Medicinal Conditional

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Mabel's only thought as she fell was, Oh, God, this is how I'm going to go?

A scream built in her throat, but before it could be pulled out, she stopped abruptly, her body jolting from the sudden force. Trying to calm the spasms coursing through her muscles, she cracked open one eye, relaxing minutely at the familiar-and furious-face that hovered over her own.

"Absolutely. Not." It was probably the most modern sentence Aleron had ever spoken, and Mabel curled her fingers into his shirt, trying to pull herself closer to his cool skin.

He stood, one hand curling around her spine to clutch her head, while the other remained under her legs. "ZEPHYRINE!" he bellowed, shadows spinning around them before they landed in Colby's apartment, where said man looked impressed, and Zephyrine looked . . . almost fearful?

Mabel couldn't stop the small bit of satisfaction she felt at the serpent-woman's face. That's what she got for throwing someone out a window.

"Apologies, Aleron," Zephyrine bowed. "We needed to speak with you."

The fury in Aleron's eyes only seemed to grow. "If you need to speak with me," he spat, "you will use the method of summoning I have given you. You are to never hurt Mabel. You already know this, and you would be wise to remember it."

Trying to get the trembling of her hands to still, Mabel reached one hand up, her fingers almost poking Aleron's eye out as she laid her palm against his cheek. He pulled his eyes from Zephyrine, bringing his hand to cover hers, his cold skin soothing away her tremors.

"Are you alright, Little One?" he asked softly, eyes imploring.

"Ye-yeah," Mabel managed, her heart finally slowing down. "Just a little shocked, I guess." She released a nervous laugh, moving her hands to his shoulders as he set her down carefully. He kept one hand against her hip, squeezing gently to assure her that he was there if she needed anything, even while he returned his attention to the others.

Mabel could see exactly when his eyes landed on Colby. Aleron's entire body seized up, his brows raised as he analyzed the other man. "Little One," he started slowly, "what have you been doing?"

Mabel shrugged, sending him an innocent look. "Nothing much. Oh, by the way, we found an heir."

He shot her a glare that had no heat behind it. "I realize that. How did you manage this?"

Remembering that she wasn't supposed to do anything reckless, Mabel turned away from Aleron to send Zephyrine a wicked grin. "Zephyrine sensed him and decided we should come check it out." Her voice conveyed nothing but innocence.

Zephyrine groaned at the same moment Aleron's nostrils flared with rage. "What?" he ground out, spinning to face the serpent-woman. "How dare you! Not only do you throw Mabel out a window-you decide to drag her on your dangerous escapades? What foolishness has befallen you?!"

"The kind that doesn't know when to shut up," Zephyrine muttered, giving Mabel some serious side-eye.

Mabel stuck her tongue out in a move reminiscent of a five-year-old. She figured it was the least she could do, considering her legs were still quaking from being hung out the window.

But the joking came to a halt when Colby spoke up. "Shit. I believe you now, I think."

Zephyrine smirked smugly, straightening up. "Told you," she directed at Mabel.

Said woman placed her hands on her hips. "Are you kidding me? She can grow a tail and wings and you think it's bullcrap, but he shows up and you believe us now?"

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