Chapter 1: Origins

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~Ellens P.O.V~

Hi I'm Aoife, Aoife Ellen O'Conner, But everyone calls me Ellen or Ell, mainly because no one can pronounce my first name but also because I hate the name.
I'm 22 and was born and raised in Donegal, Ireland, and lived there until I was 12 when we moved to New york, we being my Dad and I, but let me get you caught up on how the two of us got here, my origins if you will.

My Mam (yes mam, not mum, not mom, mam! Leave me alone im Irish) was Irish and my Dad is American, they met in my hometown of Donegall when my dad was on a "lads holiday" as he calls it. My mam was just 20 at the time and was working at a local pub, my Dad being a young 22 year old on a holiday with his friends decided they wanted to see what a real Irish bar was like and that's where they met. Things went from there, they kept in contact, fell in love, got married, my mam had me at 23, to this day my dad tells me how mam is the most beautiful person he ever laid his eyes on and they had their fairytale life.

Well that was until they found out about me, well not about me per se but about my 'abilities'. when I was 5 my hair changed colour from a soft and natural ginger to a dark brown and green, then it changed again to a deep blue, then a bright firey red and yellow and finally a sparkling silver, and it kept rotating throughout them all, My parents took me to the doctor who said he has no idea what is wrong with me and thought they were playing a joke, I lived the following years of my life constantly wearing a hat. When I was 8 my mam noticed things change around me, when I walked on the grass it would grow ridiculously quick, taps woukd turn on just by me being near them, random draughts would appear whenever I was in a room with her and the most prominent of all, I would light matches, the stove top and the fire place just by looking at them, it's safe to say that's when my Mam noticed this 'talent' of mine she realised what it was almost straight away, I can control the elements! Mam spoke to my dad right away and they decided to keep it quiet and tell no one, in the hope that no one would notice, to this day I still think dad's hiding something from me.

I got pulled out of school and over the next few years dad decided to homeschool me instead, but most of the work was researching the elements and gardening, dad loves gardening, so I didn't learn too much other than the basics in maths and English and what's the right season to plant tulip bulbs (It's winter by the way!). Mam would work during the day and in the evening she'd come home and help me control my abilities, I managed to change my hair back to the natural ginger it was, so it only changed when I practised using an element, which meant no more hats, but I still wear them all the time, old habits die hard after all! We spent all the spare time we had helping me focus on controlling myself and it was working! I could manipulate water, control light breezes, manipulate the earth so things would grow faster and larger, and perhaps my strongest element of all, summon fire, I could make a ball of fire appear in my hand seemingly out of no where, I thought I was indestructible.

All was going well, I was learning a decent amount, I didn't have very many friends, actually I didn't have any friends but I had an amazing loving family, the three of us just enjoying each others company, I was 11 now and sure the past 6 years had been a struggle but everything was finally undercontrol, everything was perfect.....and then it happened.

Mam and I we were in the car, it was the summer and the two of us decided to have a girly day out. Mam was driving and I was beside her in the passenger seat and there was an accident, I survived but mam died on the spot. I've had nightmares ever since, It still hurts to talk about it.

The funeral happened a few days after the accident, it was very small and personal, less than 10 people there but I know she would've liked it. Dad was distraught, and I couldn't help but feel guilty.

We didn't have any time to mourn mam properly, less than a week after the funeral dad moved us to New york where he grew up, where his family is. I can't say I was happy about the decision and I can't say that I'm as happy here as I was back home, but letting dad move, well it's the least I can do after all the pain he went through.

Once we arrived in New York we lived pretty much the same as we did in Donegall, we kept ourselves to ourselves, I continued to get home schooled, and when I became old enough, I got a part time job looking after people's gardens, which soon became my full time work and source of income! I managed to save enough money for my own small apartment and now I'm trying to save enough money to visit my home town and my Mams grave just one more time, to say a proper good bye.

Although I have another secret, I sometimes use my 'abilities' to save or help others, when dad found out he nearly killed me, but he eased up when he realised that it's what I really wanted to do! I cover my nose and mouth with a plain black mask and dress in all black so as little people as possible will recognise me, I've been caught on news more than once, They always refer to me as "Elemental" which I'm not that into, it just sounds too super hero-ish for my liking, after all I'm just a normal person trying her best to make a difference, nothing 'super' about me.

Today I keep my hair ginger and I still wear hats all the time because, well, because my hair reminds me too much of my mams hair. I find controlling fire the most enjoyable but I control earth the most due to my job. I have my own small apartment in central new York, but I miss Ireland more than ever, my accent feels so out of place here especially now that I'm the only family member with it, dad slipped back into his old American one basically straight away. Oh yeah Dad, he's doing fine I guess, he refuses to date anyone new which I don't blame him for; I try to visit him as often as I can but my 'jobs' (if you know what I mean) keep me extremely busy, so it's really not as often as I should.

Now you're all caught up with my origin, as I like to call it, let's see what happened next!

Now you're all caught up with my origin, as I like to call it, let's see what happened next!

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