Chapter Ten

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The raging, destructive thunderstorm is long gone by morning, replaced by a colorful sunrise that parts the remains of the billowy clouds.

My eyes feast on the man sprawled out along the mattress, unclothed and peaceful in sleep. Somehow I'm awake before him, despite my restless night. And despite the unease I knew I'd wake up with, I'm relieved I slept the rest of the night dream-free. Dressed and showered, I shut the door to the apartment, wanting to witness the sunrise on my last day in Italy.

I seclude myself in the corner of Maria's terrace and sit at one of her swinging benches. The sun burns my eyes as it ascends from the farthest end of the healthy hills. The sky is a mixture of various pinks and oranges, with a hint of baby blue.

I let myself take in the moment, closing my eyes, wanting to soak up and remember this week. Every detail, even last night. I won't let it cloud what was otherwise a life-changing week of my life, one I'll remember with fondness.

I'm lucky to have met these people. To have escaped reality for just a little while. To have found a way to trust Giovanni again. I never thought I would let him back in this soon, and yet, just as easy as before, he's secured himself once again as the most important part of my life.

I won't even bring myself to think he'd leave again. I can't.

I hear a door open and turn to the sound. Maria exits, her hands full of plates and silver wear. My serene moment gone, I jump out of my seat to help her before they come crashing down.

"I saw you out here and got inspired. Let's have breakfast on the terrace. What do you think?"

"That sounds good. Can I help you with anything?"

She nods, roping her arm around my waist. Together, we gather all the trays of food and drinks, transporting them from the dining table to the terrace. By the time we're done arranging, Luca and Marco have entered the porch, following the smell of the food. I arrange the vase of sunflowers, surprised when two little girls run out of the doors, squealing. When Luca berates them quietly, I realize they are his daughters.

Maria takes the time to serve everyone, despite our reluctance. She scoops the freshly cut fruit salad into a wooden spoon and deposits them onto my plate.

"How are you this morning, sweet one?" she asks me, quiet enough for the chatty other side of the table to not hear. "You look brighter."

"I'm sad to be leaving," I press my hands to my warm cheeks," I love it here."

"Well, you're always welcome."

I smile warmly and look down at my hands, which toy with the floral print on the skirt of my dress.

"Giovanni is a late sleeper, huh?"

I shake my head. "Not usually. He had a late night, though, so I figured the sleep would be good."

Marco smirks long enough for Maria to notice and slap the back of his head. I giggle with the girls.

"You should hide your jealousy a little better, brother. It's embarrassing."

"Oh, shut up."

"Shut up!" one of the girls screeches with laughter.

"Look what you did," Luca grumbles to his brother, leaning down to whisper sternly to her. The other one wiggles out of her seat excitedly.

"Where are you going?" Maria says, watching her run down the steps towards the grass. That's when I notice Giovanni, dressed in denim jeans and a white button-up, crossing the pathway to the villa.

"Gio!" The little girl is clearly overjoyed at the sight of him. He's too far to hear what he says to her, but he gasps with a grin as she jumps ungracefully into his grasp. She settles on his arm, talking closely with him as he continues to walk toward us.

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