What If Chase Stole The Crown?

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Author's Note: This will start when Chase gets out of the dungeon and is approaching Sweetie

"Not so fast Sweetie," Chase said walking towards her.

"What how did you escape, I promise I didn't steal the crown I have proof, Ruff Puptag Camera," there was a holographic screen that came out and showed Chase and Sweetie standing next to each other. 

"Sweetie how did you find me," Chase said.

"I found you by following your scent," she replied back.

"Well I'm afraid I'm gonna have to do this to you, you are getting in the ways of my plans," Chase said pulling the lever and taking her pup tag away from her. "Sorry but nothing stands in the way of being evil," Chase said, he smirked and ran away. All of the Paw Patrol turned to Chase, with pure hatred but nothing could be more disturbing than the devilish smile on the German Shepard's face.

"Explain yourself," Ryder said angrily all the pups looked at him with fear and disappointment.

"I really don't think I have to explain myself, you can't stop me, gotta run," Chase said running out the door. 

"Pups come on, we have to catch him before he gets away," Ryder said getting onto his skateboard skating towards Chase. It took about twenty minutes but they finally stopped at Foggy Bottom and he went to Mayor Humdinger's layer where there was a surprise waiting for them. Once they came in Chase pulled a lever and the pups were hung above a pit of lava. 

"Oh, its so good to be bad," Chase said. "Enjoy your last few minutes of life," Chase chuckled.

"Chase why are you doing this," Skye said, the love of her life had gone evil and towards the dark side.

"Just because I wanted to shake it up a little bit, maybe watch the poor Paw Patrol burn alive, MWHAHAH," Chase laughed.

"Not so fast Chase," a voice said from the corner.

"God dang it," Chase said as he realized that he didn't capture Sweetie. "But no issue I can take you on with ease, as a matter of fact you fell for my trap twice," Chase said or what we thought was the actual Chase. "I'm actually in the lookout you fell for my hologram HA," he said. Sweetie had found the Paw Patrol and untangled them they all went to the Lookout where Chase was.

"Stop right there," Ryder said. 

"Oh no, you got me," Chase said smirking he pulled out the crown and ten of his bodyguards surrounded him. "Get them," Chase uttered the words. They began fighting and it soon happened that Chase would be trapped up in the lookout tower, there was not parachute, the elevator was blocked. He jumped down off the balcony hoping to be alive when he reached the bottom when he hit the ground, he was out cold.

The pups watched him jump off of the lookout balcony, they had gotten Chase up into Marshall's Ambulace and took Chase straight to Katie's where he would be examed.

"Ryder I'm afraid he won't make it, we are going to take him off life support, do you want to have any last words with him Ryder," Katie said. Ryder knew his pup had made some bad decisions but Ryder at least wanted to give Chase a second chance but that chance would never come.

"Chase," Ryder said going into the room, he was awake but instead of a smirk, there was a smile on his face.

"Hey Ryder, pups, I don't really remember what happened, the last thing I remember is Sweetie knocking me out and here I am in a hospital bed waiting to die, so I wanted to say a few last words. I want you to all remember your better as a team, and I hope you grow nothing but stronger. Marshall just keep being you no matter what anybody says to you, Rocky, keep doing what you love, I don't care if other pups or people make fun of you, you are just as great as you are, Zuma, keep Skye safe for me, keep doing what you enjoy the most I know you are the pup that will always be good until the end, Rubble, brother, you keep being yourself, you push on become what ever you want to be there's opportunity around every corner for you, Skye, I guess I never said this in time but I love you with all of my heart, I'll miss you the most, you where the love of my life, but you should go find someone else, someone else that will love you as much as I do, and finally Ryder, I don't know how I could thank you enough for the oppurinity you gave me when I was just a pup, I want you to know that if something ever happens to the pups you'd take are of them, just like you did me, my time is up Ryder, pups enjoy your lives, I love you all, and I'll miss you all," the German Shepard said closing his eyes one last time. All of the pups were crying including Ryder as Chase flat lined.

 Katie had walked in and said, "Ryder I found this chip in Chase's ear, it seemed to be controlling him, and it has a pink crown on it." Ryder then suddenly realized that it wasn't Chase who committed crimes that he would be in jail for the rest of his life for, but he wasn't the one to take his own life, it was Sweetie. Just as if on cue she walked in the door. Ryder was so furious he could've killed the pup if he wanted too, but he knew he'd have to keep his cool otherwise it could get bad.

"Sweetie, what do you have to explain for yourself," Ryder asked. Sweetie's face went pale, she passed out meaning that they weren't to chase her all around town, they put her under arrest. Sweetie was trailed and sent to the rest of her life in prison where she would handed the death penalty. Sweetie died a month after Chase's death, and from there on after, the Paw Patrol was back to normal even down a member they continued serving the rest of Adventure Bay for a long time, they had found a new police pup, but in the back of there minds they could never forget Chase, he may have been the best pup ever, and no one would ever forget him as long as they lived. They mourned over his grave, and once all of his teammates joined him, they could all be happy again while watching over other pups and human's they all laughed and had a good time, till the end of time and beyond. 

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