Chapter Twenty

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Giovanni's expression is one of amusement as he regards me from across the desk, leaned back casually in the genuine leather loveseat. Having only now told him of my decision to exact revenge on Lola, I'm just glad he's not angry or reproachful. Still, I flounder beneath his gaze, nervous to hear what he's going to say.

"Do me a favor. Remind me never to get on your bad side."

"I absolutely will," I reply mischievously, dropping my hands onto either side rest.

"You know you're only fueling the fire in her."

"I know."

"And you know, she'll probably come to me to rant about it."

"And you'll tell her to fuck off, right?"

His beautiful mouth twists wryly. "You know I will."

Strangely enough, I do. And that feeling is fucking great.

I bring him up to date with my findings, Roberto and the dealers, the officer Norman has watching Dixon's moves. And as I tell him, I realize how little we truly have. And how trivial this all actually seems.

It's not. It's really not. With just a few moves, Dixon could bankrupt and defame Giovanni's entire legacy, his family's legacy. But as we lay out what we have, structuring our game like chess pieces, I'm left wondering why in the hell this is all so hard, why we keep coming up short.

Dixon can't be that smart.

Then again, he is a cop. And cops are the best at covering their tracks.

I have no doubt Dixon's got dirt, I just don't know if we'll ever be able to uncover it.

And that thought is a frightening one. There is only so much hiding we can do before we start to feel the restlessness again. Sooner or later, we're going to want more. Dixon will too.

Giovanni has the same reaction as Norman to my activity as of late. He comes around the desk and perches himself on the edge. He's lost the tuxedo jacket and bow-tie, and released the first couple buttons, I believe, to simply unravel me. My eyes zone in on the naturally tan skin left bare between the fabric. I have the grace to look embarrassed when he presses a finger to my chin, urging me to his line of sight. He's smirking, widely, no doubt pleased by my distraction but unwilling to deter from whatever he's about to say to me.

"Don't be the hero."

My eyes roll to the ceiling. "I'm not. Donnie is on it."

"I mean, with everything. It's dangerous to be going out, asking questions like this to people."

"Who better to do it? This is my job. It's what I do. I uncover and hide things from the public."

"And you're very good at it, when it is someone else's life is at stake. You're not thinking clearly. Dixon is a son of a bitch who wants nothing more than for you and me to fuck up. Even you leaving the house is dangerous."

I shake my head, sizzling in my frustration. He attempts to settle me, caressing my skin gently but it doesn't work.

"I wish there was more I could do from my end."

"No, the most important thing is that you keep the secret hidden. I refuse to be reason you lose everything."

"At this point, I'm not thinking it would be so bad."

I stare at him, bewildered. "Giovanni, your business, your reputation, your family's reputation, your mom and sister, Maria's home... you support them."

He nods, repeatedly, straightening. "I know. I know."

"No matter how much we want this, we have to be smart. They are the most important thing right now."

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