2- The girl...

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All see a girl....

" Who are you? " I ask. ( Yes still in Eddie's P.O.V. )

" Um, no one important. I was just leaving. So I'm going to go. " She comments running towards her bike. She trips on her way towards the bike. " Freaking of course! " She mutters. " My dad is going to kill me. " She groans.  

" You okay? " Stan asks.

" Yeah I'm fine. " She comments.

Y/N's P.O.V.

I am riding home, when a car stops by me. " Hey guys " I comment.

" Do you want a ride? " Belch asks.

" Sure " I comment getting into the front seat.

" I'm going to run into this store be right back. " Belch says.

" Okay get me a candy bar! " I tell him. " So Vic how are- " he cuts me off by holding my face. " Vic what are you doing? " I ask.

" I-I just want to try something. " He comments.

( That's Vic by the way )

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( That's Vic by the way )

" Vic- " he cuts me off by kissing me. I don't at first, but I begin to kiss him back.

" NO! We can't do this. " I comment, facing forward.

" Why not? " He says holding onto my hair, he moves it and kisses my neck.

" Vic seriously we can't " I tell him.

" Why? " He asks starting to kiss my neck.

" Well you're apart of my brother's gang and one of my brother's best friends. " I tell him. He continues to kiss my neck.

" I don't care. " He says beginning to kiss my neck again. He moves my head to face him, and he kisses me. " I know *kiss* you have some *kiss* feelings for me maybe a little *kiss*. Now I know you *kiss* like another guy, and no *kiss* I don't know who. But I can tell. Come on Y/N/N I've been *kiss* there when *kiss* your brother *kiss* wasn't. " He tells me.

" I-I-I-I uh " I barely get out. I look forward to see Belch. I just face forward, and he gives me a smirk. " What uh what did you get? " I ask Belch.

" Oh I had to get something for my ma " he comments. " Here is the candy bar " he comments. He hands me a Kit-Kat.

" Oh " I comment. " Thank you sir " I add with a laugh.

" You guys okay? " Belch asks.

" Yeah totally " I tell him quickly.
" Perfectly fine " Vic comments smirking.

We arrive at my house. " Thanks for the ride, see you guys later. " I tell them, I walk to the door. I look to see Vic still smirking at me. " Oh my Lord " I mutter shaking my head.

Bowers' sister ( Stanley Uris x reader x Victor Criss )Where stories live. Discover now