1- Last day....

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I walk through the halls being avoided by everyone. I am walking behind Greta, when she rams her shoulder into the Jew at our school. He turns, and then looks at me. Awkward. I have to follow Greta to make sure she isn't torturing Beverly Marsh again.

" I know you're in there, are you in there with half of the boys? " Greta asks.

" Greta would you stop making someone feel like crap for one day in your terrible no good life? " I ask.

" Oh shut it Y/N. " She mutters. I pull out my switchblade.

" You know for my birthday, Henry gave me his old one. His first one, which I have to say it's pretty good looking. It's super perfect when you can see the blood of someone on it. Do you want to see? " I ask, walking towards her.

" Uh no. I'm going to leave. I'll see you around loser. " Greta says.

" Hey Beverly you okay? " I ask. She opens the bathroom door.

" Thanks Y/N " she says.

The bell rings. " Well I have go to class, I'll see you later? " I ask her.

" Yeah see you later. " She says.

In my Social Studies class.....

" You will be put in groups . The last group is. Richard Tozier, Stanley Uris, Bill Denbrough, and Y/N " our teacher says. I groan, and all of the boys' look at me. I give them a wave, and I walk over to them.

" So we got the struggles of the depression. " Stanley says.

" Everyone was poor, no one had jobs, and all in all it was a terrible thing. " I comment.

" Wow hottie you okay? " Richard asks.

" You do understand Richard that people say I'm as cold as ice for a reason right? " I ask giving him my natural frown.

" W-w-well we think t-t-that there is m-m-more to a p-person than rumors. " Bill says.

" Really? What about the Beverly Marsh ones? " I ask.

" I hear the list is longer than my wang. " Richard comments.

" So there's nothing on the list? " I ask. All of the boys say ooooh.

" Why didn't the teacher say your last name? " Stanley asks.

" Cause I have a 'bad rep'. " I tell him.

" What kind of bad rep? " Edward asks.

" Nothing, just a few cuts here and there. " I comment.

" Cuts?! " Richard asks.

" Yeah everyone gets them. " I tell him.

" Miss Y/N your ride is here " my teacher says.

" Bye losers. " I comment, grabbing my backpack.

Richie's P.O.V.

The girl walks away, and Stan continues to stare at her. " Hey snap out of it! " I scream into Stan's ear.

" What? " Stan asks.

" You were staring at the girl. " I comment.

" Oh " he comments.

" Does someone have a little crush? " I ask.

" What no?! " He says.

" S-S-S-Sure you don't " Bill comments. Y/N comes back into the room, and walks over to the table.

Bowers' sister ( Stanley Uris x reader x Victor Criss )Where stories live. Discover now