Chapter Fifty-Seven: Parrish

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Parrish watched as Crash hopped down from his Hummer and started toward the building across the street.

She had no idea what he had in mind, but after all he'd done for them, she was willing to go along with it. She just hoped they didn't run into any more of the zombies with the red eyes.

They stepped over piles of dead rotters and Parrish tried not to think about the fact that at some point not that long ago, these were real people with jobs and families and hopes and dreams.

She didn't understand what evil had killed them, or what greater evil had awakened them from death, but as long as she was alive, she would never stop searching for the answers. She would never stop trying to put an end to it.

She wasn't sure how, but after tonight, she knew that she and these others were somehow tied to this plague. Not just because they'd survived it, but because something magical had awakened in each of them since it started. There had to be a reason for that. There had to be some greater purpose behind it.

The four of them pushed through the double doors of the building. Crash pulled a large flashlight from his belt and shined it around the room. There was no sign of undead.

"Hopefully all the noise we made drew any Z's out from hiding in here, but just be careful as we're making our way upstairs," he said. He pulled a small tablet out of the back of his jeans, then looked toward the stairwell on the far side of the room. "You never know when one will jump out of a dark doorway or something."

"Great," Karmen mumbled behind them.

"Don't worry, Barbie, you can come stand with me," Crash said with a wink. "I'll keep you safe."

Karmen made a sound of disgust and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Thanks, but no thanks."

Parrish laughed and the sound echoed in the large entryway.

"Let's get moving."

Crash led them to the elevator.

"Wait," Parrish said. "There's no power."

He just smiled and closed his eyes. He placed his hand on the elevator door and seconds later, it dinged and slid open.

"Wow, cool," Karmen said, getting in. "So this is your special power? Kind of like a super hero?"

"Something like that," he said.

Parrish felt this strange churning deep inside as the elevator started going up. Like they were heading toward something that would change them all.

"I dreamed about hacking in to computers and then suddenly, I was doing it," he said. "I was always good with gaming and stuff and I loved computers, but I'd never been a hacker. I didn't really know the first thing about it. Until I did, I guess."

"The same thing happened to me," Parrish said. "With martial arts and using swords. We've all gotten new abilities since this whole thing started."

She glanced at Karmen. She might not be willing to talk about it yet, but Karmen definitely had some abilities she'd neglected to share with them. Once they got to a safe place, Parrish intended to question her about it at length. Maybe the key to understanding what was really going on with them started with understanding these strange new powers they all had.

"Special powers are very cool and all," Karmen said. "But what does any of this have to do with us being inside this stupid building instead of halfway to your safe-house?"

Crash stopped the elevator on the fifth floor and Parrish glanced nervously at the door, an uneasy feeling trickling through her veins.

"Because like I said before, I've been dreaming of you guys," he said. He ran an absent hand through his messy black hair. "I don't know how to explain it, but somehow we all belong together. We're connected. Can't you feel that?"

No one said anything, but Parrish knew that yes, they were all feeling the same thing. Something important connected them. Something big.

"And we're here because?" Karmen pushed.

Crash raised his eyebrows and touched the silver doors of the elevator. "Because in my dreams, there are five of us," he said. "And I think the fifth person is hiding in one of these apartments."

Thanks for reading along! Just two chapters and an epilogue remaining! Be sure to vote and comment if you've enjoyed this book!

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