The things i'd do

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I pushed him out of the way, and ran right through the front door. I heard shouting behind me,  but it didn't matter I needed something. I ran into my mothers room and grabbed a necklace. My necklace. It had my name on it and it was all black. I grabbed my fathers ring and keys. I felt dread only pushing me back to the yard. I thought, I will not leave without something to remember them with. As he ran out, police men grabbed him and pulled him to safety.

"What were you thinking kid?!" Shouted an officer, "you could have been killed!"

I was too deep in thoughts to notice anything around me, which is why I jumped when I felt arms around my waist. I looked down to see Calisto hanging onto me.

She whispered to me, "Shhh, everything is okay,"

"Its really not Calisto..." I said while wrapping my arms around her.

"I know. But what am I supposed to say? That your parents just burned to a crisp?!" She yelled frustrated.

When I winced and said nothing but pulled away from her, she realized what she had said.

Wrapping her arms around my waist, yet again, she muttered, "I'm sorry Klus its just..." she paused, "everything happened at once,"

At that I looked at her and questioned, "What happened?"

She pulled away. I stepped forward and wrapped my arms around her.

"You know you can tell me anything, Calisto" I whispered

She nodded and murmered, "My step father hit me..."

I practically growled. "Where is he now?" I asked with a hard voice.

She shook her head, "The police said there was a bigger situation and that they'd be here when they could, but he's at my house,"

I jumped in my fathers Shelby Cobra, flipped the ignition and told her, "Get in,"

She jumped in and asked, "What are you going to do?"

All I replyed was, "A man is never to hit a girl, especialy when that girl is my best friend."

When we got to Calisto's house she walked in the door and I heard a drunk man yell, "Hey, the bitch is home!"

I growled and walked up to her step father.

He screamed, "Why look another one of her boy toys!"

I punched him in the mouth. He swung but he was drunk so I easily sidestepped. I tackled him against the wall and started punching him. I knew I wouldn't stop, and I didn't, at least until he had a bloody nose, a busted lip, a black eye and Calisto pulled me off of him.

"Stop! He's had enough!" Calisto yelled at me.

I felt guilty, so I backed away and walked out to my car, waiting for her. When she came outside she looked cold, I took off my jacket and handed it to her saying, "Here,".

She wrapped it around herself, "Thanks," She smiled at me and I smiled back.

Calisto wrapped her arms around my waist and said, "I'm so sorry," she paused "for everything that's happened to you today."

I looked down at her and said, "I'm fine," I paused "you know I will always be there for you, right?"

She looked up at me with those beautiful green eyes and said, "Of course,"

I smiled at her, "Good because I'm not letting go," I said as I squeezed her tighter against me. Her eyes widened and she blushed, was I really that hot?

She looked at me and smiled, "Neither am I," she hugged me back.

I looked to the door as someone walked out yelling, "You think I'll let that mother fucker hit me, without me fighting back?!"

I looked up and saw Calisto's mother holding back an angry stepfather. He hit her. I blacked out.


The next thing I knew I was standing over a beat up, drunk, stepfather. I don't know what happened. I checked his pulse, he was breathing just fine.


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