Chapter 3: Hey Doll?

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~Ellens P.O.V~

*BEEP BEEP BEEP* I hear my alarm go off, I throw my legs over the edge of my bed excited to get running with Bucky again. We've spent the last 2 weeks meeting up every week day morning to run together just enjoying each others company, surprisingly we both opened up to each other quite a bit, He told me about being the winter solider which really wasn't a surprise, and I told him about my life back in Ireland, and every morning I get the same feeling in my stomach which doesn't disappear again until after our run together It almost feels like butterflies, but that makes no sense because I'm not nervous around him!

After getting ready I walk to the park to meet Bucky to see him waiting for me on the bench, Hes so pretty I think to myself as he stands up and gives me a short hug, i could of sworn i felt a shock when we touched but im sure it was just my imagination.

"I missed ya Ell"

"You just seen me yesterday" I say with a small laugh "Shall we get going?" I ask

"Same route?"

"Same route" I reply while nodding and we start running along beside each other joking about useless topics as always, Its strange we seem to just click, I've never had something like this before, but then again I don't really talk to anyone other than my Dad and the gardening clients.

The time passed super quickly and before I knew it I had to leave and get ready for work/

"It was great running with you again Bucky, As always" I say with a very slight pink tinge to my cheeks

"Yeah it was good, I just wish you didnt have to run off to work so quickly everyday" He said, almost sounding sad

"Well lucky for me I only have one garden to tend to today and its just down the road" I chuckle a little before giving Bucky a hug Theres that shock again

"I'll see ya monday Buck" pulling out of the hug

"Bye doll!" we both stood just looking at each other for a good 30 seconds before turning to go our separate ways Huh that was weird.

~Buckys P.O.V~

I don't know why I stared at her, I should've just walked away. Then again she stared back Get a hold of yourself Bucky, I thought while making my way back to the tower. I decided against showering, when you run the same route for 2 weeks it becomes less and less of a work out after all, and I threw on some clean clothes before joining Steve in the living room.

"Hey, were you out with Ellen again?" Steve asked me, I don't know why he even asks any more, over the last 2 weeks all I've talked about him is Ell, about how funny and unique she is and more recently how beautiful and special she is.

"Yeah, we were just running again, nothing special"

"You're going to have to tell her how you feel eventually Buck" I knew exactly what he was talking about and he was right.

"I just don't know if its too soon Steve, we only met 2 weeks ago! I don't want to scare her off" And shes too good for me

"Just think about it Bucky okay?" Steve got up to leave but turned to me before he did "Oh, by the way the others are out on a mission so we have all day free" and with that he was gone, It only took me a couple of seconds to decide what to do with my day, I'm going to visit Ellen at work!

--Time skip to 12:30--

"Steve I'm going out" I shouted down the hall before making my way to mine and ellens meet up spot, Okay so this morning she said she was working on a garden just down the road I thought as I kept walking until I spotted her on her hands and knees covered in soil

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