Max X Werewolf! Reader

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for the other ones...i'm gonna get to them but i was in the shower and got an idea for this one so (':

pls enjoy child


"....And they come out every full moon !" 

"Werewolve's don't really exist, Nikki. They're just another bullshit myth." 

"Whatever, you Debbie Downer," Nikki complained, pouting at Max as they wandered through the forest, because Nikki wanted to look for a werewolf. Neither Neil or Max believed in the fairy tale, but Neil went ahead for his precious little Nikki, what ? it's fanfiction, there's gotta be a bit of shipping. and if you get that quote praise you.  and Max was straight up bored and wanted an excuse to get off the camp grounds. 

After what seemed like hours of exploring, Nikki and Neil became slow on their feet. "I'm getting tired...I'm gonna go back to camp," Neil said, picking up Nikki who has just collapsed asleep. "You coming, Max ?"

"Nah, Imma hang out here," Max replied. "Alright..."Neil said, running back to the site before David finds him. 

Max continued walking around until he heard some rustling in the bushes. He stopped for a moment, but immediately brushed it off and continued walking around.

Rustle rustle.

Max stopped again, and picked up a stick, looking around for the source of the noise. He noticed the moving bush, and raised his stick higher, ready for attack. He slowly crept behind the bush to be revealed to a human like figure, but with the ears, snout, and tail of a werewolf. You both jumped back, and stared at each other for about a minute. Max lowered his hand and dropped the stick. The moonlight then shined through the trees, giving you both a better view of each other. You both blushed a light pink at the sight of each other.

"U-Uh.." You stuttered in embarrassment. Max realized what he was doing and his face became redder, causing you to hide your face. God, you were so humiliated, to have been caught.

Then came the all too familiar voice.

"MAAX ! GET BACK HERE THIS INSTANT !!" You heard someone yell. Running through the trees was a quite tall figure, soon to be revealed as a cheery looking redhead, and boy did he look angry.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to sneak out of your tent so late at night ? You might get hurt !" He said, his voice getting softer and more concerned.

"Whatever, David." Max frowned, as this David picked him up and carried him away. To be honest, seeing David pick up Max by the hoodie like that was quite adorable. Once they were out of sight, you chuckled quietly to yourself. Hopefully one day you'd be able to see Max again.

~Timeskip to that one day, provided by David's knees~

It was the light of day, and you were wandering the forest, pretty much bored out of your mind. You were in your human form, no ears, tail, or snout. You sat up on a rock and kicked at the sand, and smashed a few ants with a stick. Falling deep into your thoughts, you heard footsteps. You looked around, only to be revealed to Max, the same boy who caught you the last full moon. You blushed softly, but hid your face and tried to act natural as if you've never seen him before.

Max noticed you, and got a confused look on his face. He walked up to you, and asked, "Do I know you from somewhere ?"

"N-NO ! definitely don't.." You replied, your face getting redder.

"No, I definitely do," He said, inspecting you. "'re that girl from before..the one I saw on the full moon." He said. Oh, god. He remembers me.

"Uh..yeah.." You softly said. You had no choice, so decided to introduce yourself. "I'm (Y/n)."

"I'm Max."

~Another timeskip because I'm uncreative.~

A lot of time has gone by, and you and Max have grown really close. Every night, Max would sneak out of the tent to come see you, David often catching him but never questioned why he was doing it in the first place. One night, it was yet another full moon, the sky was lightened by the brightness of the moon and, to put it into one word, it was beautiful.

You and Max sat by the lake, in a deep conversation consisting of personal problems and self consciousness. You both noticed the sun's horizon in the sky. "Shit.." Max softly whispered to himself. "Welp, I gotta go before David notices I'm gone..again. See ya, (Y/n.)"

As Max was getting up, and you turned back into your human form, you tugged on Max's arm, pulling him back down.

"C'mon, I gotta get back to camp !" Max said with a slight attempt of getting out of your grip. "Wait, one last thing," You said. Max looked a little confused, that was until you laid a kiss on his lips. He was surprised, and blushing madly, until you felt him softly kiss back, until he pulled away.

"Alright, I have to go now. you." He said, his voice a bit quieter at that 'Love you' part.

As soon as he was gone, you blushed and giggled. "Love you, too."



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