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When Lucy had asked Mabel to come with her to a birthday party for one of Lucy's coworkers, Mabel had agreed without much convincing. Kellan was out of town, and Lucy needed a designated driver. Now, Mabel wasn't much of a partier, but Lucy and her coworkers were all police officers, and how crazy could off-duty police officers get?

Apparently, she found out several hours later, extremely crazy.

Mabel watched with disgusted amazement as the officer celebrating his birthday (Rick, if she recalled correctly) chugged his fifth beer in a row. His opponent, none other than Lucy, was on her sixth, and there were fifteen seconds left in the ingenious "Who can drink more beer in a minute" competition.

When another officer yelled, "That's it! Stop!" Lucy slammed her bottle down on the bar, a wide, drunk grin on her lips.

"Knew I could beat you," she hiccupped, pointing a finger at Rick victoriously. "Women can shotgun 'em too, you know? Right, Mabs?"

Mabel agreed with a hesitant smile, wondering how hard it would be to get Lucy back to the woman's apartment. Mabel hadn't seen Lucy this drunk since college, and—from what she remembered—Lucy had been a nightmare back then.

"C'mon, Luce," Mabel tried when she saw another man demanding more drinks, "I think it's time to go."

Lucy, as expected, pouted. "But Mabs," she whined outrageously, teetering off the stool when Mabel pulled on her wrist, "It's not even that late!"

"No," Mabel agreed, tugging her friend through the crowd and waving goodbye to some of the other off-duty cops. "But you were drinking too fast, and your hangover will be bad enough without anything else. Come on."

Mabel was somehow able to convince Lucy to get into the car, and, once Mabel was sure that the other woman wouldn't try to escape, she settled into the driver's seat. Thankfully, the drive to Lucy's apartment was only several blocks, a fact Mabel was especially grateful for since her friend kept trying to escape through the car window at every red light.

"Okay, Luce," Mabel sighed wearily when she'd parked in front of Lucy's building, "let's get you into bed."

"No," Lucy swatted at the air weakly. "M'fine. Lemme sleep here."

"No can do," Mabel argued, pulling open Lucy's door and undoing the woman's seatbelt. "You'd hate me if I let you wake up with a hangover inside your car."

"Already hate you," Lucy replied, moving sluggishly as Mabel tried to pull her out of the car. "Le' go!"

"No chance," Mabel grunted, hoisting Lucy to her feet. Lucy still wasn't feeling agreeable, however, and went abruptly limp in Mabel's arms.

Now, Mabel wasn't huge. She was short, naturally petite, and didn't have much muscle, as it wasn't necessary when working at a herb store. Lucy, on the other hand, was almost six foot and heavily muscled from her many workouts and necessary job requirements.

When Lucy went entirely limp, she fell onto Mabel for support; Mabel successfully supported her drunk best friend for a solid second before she tripped backwards. Which led to Mabel lying on the ground, a half-asleep Lucy crushing her.

"Ah, crap." Mabel blew out a noisy breath, absently wondering if her bad luck would always be so consistent. "Lucy!" she called, only to gag when some of Lucy's short red hair fell into her mouth. Spitting out the offending strands, Mabel tried again. "Lucy! Come on, wake up! Lucy!"

No response, and Mabel groaned with frustration. "You have got to be kidding me," she told the air around her. "I mean, seriously?"

She attempted to move the woman several more times before giving up. The most she could hope for, at that point, was that Lucy would only sleep for an hour or so.

The Struggles of Dating a Demon [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now