Epilogue: The Boy

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The boy yawned and climbed out from his hiding place inside the closet.

He'd finally fallen asleep despite the noises outside in the night. He'd been dreaming. Something important, but he couldn't quite remember.

Only that there were red flowers.

He walked to the window and looked out, but everything was exactly the same. No one dared to wander the streets of New York, even during the day.

The boy knew he couldn't be the only one left alive in the city. Someday, he hoped to meet others like himself. Survivors.

He opened a fresh bottle of water and sipped on it as the sun came up, trying to remember exactly what he'd been dreaming about.

And why he suddenly felt more alone than ever.



THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! This is the end of Death's Awakening, Eternal Sorrows Trilogy, Book #1. I hope you have enjoyed it as much as I loved writing it!

It truly means a lot to me that you have taken the time to read through, vote, and follow this story for the past several months!


Since several of you requested a chance to read Sorrow's Gift, Book 2 of this series, I have decided to post it free here on Wattpad for a limited time only! The first chapter is up today already for you to read, and new chapters will go up EVERY SINGLE DAY until the book is complete.

Once finished, the book will stay up for a few weeks until the release of Book 3: Fate's Surrender. That book will NOT be available here on Wattpad right away, but it will be available and most ebook vendors and in paperback.

Find it here on Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/158220635-sorrow%27s-gift

Thanks again for supporting my work here on Wattpad! I appreciate it more than you know!

P.S. I also have the first three books of my Shadow Demons Saga available here on Wattpad, too, so if you want more of my writing, please go check those out. Book 1 is Beautiful Demons. I would also love it if you would follow me to be notified of future stories coming out!

 I would also love it if you would follow me to be notified of future stories coming out!

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