20. Not another one!

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"Chloe?, What are you doing here?" Isaac asked as he diverted his gaze towards me.
"I think I should be asking you the same thing" I was utterly confused. "Wait you two know each other?" Jackson butted in shadowing behind me. Isaac dropped his gaze to the floor and I look up at Jackson. "Yea, and I was just leaving to answer your question isaac" i said pushing past them. "No you're not" that man Derek pushed his hand against my chest and I stumbled back helplessly. "Let her leave!" Scott was getting mad. The 4 of them created an opening that I sprinted out of. I couldn't control the tears that soon poured out on my run home. Why was isaac there? I just broke up with the guy I've been crushing on since 3rd grade!

I woke up to that stupid *beep beep!!* sound coming from my alarm. Today I could already tell was not my day. At least it was Friday! Stiles thankfully drove me to school and I'm honestly so happy that we're getting so close.

Jackson found me just after school and asked me to watch his swim practice. I don't know what this boy didn't get from were broken up but I suppose maybe he wants it to be as normal as possible. As we're walking towards the pool we're conversing. It's strange cause when we were together it was like we never spoke. One of the boys on Jackson's swim team walked past... in the opposite direction. Now that I think of it Jackson never had swim practice on a Friday. What is he up to?

As soon as we got in there Jackson has left. I presume to get changed for swim. I was sitting alone at the edge of the pool when this green scaly monster lizard looking thing emerged from somewhere. I stood up and backed away slowly not wanting to attract too much attention. I whacked into a wall and that's when the thing bolted at me. I've never seen something move so fast. I let out the loudest scream. I was so scared. I ran around the pool with no escape cause that thing was faster then me and it was in front of the exit. I turned for one second looking for another option out when I feel a sharp pain at the back of my neck and I just drop to the floor. I began screaming again. I heard the door opening and closing hoping either that thing had left or someone came to my rescue. My vision was blurred but someone had picked up my feet and slowly began dragging me away. I heard the door open and close again and the familiar voices of Scott and stiles shouting my name. Yet they seemed distant. The green thing was still in there with them.

When I saw we were in the changing rooms of the pool. I calmed down a bit and my vision became clear. The person propped me up against the lockers and I finally saw his face. Matt! The guy from science class. "Matt?" I asked. He knelt down beside me and smiled "yes Chloe, are you ok. I heard you screaming and i came right away." He seemed worried. He was kinda cute and that was really sweet. "Yes Im fine I just can't move" which I was afraid of. "That will wear away in awhile don't worry" I for some reason trusted him but how would he know. "What about that monster thing?" I completely forgot about it. "I locked the door don't worry, it won't come near you" I smiled up at him. We talked for awhile and he was actually really nice. "So remember when I said we should hang out sometime? Do you wanna hang maybe tomorrow?" He asked shyly. "Of course, it's the least I could do for saving me." I replied. I began feeling senses in my body. I think I could move. I kicked my leg and accidentally kicked Matt in just below the groin. Phew that could've been bad. He bent over in pain "well at least we know you can move again" he breathed out in pain. "Guess so" I laughed. We both stood up and Matt unlocked the door. Just as we were leaving the main area I went on my tippie toes and kissed Matt on the cheek. "Really thank you" and we left.

I rang stiles as soon as I got out and he answered. "Are you alright!" I almost shouted into the phone. "Yes yes we're fine, what about you?" He asked. "Yeah I'm fine some guy called Matt helped me." I smiled. "Hm" he seemed almost annoyed so I decided to change topic. "Anyway where are you, are you going home?" Please tell me he is. "No sorry I'm busy." Dang it! And I ended the call.

I was walking out of the school when I saw Abbie. She was walking in the same direction as me. I guess she's walking home too considering she lives only a few doors down. I was debating whether or not I should try walk with her. No, I should. She was once my bestest friend in the world. We can't just not have that bond anymore. Plus I nearly died today, what if I had died and this was the way our friendship ended? I began walking faster trying to catch up with her. I guess she didn't see me cause she jumped when i breathlessly said "hey". "You scared the living day lights out of me Chloe!" She laughed. This felt so normal even though I knew it wasn't. "I know we haven't talked in months and I've been a really shitty friend. But I could use the company on the walk home, no one likes to walk alone. So if you wouldn't mind can I walk with you?" I looked to the ground praying she would say yes. "I suppose you can" she smiled. We began catching up on everything that I've missed and honestly I miss them so much. It felt like it had only been a few days since we last talked yet so much happened. We reached her house "well obviously I know this doesn't mean we're going to go back to being best friends right away, but can this at least be a start? Please I really miss this, us." I could feel the tears coming. "Hmm" well that doesn't sound good. "I guess we can. Anyway I miss getting to see stiles because of you" she laughed. I lightly punched her in the arm "shut up". And she hugged me and went inside. I'm so glad I did that.

I went on my usual run in the woods but the last few times Isaac hasn't been there. Maybe he doesn't like me anymore after what happened in Scott's house. But that's  ridiculous because I did nothing wrong. I started thinking of all the events that's happened this year and how weird it's all been. Then I hear the crunching of leaves behind me and I know they aren't my footsteps. I began to pick up the pace a little bit whatever it is caught me. I almost screamed until I saw Isaacs face. "What the hell Isaac!" He chuckled. I had to catch my breath. Too many scares in one day and it's also pitch black! "I'm sorry I haven't been here recently. Just been really busy but I'll make it up to you, I promise." Isaac smiled. I swear he gets cuter every time I see him.

We walked the rest of the route and he even dropped me home. "So ehm, why were you at Scott's house that day?" I blurted out. His face went red and he said nothing. "I don't know why were you there?" He tried bounce it back on me. "Isaac it's more normal for me to be there than you" I laughed. He started getting flustered. "I-I-I have to go Chloe" and with that he took off. Strange boy.

I cannot wait for my lye in tomorrow. "Yo earth to Chloe" stiles was waving his hands in front of my face. I most of dozed off thinking about my amazing lye in. "Yo sorry, whats up?" I asked him. "I asked if you wanted to come bowling tomorrow? We're going Scott's before hand" I didn't have anything else to do so I might aswell. "Sure why not." I shrugged , "ok cool I'll tell them." He walked up stairs. I followed him up and got into my bed, I'm so tired.

It was freezing tonight for some reason and there's some strange knocking on my window that woke me up. I put my hand over my ears to try cover it but it got louder. I walked over to the window and almost fainted with fear. Isaac was crouching in front of my window. He put his finger up to his lips indicating for me to shut up. Then he pointed to the lock on my window. I opened it and he crawled in. "Isaac what are you doing?" He almost looked scared. "I have to tell you something and please don't freak out Chloe, I'm telling you this cause I trust you and I don't want any secrets" I was beginning to get worried. I nodded in response unsure of what I should say. He turned around and when he turned back to face me he had them stupid familiar yellow eyes and disgusting long nails. I nearly fainted. "No, you're not one too" I whispered. He nodded knowing I was scared and kept his distance. "I-I" I couldn't find any words to say. And with that he just left. I sat in my bed in shock. What happened to these people ? Were they born like this? Why is everyone suddenly a wolf thing? All these thoughts were jogging around my head disturbing my sleep. But after awhile I suddenly snoozed off.

Yooo I know it's been so long, nearly 2 years! But I decided to get back into writing this story because I actually want it to go somewhere! Anyway I hope your enjoying reading this x

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