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| Based off of ACOTAR and ACOMAF |
Continuation of Rhyseo and Feyliet 

I leaned forward, closed my eyes,  and kissed him on the cheek. I didn't know his name or anything about him, and that I'm here for some Tamlin. I turned, looking directly into his eyes. Violet eyes. I pulled away out of realization. He was a Night. My family's rival.

I tore away from his grip, "I'm sorry, I have to go."

We had started to walk around the hallways and I forgot I was supposed to be looking for Tamlin.

I couldn't stop thinking about that Night, but I rushed back to the ballroom where Nesta had caught me, "Feyliet! Where have you been?"

"Um, the restroom?" I rushed past her and saw a golden mask in the distance.

He took my gloved hand and brought it to his lips. "May I have this dance, lady Feyliet?" Tamlin asked me while tucking a rose behind my ear.

"Of course," I told him, walking together to the center of the ballroom floor.

~ Time jump to after the ball ~

Tamlin was to stay at our manor for the night. We took a walk through our rose garden and we headed down the hall.

Suddenly he pushed me against the wall, locking his hands around my wrists, pinning me against the wall. "Let go," I said as evenly as I could.

He brought his face closer to mine, whispering, "Feyliet." He said my name like a caress and his hot breath tickled my ear.

I couldn't escape. I wasn't entirely sure that I wanted to.

He bit down on my neck, sure to leave a bruise the next morning. A hand slid behind my waist, pulling me even closer against his hard crotch area. The other slid the sleeves of my dress off my shoulders, giving him full access to fondle with my breasts.

He pushed me into my bedroom and onto my bed. "Tamlin, stop," I managed to squeak out, but he wouldn't listen.

He completely removed my gown and left me in my undergarments. His hand moved down to stroke my inner thigh as I slipped out a moan I'd been suppressing. He removed his shirt and began to slip out of his pants.

"I'll have you wedded to me the next morning. We could be doing this every hour of the day and I'll be having you scream my name." He spoke with a low growl, hands creeping around to pull down my undergarments.

~ The next morning ~

"It's your big day, Feyliet! Rise and shine!" My father awoke me and headed back out the door.

I looked to my right to see that he was gone. I looked down and I wasn't wearing a single piece of clothing.

After I got washed up and ate, Ali's brought in a large wedding dress, "He said he insists on you wearing this."

I took one look at the puffy white dress with a million suffocating layers and I immensely hated it with all my might. Eventually, Alis got me into the dress.
I paused before I walked down the aisle. It was sprinkled with red rose petals. They were like drops of blood down the aisle. Red. I panicked on the inside.

I didn't have many friends when I was younger, only Amarantha and Clare. Once, there was Amarantha, with her long red hair, befriended me only to expose me. She told the whole town about Issac and I, always sneaking past hours in the hay.

Only a week later, Clare Beddor's home was burnt to the ground, and her family left slaughtered in front. I saw her body, all cut up, draped against the cold hard pathway as I headed to the market that morning. The ground was stained red for the next week.

I could feel Nesta's ice cold glare feeding on me. My father's arm was linked onto mine. Everyone stood up and turned to face my father and I. The music started as we walked down the aisle. I couldn't even tell that I was trembling.

After I had walked down to the altar, I handed my bouquet of flowers to my eldest sister, and turned towards my fiancé, almost husband. He had chosen to wear his golden mask, and so has his Best Man. He clasped my hands in his as the High Priestess Ianthe began.

I couldn't do this. No matter how much my family and I needed his wealth to stay alive. I'd promised my mother to take care of them all, but I wasn't going accept this marriage to this man. No. I can't do this.

I tuned back into reality just as Ianthe spoke, "If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their pea-"

The doors flung open, and a cold breeze blew in. There he stood.

"Hello, Feyre darling," he purred.

| Author's ~ Note |  

Okay, it's been literally FOREVER since I last wrote... I'M SORRY.

Tamlin disgusts me. And probably all of you guys. LET'S KILL HIM! :D

And school starts in two days for me, which I weirdly don't mind at all. Unpopular opinion: I really hate summer.

Sorry it's been so long :'(

365 Days of Feysand // One-Two ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now