Paw Patrol Innuendoes

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Author's Note: If you are wondering there will be no mature scenes, in this chapter, I hope you enjoy

Director: Take 4, ready and action

Chase: Sweetie you took the Royal Crown?

Sweetie: Yes I did, and I'm gonna make sure everyone think's you did, ha *snort*

Chase: We'll see about that, Ryder Sweetie stole the... Sweetie takes his pup tag.

Sweetie: "Now its time to blame the wrong pup she said pulling the chute." Under her making her fall into the dungeon

Chase: *laughs historically*

Sweetie: *stares*

Director: All right cut

Chase: That was the best thing that has ever happened while I've been an actor.

Sweetie: Yah, I'm sure you did


Chase: Paw Patrol ready for *fart* Okay who decided to do that," he said while his paw was on a whoppie coushen *all the pups and Ryder laugh*

Marshall: OH, that was the best one yet

Chase: I'll get you for that

Marshall: Not if you keep doing this

Chase: I will hunt you down and personally torture you myself

The room went quite as everybody heard it, they all looked at Chase with a confused look cocking their heads to the side.

Chase: You heard me, I WILL HUNT YOU DOWN

Things continued normal the rest of the day other than Marshall was up in the air for the rest of the day scared out of his mind scared for life.


Director: Take 2 ready and action

Captian Turbut: Paw Patrol could you lend some Paw Patrol paws and padlimmbls

Ryder: Wait did you just say padlimmbls

Turbut: I think I did whoops ha ha *Everyone there laughs*

Turbut's face turned red it was hilarious

Director: Cut

Zuma: Nice job Captain

Turbot: Thank's Zuma, *they all laughed it off and got back to business


Director: Take 21 ready and to places please

Rocky: You wouldn't dare shoot me Chase, you wouldn't ever do that

Chase: So now your trying to bribe me, your stacking up the charges there Rocky, I hope you don't *BANG* a bullet went right threw Chase's head. His corps fell to the floor dead

Rubble: Whoops, was I not supposed to press that

Ryder: No you weren't

Rocky: You murderer

Chase: Guys I'm fine

Ryder: Not now Chase I have something that I'm dealing with right now, Wait, that wasn't you

Chase: Yes it was

Ryder: Then how did you live

Chase: Because I'm immortal remember I can't die

Rocky: Wait you never told us that

Chase: Well its true, try shooting some bullets at me

Rocky got an idea he got an evil idea

Rocky: Hold me beer I'll be back

Rocky grabbed a homing launcher and pointed it towards Chase, Chase didn't show any fear. Rocky let the rocket launcher towards Chase, it hit its target, and there was thump from Chase's body dropping to the floor. When he got back up he had red eyes, he looked evil and angry at the same time as Chase began running towards him pinning him down

Director: Okay, that's enough Chase save that for the next book that will be coming out soon, about your past and family history, now don't spoil for the rest of them know

Chase: Okay director I guess, I'll save this for next time Rocky, your dead

Rocky was shaking scared out of his mind, he had never seen this part of Chase before. As the entire Paw Patrol walked off to get something to eat before they started filming again for the next episode.

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