: Winter Reunion

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Writer: This work started out from a simple RP session with Destiny, a talented RP-er and a die-hard KnB fan (I think, I guess, ugh, DON'T GET MAD!)

So the story is abou-


Aomine: I knew she's unable to have some fun.

Kuroko: Anyway, minna-san, please forget about the distraction above me, and enjoy the story *bows*

Writer: *cries* Hidoi...


It was a month after Seirin High won their first championship game. They beat the odds of reigning over, the oldest and strongest king, the emperor of creation, Rakuzan High. Seirin High school life couldn't be more satisfying. New members starting to take note of the next recruitment, the team members getting along better, and then,

"Alright, guys, it's time for our annual Winter Training Camp!"

The whole team was shocked by the sudden announcement by Aida Riko, the coach of their basketball team, "HUH?! There weren't any Winter Training Cam- hmpf!"

"Izuki, shut up. We're going to hold it as an annual event from now on." Hyuuga Junpei said.

"We're going to the mountains! Let's go!"


"Ah man isn't this the same place we went last year? And didn't bakagami and his team show up too?" Aomine groaned while looking at the team manager.

"Dai-chan, don't be so rude! And if they so show up again it just means we can train with them and have practices matches! So, behave!" The pink head finished while sticking her tongue out at him, her cheeks puffed out. She takes the 'book' Aomine has been reading and ran away.

"Satsuki, you're annoying me, go away. And don't take my Horikita Mai-chan's photo book away!"

Momoi ran off with the photo book, bumping into someone on the way. She was about to fall down when a hand caught her, "I'm sorry! I wasn't looking!"

"Are~? Momo-cchi?"

She looked up to the source of the voice, the owner of the hand that saved her from a butt-pain. "Ki-chan?"

"Ah so it is you-ssu!"

He grins before putting down safely, "And Aomine-cchi too!" He waves over at him excitedly, "I wonder if Kuroko-cchi is here too then!"

"I'm right here." Kuroko spoke up standing right beside the two.

"Wahhhhh! Don't scare me like that-ssu!"

He blinks, "I've been here the whole time."

"Tetsu-kun!" Momoi leaps on to Kuroko, leaving him gasping for air while saying, "Momoi-san, it's too tight, I ca-can't breath..."

"Ah, gomen ne Tetsu-kun, I'm just so happy to see you here!"

"Long time no see, Aomine-kun, Momoi-san..."

"Kuroko-cchi! Why are you leaving me out-ssu? Hidoi-ssu!"

"Ah, Kise-kun too." Kuroko politely bows his head to his former teammates.

"Tetsu, if you're here, then-"

"If you're looking for me, I'm right here, Aho-mine." Kagami appears from behind Aomine, casually wraps himself to the tanned guy.

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