Chapter Thirty-Five: Crash

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He was having another one of those very real dreams.

This time there was some kind of camp. A military unit of some kind. Tanks. Hummers. Jeeps. Even a Bradley. In the distance, he could hear jets flying overhead.

There was a long line of people waiting at a check-point. Doctors examined each person, then either admitted them or sent them away. Crash wasn't sure, but it looked like some kind of quarantine procedure.

A disturbance near the back of the line made everyone scatter. Z's. Zombies. Dozens of them. No, hundreds. They came marching through, drawn to the smell of human flesh.

The soldiers did what they could to contain the threat, but there were just too many of them.

The camp was overrun in less than an hour. Bodies littered the floor of the parking lot.

That's when the three of them arrived. In his dream, Crash could see them as clear as if they were standing right in front of him.

A beautiful blonde with legs for days. A tall guy carrying a large backpack and a shotgun. A girl, dressed very cool and punk in her combat boots and skirt.

These three were his purpose. The ones he'd been waiting for. The ones he'd been preparing for all this time. Somehow, he was connected to them. Somehow, he had to find them.

Just before he woke up, a sign appeared in the dream. McLean Memorial Hospital.

He knew it. It was in one of the rich suburban areas in Virginia, west of D.C. Crash lived in Trinidad, one of the more dangerous spots in the nation's capital, but it was cheap and it was home.

When he awoke, he felt filled with purpose.

Somehow, he was going to have to get in touch with those three.

He got up from his small bed in the corner and woke up his computers. Then, he started work on trying to hack into the military's communications hub.

Super short chapter today, so I'm uploading two!! The Witch is the next chapter, which is also short, so I figured make it a special Friday upload! Hope you are enjoying the story so far! Don't forget to vote!

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