Chapter 18!

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Andrea's POV

I quickly got out the car and strutted up to the house door but quickly regretted walking so fast when I felt my body start to ache

"woah Drea take it easy sweetie" Dad said I scoffed

"Don't tell me what to do" I snapped, and motioned him to unlock the door...

"Young lady I know your not in the mood but you will not talk to us that way" mom walked up behind him.. I snapped my head towards her

"No I can talk to you guys this way because both of you lied and kept this bull shit from me" I said and ran in the house up to my room

I threw my bag from the hostpital on the bed...I took off my sweater and looked at my arm..the car didn't hit me to bad...just a few marks

"I hate my life" I sniffled as the tears ran down my face..

I sat at my desk and logged on to twitter

I looked at my mentions and saw so many get well soon tweets from Caden's " fans "

I smiled and wiped my face...something caught my eye

A fanpage


"@AndreaBieber Pleaseeeee Follow Me, i love you so damn much"

I gasped and followed them, I decided to tweet them back

"@DreaTheBiebs i love you to"

I noticed a couple more fans and then logged off a hour later

I put back on a sweater

I walked down the staircase, and saw Caden and Jordan in the living room

I swollowed and wrapped the sweater around me tightly and was about to walk out the front door..

But before I could he stopped me...

"Drea where are you going?" He said standing up and taking a few steps toward me..

I put my hand up to tell him to stop walking...

I cleared my throat to speak but Jordan cut me off

"Oh don't worry about her, I think she needs to be alone" she spoke, grabbing Caden's shirt...

I slowly walked out the door and looked around...

I started walking down the sidewalk

Until I spotted someone I knew...and he was...


"AUSTIN?!" I yelled as I ran over to him..

I snatched the cigarette away from his hand

"What the hell do you think your doing" I said holding the cigarette in my hand

He chuckled

"Releasing the pain" he said taking it back

I raised my eyebrow, and sat on the edge of the sidewalk with him..

"Tell mama what happened" I patted his back

I watched as he sucked in the air from the cigarette he chuckled as he blew it out

"Well "Mama" Jordan...she uh she changed...a..lot...and she uh broke up with me" he sighed as he took another puff of the cig..

I stiffled a laugh

"Sucks...because she's dating Caden now..." My voice cracked as I tried not to cry

He pulled me into a side hug and I layed my head on his shoulder...

"Ahhhh, no wonder you were walking these streets alone.."

I lifted my head up...and glanced at the cigarette

"Hey austy" I mumbled

He looked at me "Yeah??"

"Can I uh try that pain release thingy?" I said pointing at the cig

His eyes went wide...he shook his head ..

"No Dre" he said..I pouted..

"Pleaseeeeee" I begged

He sighed...and handed it to me...

I took the cigarette in my mouth and did what Austin did...

I blew the smoke out...

As soon as i handed it back to Austin I heard a clicking sound

"Oh shit" I said...

"What's wrong" Austin said worry in his voice

"Paparazzi, put that thing out and come with me" I said and stood up

He tossed the cig and we started running back towards my house..

We ran around the corner and I saw a ice cream truck coming

I stopped running

"Andrea why did you stop?" Austin asked out of breath

"ICE CREAMMM!" I yelled he chuckled and shook his head

The ice cream truck stopped in front of us...

Austin's POV

God she's so beautiful ...

The way her hair is in her messy bun with a few strands hanging down her face..

The way her body has nice curves...the way she smiles...

She's just so beautiful

"Austin?" Drea said waving my ice cream in my face

"Here I got your fave" she said smiling handing it to me

I took the ice cream cone in my hand...and smiled

"Thankyou Baby.........Girl" I said slowly

I almost called her baby oh my god...

She looked at me Wierd but shook it off..

"Uhh how bout we go back to your house?" I asked she nodded

Andrea's POV

We walked up to my front door, laughing our asses off at something that happened in third grade

"But remember whe-" we walked through the door laughing as everyone stared at us...

"Ohhhh" I said...I looked back at Austin and smiled...

I gave him this looked that said "play along"

He smiled, and gave me a "okay" look

"Oh I was just hanging out with Austy" I said smiling at my mom

"Austy?" Caden asked looking hurt..

"Did I hear someone say Austy?" Jordan said walking out the kitchen she dropped her glass of water when she saw me and Austin

"No...." She said.... "Are you guys dating?" She asked looking hurt

I looked back at Austin

"N-not yet" he said smirking, while rubbing the back of his neck

"YET?" Caden said jumping up from the couch

"Well!" Mom said butting in.. "It's nice to have you Austin, long time no see" she said

"Ummm me and Austin are gonna go up to my room" I said hurrying pulling him up the stairs"



Anyways...lots of drama is gonna come up in the next few chapters...

Tell me if you want more Caden POVs

Vote .. Comment .. Follow? Yeah maybe?

-Nya 💋

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