chapter 2

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The house looked different than I expected. Good different. A row of vintage white houses with black doors and a front porch staircase with 3 steps. All the houses looked exactly the same but I liked them. It reminded me of Amsterdam. I've never been in Amsterdam before, but I've seen pictures and it seems like one of the most beautiful places in the world. Number 28 was our house. I entered the house right after my dad and i was speechless. The interior was a mixture between vintage and modern, the walls were plain white and there was wooden floor and wooden furniture and a fireplace. My dad put his arm around my mom's shoulder and I've never seen them smiling that big. "Our new happy place", he looked over at me and I smiled back. What a great start, I thought.

My bedroom was the best room in the house. It had the white walls, a matress on the floor, a simple wooden dresser, my guitar in the corner and on the wall I put pictures of places I've visited or wanted to visit and my favourite bands. But the best thing about the room was this rooftop hanging on the same height as my window. It was kind of like a balcony, but it was a rooftop. From the moment that I saw it, I knew it was gonna be my new favourite place.

I just turned on some music when I heard a knock on my door. My mom entered and the big smile on her face was still there. It made me so happy to see my parents like this. "Do you like the house?", she asked while she looked at pictures on the wall.

"I love it so so much, it's beautiful." "Are you excited to go to your new school tomorrow?"

I had thought alot about my new school during the long carride. I wouldn't describe my feeling about it as excited, more like scared, but mom didn't need to know that I felt that way. I didn't want to ruin her happy mood.

"Yeah, I'm quite excited."

"It will be good for you, a new fresh start." She kissed my forehead and told me we were having Nando's for dinner. I loved Nando's, but I just couldn't find the effort to be happy about it.

After dinner I sat on the rooftop next to my window with my earphones in my ears. I put on some relaxing music and thought about school. While Kodaline sang in my ears I watched the sunset through the city buildings. A nervous feeling crossed my mind as I thought about tomorrow. I just didn't have a good feeling about the new school thing. What if it's just the same as in Brighton? What if I don't make friends at all? What if the people don't like me? What if teachers make fun of me? What if I hate it there? Millions of questions and my anxious mind were my company for that night and fought me as I tried to fall asleep.

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