10 Parent teacher meetings.

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"Well, why not? They're alot freaking nicer then you are." After I said that I realised what happened just a few seconds earlier, I turn to Stiles.

 "Was that who I thought it was" I walked square up to Stiles.

 "Depends on who you think it was" Stiles answered back. Is he trying to be funny. "Chloe, Stiles! Chloe!" I shouted at him. 

"Well then yes it was who you were thinking" Why was she here? Oh No, no, no, no ,no I forgot she works here now. She was working tonight!  Shes going to think I'm some monster, shes never going to talk to me again. I ran out the door hoping she hadn't actually left and was waiting outside. But she wasn't. I walked back into Derek "Okay, show me" was all I said.

Chloe's POV:

My Dad forced Stiles and I to go out so he could get food, I haven't talked to Stiles in a few weeks and I don't plan on it, or anyone really. I don't know who I can trust or what to believe.

 I sat in the back while my Dad and Stiles sat in the front. "Mm. Did they forget my curly fries?" My dad just said out loud.

 "You're not supposed to eat fries, especially the curly ones." Mm, I love curly fries. I thought as I shoved one into my mouth.

 "Well, I'm carrying a lethal weapon. If I want the curly fries, I will have the curly fries." I smiled at that, one of my first genuine smiles in a long time. "If you think getting rid of contractions in all your sentences makes your argument any more legitimate, you are wrong." I don't even know what that means. Sometimes they just talk about all this stuff and I swear I feel like an alien. 

"Unit one, do you copy?" Dispatch said. My dad stared at Stiles. "Sorry" Stiles replied. "Unit one, copy." My dad said. "Got a report of a possible 187." Stiles food fell out of his mouth. "A murder?" I almost started laughing at Stiles' reaction.


We drove to the place where it happened, Stiles got out but I stayed in the car. My Dad was questioning Jackson. He looked like he was getting frustrated at him. I looked around the area when I saw Scott, he was talking to his new best friend Derek. He saw me and looked away. I just sighed heavily.

The next day I was at school. As I said I haven't really been talking to anyone lately and my best friends I think are mad at me.

 I saw Allison, I walked up to her I remember her telling me her birth date. I have a good memory okay? 

"Hey Allison" I smiled at her she seemed surprised and happy at the same time. "Oh hey Chloe, How are you?" She asked. "Fine, I just wanted to say Happy Birthday" She gave me a hug, 

"Thank you, but can we keep this between us." She whispered in my ear, I pulled away and I just nodded that's when I spotted Scott making his way over.  "Well I'll talk to you later Allison, Have a good day!" I said as I turned around and made my way to class.

 I was sitting in Chemistry my worst class. Even though I am still getting A's. "Just a friendly reminder - Parent/teacher conferences are tonight. Students below a "C" average are required to attend. I won't name you, because the shame and self - disgust should be more than enough punishment. Has anyone seen Scott McCall?" Mr. Harris said.

As I looked around I realised Scott didn't come to this class and neither did Allison that's not like her. That's when Jackson walked in, I'm surprised he even came in after what happened last night. 

"Hey, Jackson. If you need to leave early for any reason, you let me know." Oh look whos suddenly nice, Mr Harris. Jackson just nodded at him. "Everyone, start reading Chapter Nine. Mr. Stilinski. Try putting the highlighter down between paragraphs. It's chemistry, not a coloring book." It's true hes always highlighting his books.

My Dad collected me from school today, which I was relieved about I really wasn't bothered to walk today. We talked the whole way home which was nice. We got home and Stiles was home aswell. My dad walked up to him I followed, "Please tell me I'm gonna hear good news at this parent/teacher thing tonight." Wouldn't count on it Dad.

 "Depends on how you define "good news."" Stiles said back. "I define it as you getting straight A's with no behavioral issues." I laughed. "You might wanna rethink that definition." My dad just rolled his eyes, "'Nuff said."

"Why didn't you ask Chloe about hearing good news?" Stiles looked at me to my dad. "Because I know with Chloe I'll hear good news" My dad replied, I just smiled at Stiles then went up the stairs. I got ready for work, today Scotts supposed to be working aswell which hasn't happened since my first shift  but it's pretty busy at the moment.

I got to work and Scott wasn't here, he's never late. Well I suppose he  hasn't been acting himself.

 Wonder why, oh maybe because hes a dog wolf thing. 

So Deaton and I got to work. My dad came in just as Deaton was ringing Scott. 

"Hey, Scott, it's me again. I'm just calling to make sure that everything's okay. You were supposed to be here an hour ago. Maybe you forgot. Well, whatever it is, just give me a call and let me know that everything's okay. All right. Thanks. Sheriff Stilinsk." He turned to my dad.

"Listen, I hate to bother you, but, uh, I'm having a bitch of a time getting a consensus on what this is we're dealing with." My dad said to Deaton, he looks really stressed.

"I'm really flattered you've come to me for help, but, like I said before, I'm no expert." Thats what he claims.

"But you were pretty certain the other day about our attacker being a mountain lion." "That's right." Deaton said.

"I wanna show you something. We got a little lucky here. Uh, the video store didn't have any cameras, but a security camera that was watching another parking lot happened to grab a few frames. Take a look at our mountain lion. Here's another." My dad pulled out pictures. "It's interesting." Deaton said looking at the pictures. Once I looked at the pictures I lost intrest in the conversation.

"Chloe, Chloe" My dad said to me. I looked at him. "Do you want a lift home?" My dad asked me. I looked to Deaton for approval to leave. He nodded his head and I left with my Dad.

I sat with my Dad during the conference with coach I had nothing better to do anyway. Coach looked at my Dad then back down at the papers, "Right, Chloe" coach started "Chloe is a remarkable student, with perfect grades and attendance in this class, she also always participates and has her homework in." Coach smiled at me and my Dad. My dad smiled at me then looked back to coach. Coach looks confused. He pointed at Stiles' name on the paper.

"Stiles, that's right. I thought "Stiles" was his last name." I tried to hold back my laugh. "His last name is "Stilinski."" My dad said annoyed. "You named your kid "Stiles Stilinski"?" When you say it like that it actually does sound weird. "No, that's just what he likes to be called." My dad sighed.

"Oh. Well, I like to be called "cupcake" - What is his first name? Wow, that's a form of child abuse. I don't - I don't even know how to pronounce that." I laughed his first name is really weird. "It was his mother's father's name." Ah yes Grandad. "Wow. You must really love your wife." Coach said. Well this getting awkward. "Yeah, I did." I bit my lip, slight sadness washing over me.

"Well, this just became incredibly awkward." My dad just did nodded and did a sarcastic smile. "Hey, what do you say we get to the conference part of this conference, cupcake?" I smiled at him. "I like your thinking. So, Stiles. Great kid. Zero ability to focus. Super smart. Never takes advantage of his talents." I don't think my dads gonna be very happy. "How do you mean?" Here it comes.

"Well, for his final question on his midterm exam, he detailed the entire history of the male circumcision." Oh no Stiles. "Well, I mean, it does have - historical significance, right? I mean -" "I teach economics." Coach butted in. "Ah, crap" Was all my dad said. I was walking out with my Dad and Melissa and Allison's parents almost looked like they were fighting when I see Allison I was barley paying attention until my Dad gets hit by a car. Out of no where! I was frozen in shock thats when I look over at Scott of course he's here he's always around when something bad happens. He ran over to Allison "Allison! Are you okay?" She barley even got hit, then my dad stood up, Oh thank God!. "Move! Move! I'm okay."

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