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Three bodies were found in the house when a local citizen reported to the police when she heard a scream from the house that night.

When the police arrived, three of the family members were already dead by the time they got there. The teenage girl known as Georgia Smith had the worst death scenario out of all; with her head being ruined badly by something like a barbed bat. Her skins were nearly ripped off entirely. Sights of blood everywhere in her room. While her parents were only stabbed in the heart once.

There weren't any other witnesses other than the civilian who happened to pass by, her name wasn't revealed as the authorities would like to keep her as safe as possible.

Y/N's PoV

            The world around them is a complete blur, they couldn't feel anything but emptiness. Or was it because they aren't themselves? It doesn't explain anything. They felt tired, dizzy, guilty, but satisfied at the same time. As if they're breaking apart, but couldn't just... die. Someone or something is holding them back, gripping them so hard that they can't even cross the line to the surface of the ocean where they could breathe.

Gasping for air. But couldn't feel a thing.

hAvE yOu FoRgoTTen yEsTerdAy?

They turned to see a shadow figure eyeing them with its red eyes. A wide smile wore across its face.

It vanished until someone's voice sounded from above the ocean.

Everything went black.

Masky's PoV

            He eyed as Y/N body began to shift on the ground. They've stopped midway in the forest, since Toby had went out to get some food again. None of them would want to eat Eyeless's cooking, it's his turn for the entire week, even for breakfast. He sighed softly at that, before turning to Hoodie who had decided to rest against a tree right across from him.


He blinked a couple of times at the male who had called him out, not loud enough for the other proxy to hear– well, they're unconscious anyways. "If it's about Y/N, it's normal for them to be like th–"

"Tim. A perfectly sane person does not go insane in zero point two seconds, by just hearing a sentence which triggers them into snapping." The hooded proxy's voice raised, as he shifted into a much more comfortable position. "It's not.. normal."

The older proxy clinched his teeth beneath his mask, before letting out another sigh. "There's always a first time in everything, Brian. Can you explain how Jeff went insane? It happened just as fast as how Y/N did."

"We've all heard Jeff's story, but this is Y/N we're talking about."

The both of them soon went silent when the said [fe]male let out a groan. They shot a glare at each other before approaching the soon-to-be-conscious proxy.

            Y/N's eyes snapped wide open in a split second, which wouldn't startled Tim if he wasn't working for Slender or stuff like that.

"Kid, are you alright?" Tim asked, "Sorry that we had to knock you out, you would've made a commotion if you were conscious." He watched as the teenager sat up as quickly as they could.

Slender's definitely going to end me... Tim thought as he exchanged a look with Brian, who had broke the eye contact with Y/N and decided to stare off into the path where Toby had gone to.

Y/N coughed a little before nodding, "Yeah... I'm fine. Where are we?"

"We're in the forest nearby that girl's place. Toby went to get breakfast."

"Why don't you eat the food at the mansion?"

"Y/N. We've ate it all yesterday. Plus, Eyeless is going to cook for the entire week. Would you like to experience cannibalism?" Of course, the proxy shook their head at the question.

Y/N's PoV + slight TimeSkip

            Their attention was soon turned to the footsteps slowly approaching them from afar. Probably only one person. Coming towards them anyway. It's probably Toby, they leaned their back against the tree behind them like before, except standing up this time.

There really wasn't anything to do or talk about while they were waiting for the other proxy to arrive with food, Y/N had just decided to do what they always do. Observe everything possible.

They've just realised that Masky is taller than them by a little, same goes for Hoodie but he's taller. Heh, modern days Goliath, they laughed internally.

            "I'm curious about you," they nearly jumped at the sudden conversation starter spoken by Masky, "why didn't you live the life you had?"

"Didn't Slender tell you anything?" Y/N responded with a lazy tone.

They could see the masked man shaking his head from the corner of their eyes.

"What do you want to know?"

"Your life."

Masky's PoV

              Y/N's expression dropped so much that he could feel the atmosphere changed. But then the smile went back to their face after a few seconds.

"Well..." [s]he began, "My parents and best friend died in a car accident ten years ago. Because of... I don't reallt know the cause of it. No one really told me about it because I was eight back then." [S]he paused.

"My parents... they were some real good people. They ran an orphanage, but it got closed down after a couple of months after their death. That place was where I've met Stephen, he's... dead as well of course. I've always looked up to him, how he could be so... monotone to everything that's bad and negative."

"He had protected me from some bullies back in kindergarten and elementary school. The bullies weren't an issue to me, since I knew to ignore their words if they weren't true."

"After the accident... I met Andrew and Isabelle who had graduated with me this year. I bet they're just having some fun time in college right now."

As Tim continued to listen in, Tobias arrived at their location with a bag of what seems like Chinese food.

"I-I-I've g-got 'em!"

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