Chapter Seventeen

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"Thank you. Yes, I'm happy to be back." My mouth twists as I listen to Lonnie Harkner continue on, anxious to get the details of my life and the reasons for my recent hiatus from my desk job. On my first day, settled into an office I had thought I was done with, I've spent the entire day dialing our biggest clients, informing them of my continued service to Norman White Public Relations. Quite a few had some questions about my short-lived police assault, but surprisingly, not much of it mattered to them. They seem glad to have me back, glad that this position isn't still hanging in the air.

There's a dark cloud hanging directly above my head, lurking as a reminder that I have not seen Giovanni in nearly three days. That I've packed a bag and moved covertly into Norman's fancy apartment. Also, that I am back in a job I thought was in my past, even though my mind is still firmly latched onto the notion of California and my own firm. Connor was definitely surprised to hear of the postponement of my plans and, moreover, my reinstatement as Norman's VP, but didn't ask too much over the phone. I'm sure he will have questions when I see him next.

When that will be, I am completely unsure.

"Yes, sir. I am as dedicated to this company as ever. I will keep you posted on what we decide for the website."

My eyes dart to Rebecca, who enters the room on a mission. After placing a large assortment of fresh flowers on the meeting table near the window, and a decanter now filled with expensive scotch sent by Norman, she begins to sift through my box in the corner of the room. It's the box I packed when I was leaving and the sight of her unloading it has me ending my phone call quick to tell her to leave it.

She stares at me curiously. "You want to keep it boxed?"

At my nod, she frowns. "I wish you'd tell me how he changed your mind. You were so sure of California."

I gather my things, placing them in a drawer. "It's better if you remain in the dark on it, really. This won't be forever."

"And Giovanni? Where is he? Are you living together? I mean, is he staying in New York?"

I've been lying to people all day, but this one is really hard to say. "I think we jumped into things too fast. We're, um, taking a break for a while."


Keep talking, Scarlett. Keep talking. "Yeah, I mean, he's got his new line coming out next month, and I'm going to be busy here. We have so many events coming up. We both have a lot of dreams we want to accomplish--"

"Are you fucking crazy?"

I don't answer her. I'm a hair inch away from going off-the-wall mad.

She steps up to the desk, leaning close to me. "You were in Italy last week, madly in love."

"I know I was."

She checks out the doorway. "Is Norman blackmailing you again? If he is, you can tell me."

"Norman has nothing to do with this."

She blinks, shaking her head. "I know you're lying, Scarlett. For months, I watched you sit here heartbroken over that man. You told me then that you were willing to give up everything for him. I know that didn't just suddenly change."

"Believe what you want to believe, Bec. I just... I really can't talk about this right now."

She stares at me, mouth hanging agape, but eventually turns and leaves, muttering to herself. My eyes cast downward, my face flaming in anger, in embarrassment, in regret.

And this wasn't even hard. No, soon, the world will realize that he and I aren't together, and things will get so much worse. I thought we were done with the secrecy. From the start, we've hidden what we are to each other, had to deny ourselves the pleasure of living a semi-normal existence together.

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