and I just focused on the light.

"I may not have been able to stop you, but I am a Jedi. Darkness, it's easy to let in. However, a Jedi has to be strong enough to get it out. I'm a Jedi, and I won't let your darkness effect me anymore!" That's when I sent a force blast to him, the light, it caused him pain.

"You think that this is it? Hah, you will always be mine. Now, and forever!" He sent a blast to me, and I was sent backwards. My light started to flicker, and I panicked.

"No, no!" I Said, as it dimmed and eventually went out.

"You see, you cant even keep your light going." He jeered back, and he sent a blast of darkness at me, it hit, and I only felt pain and suffering.

'Ahsoka! Don't let him win, please. Fight it Snips, we believe in you!' Came Anakin's voice.

'Yeah, don't let him win Kid.' Rex, that was Rex. They, they believe in me. I can, no I will do this. I stood up, and faced Krell.

"What? What's this?" He Cried out, and I felty light return.

"Your hold on me is no more, I am my own person. I am a Jedi, I serve the light. Your darkness, it won't affect me anymore!" Then I thrust both hands out, and a blast of pure light eradicated the remnant of Krell.

I exited the meditation, and found Rex and Anakin looking at me with concern. However, all I felt, was happiness. I felt free!


Me and Rex found Ahsoka meditating where we had our first battle, she was glowing slightly. I smiled, she was doing it. Then, she turned dark, and I knew she needed help.

"Ahsoka, don't let him win, please. Fight it, Snips, we believe in you." I looked at Rex, and he then spoke.

"Yeah, don't let him win Kid." Then Ahsoka glowed super bright, she gasped, and her eyes opened. Me and Rex had huge smiles on our faces, cuz her eyes. They were back to bright crystal blue, she's free of Krell.

"Skyguy, I'm free. Krell, he's gone!" Then she jumped up and gave me a hug.

"Thank you master, for believing in me." I chuckled as I hugged her back.

"Anytime Snips, now are you ready to take out some Clankers?" Ahsoka's eyes lit up, and she smiled.

"You bet I am Skyguy, but first, I need to get out of this." She said, gesturing to her outfit, and I smiled, and held up my hand. It had her padawan chain.

"Then, let's go. Don't want to keep ObiWan waiting." She puts on the chain, and then all three of us board the speeder. We went back to the cruiser, where Ahsoka changed.

Once she was out of the Grey Jedi robes, she put on her old one. It was like a huge difference, she then started to talk with the clones again. Laughing and joking around like before, and that made me smile.

"General, it's good to see her like that." Said Rex, as he joined me, and I smiled.

"It sure is Rex, now we can only hope Ahsoka stays like this."

"Like what?" Rex asks me, and I chuckled.

"Stays happy." Rex nodded, then we both looked back at Ahsoka.

"Yeah, we can only hope." As the ship lurched into hyperspace, we watched Ahsoka readjust back into her routine. Her routine of joking with the clones, helping the clones, bugging me, then back to talking with the clones.

"Ahsoka, I hope that you can stay this cheerful as the war goes on, cuz that's all we have it seems. Hope."

I hope you all enjoyed this, and I'm happy that I was able to finish it. Thanks for all the support y'all have given me throughout this story, for without you, there would be no ending. Anyway, that's Ahsoka's adventure, peace out.✌🏼

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