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My knuckles scraped against the soft kitchen towel as I dried the dishes that were dripping on the counter. Humming a small tune I counted the minutes until Ashton would be home. He’d been on non-stopping tour for the last 7 months, and his break was going to be spent with me in London for two whole weeks. I was buzzing. It’d be nice to see his giggly little face when it’s not behind a computer screen, something we’d gotten used to for the last few months. I just can’t wait to snuggle into his arms at night instead of spooning a pillow and rocking myself to sleep.

He’d been a bit of a tease for the last couple of days; texting me half naked photos of him and mentioning what he wanted from me when he got home. Cheeky bastard, he’d been building up my impatience for the last two weeks, making me wait for this moment and I wasn’t going to miss it. I glanced at the clock, 12:57am. Fuck.

My eye lids drooped slightly, tiredness taking over my state but I refused to give in. It may be 1am, but I was determined to be awake for Ashton’s return. I settled on the sofa, sticking on reruns of Orange Is the New Black – which is my favourite at the moment – and wrapped myself in a fluffy blanket. Time ticked by quite slowly but in no time I had fallen asleep, giving up on the all-nighter I desperately wanted to form. The only thing I remember after that was being gently shaken awake by a smiling boy; curly hair and green eyes. Ashton. His ripped band shirt and pastel bandana caught my attention straight away; his classic style. His lips curved into a smirk, as I looked at him half sleepy, half surprised.

“I missed you, baby.” He cooed, stroking my hair as I jumped at his chest, holding on for dear life. He pressed a light kiss to the skin underneath my ear, making me shiver slightly. His fingers grazed my thighs making me moan slightly in anticipation.  I noticed a small bulge growing in his jeans; he was just as turned on as I was.

“Don’t hold back.” I pecked at his neck, my hands roaming his chest.

“This is the first physical contact I’ve had from you in 7 months; I’m not fuckin’ holdin’ back, baby.” He growled, pulling his shirt from his body and tossing it on the floor. “Let’s move this upstairs, yeah?” Before I could answer, he hoisted me up and trudged up the stairs.  Kicking the door shut behind him, he practically chucked me onto the bed.  I placed myself on my knees and gripped his face in my palms, smothering his face and neck with soft kisses.

“How much did you miss me…?” I moaned. “…daddy?” His actions stopped, his eyes growing a darker shade of green.

“Say it again.” Ashton groaned through gritted teeth.

“I said, ‘how much did  you miss me, daddy?” I bit down teasingly on his earlobe once his head fell back towards the headboard.

“I don’t want any trouble from you missy, we’re doing this my way.” His hands clawed at my skin, turning me around and pushing my head into the covers of the bed. Seizing my pyjama bottoms, he pulled them down my legs quickly and chucked them somewhere in the room. With his bandana, his fingers clasped my wrists together and tied them tightly behind my back. I heard the faint sound of his zipper being undone and watched him pull his skin tight jeans and underwear off in one swift motion. I wiggled my bum slightly, waiting for Ashton’s cue.  

“Are you ready for me, baby?”

“Yes, daddy.” He whined at my words and pushed himself into me, holding onto my hips for support. His nails dug into my skin as he moved quicker and quicker with each thrust. I bit the duvet cover to muffle my moans, hoping he’d go slightly faster – to which he did.  “Oh my god.” I choked out, linking my fingers together. Ashton’s body moved forward, his hands resting on the headboard as his lips wandered over my back leaving rough, sloppy kisses with every push.  He pulled the hair out of my face, crafting it into a makeshift ponytail and tugging on it. “I’m close.”

“Me t-too.” He stuttered, grinding his hips against mine. “Cum with me on three?” I nodded, not being able to form words.  “One…” He started.

“…Two…” I continued.

“Three!” We said in unison, mixing our juiced together. A warm feeling tingled over my whole body, causing small goosebumps to form along my arms and down my spine.  Shakily, his fingers untied the bandana, giving me full control over my hands once again. I, dizzily, collapsed on my side of the bed waiting for Ashton to get the hint. His body knocked against mine, cuddling into my side. His fingers locked with mine as he brought them to his lips giving them soft pecks.

“How did you know I liked to be called Daddy?” He questioned, tracing shapes on my hip bones.

“It was easy to realise after the whole ‘princess’ phase, only a daddy calls his girl a princess.” I giggled, moving underneath the duvet.

“You are my princess, I love you. I really do.” He blinked lazily, pulling my body into his.

“I love you too. Now let’s sleep, we have a whole day for a round two tomorrow.” I winked, curling into a foetal position against his chest.

“Can’t wait.”

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