Flowers and Coffins

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When Mabel woke up, things weren't how she expected them to be. For one, she felt fine. A little sleepy, perhaps, but there was no sign of the injuries that had led to her demise, and she had the brief thought that death really was kind of great if it took away all your wounds.

"Hello, Mabel." Mabel spun around, body relaxing when she absorbed Leora.

"Hi," she returned, fingers fisting against the soft, green grass below her. "Is this Heaven?" her eyes drifted over the lush forest and the unique flowers, ears absorbing the sounds of happy laughter and squeals of children.

Leora nodded, a bright smile on her face as she raised her hands, as if to say ta-da! "It is. What do you think?"

"Well," Mabel stood, "it's pretty dang gorgeous. Much better than Earth."

Leora shook her head with amusement, snatching up Mabel's hand and pulling her along. "I was hoping you wouldn't say that."

"What?" Mabel tore her gaze from the sparkling creek that ran parallel to the field, returning it to the back of Leora's head with no small amount of confusion. "What do you mean?"

Coming to a sudden halt, Leora twisted around and regarded Mabel seriously. "You were not meant to die, Mabel. Quite a few humans were not meant to die. But you," the woman sighed, turning her face to the forest, where the trees stood tall and proud. "You should not have died, because you were never corrupted. You would have been fine, had you not insisted on finding the Door and closing it."

Mabel still didn't understand. "Okay," she said slowly. "But I did, and now I'm dead, so why can't I go touch a flower?"

Leora snorted, "Come with me, Mabel."


Mabel had never considered it before, but she was surprised at just how much Heavenly beings argued.

"We cannot just raise a person from the dead! That is not our domain, and to do so could bring Hell upon us! Death does not appreciate being crossed, Leora, and you would be wise to remember this."

Leora shared a private glance with Mabel. "I do not believe Death would mind if we were to bring Mabel back. In fact, I think he would greatly appreciate it."

The man standing in the center of the circular room threw his hands up in exasperation. "Leora! You cannot waste your ability solely because you believe this human girl was wrongly killed."

"I think that is enough." The entire room, filled with a number of angels (they had wings and everything) and other Heavenly beings, turned to face the new voice.

In the doorway, a young man with mussed, dark hair and kind brown eyes stood, dressed similarly to the others, in long, white and gold robes. "Why do you fight?" He directed his question to the agitated man, and something in the newcomer's gaze struck a chord with Mabel.

He seemed almost . . . familiar.

It was only when Leora elbowed her that Mabel realized everyone in the room was bowing. Copying Leora, Mabel watched through her lashes as the angry man melted in with the others, leaving the stranger to take his place.

"No need for that," he chided gently, and everyone straightened.

Leora was the first to speak. "It is an honor to have you present."

The man held up a hand, a generous smile on his lips. "Please, Leora, it is not necessary. I sensed distress and wished to see what was the matter. Why do you fight? Surely our words are better used in kindness?"

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