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Y/N's PoV

          The blade around their throat doesn't seemed to be lowering down anytime soon. They could feel the cold breath a few inches away from the back of their neck, the person behind them should be around their height.

The [H/C]-haired [fe]male then focused their attention on the two siblings staring at them shocked. Andrew then grabbed his sister's arm gently, before signalling her to get into the car.


Her call for the [fe]male was left unanswered– as Andrew drove off with an apologetic look on his face. Y/N doesn't blame him, anyone would've ran at this situation.

"They abandoned you, eh?" The blade was soon lowered down, the voice was rough and sounded way too familiar for Y/N's liking. The Japanese accent was heavy, but a slight American accent was forced into it.

Without hesitation, Y/N turned around to face their attacker.

They felt as if the entire world stopped.

            "No fucking way." Those words came out of their mouth as their [E/C]-coloured eyes widened at the sight.

Their eyes were met with the familiar yellow ones, with a sharp gaze on them. Thousands of emotions began to overwhelm Y/N in a split second.

The hooded figure avoided making eye contact with the proxy after a few seconds.


Y/N's attacker– Stephen, then backed away. His scythe hanged loosely as he held it in his non-dominant hand. Slowly pulled off his hood, revealing the soft messy black hair he was hiding. Y/N could recognise the male's pale skin anywhere. The eye bags under his yellow eyes.

The slender symbol marked on the left of his neck.

"You died... you fucking died!"

Stephen's PoV

         The ravenette remained silent, as if he was waiting for a scolding or some kind of beating from Y/N.

But neither came.

He was pulled into a tight hug by the [fe]male, he can feel tears staining his clothing– but it didn't matter to him.

The male was confused as in what to do, hug back? He hasn't done that for ten years or so. Soft sobs can be heard from the proxy, before [s]he let go of him.

"Wait... are you really Stephen?" Y/N asked, a glimmer of hope filled their eyes.

[S]he was responded with a nod.

That alone, was good enough.

"How did you survive? They said you were dead! What about mom and dad? Did they survive?"

Stephen hesitated to answer.

"They... didn't make it," he began, "pretty sure you know the answer to your first question by now. Slendy brought me back to life." He pointed at the Slender symbol marked in his neck with some sort of black ink.

Y/N looked both sad and relief at the same time. The ravenette couldn't tell, as he wasn't great with reading facial expressions.

"You know... you can call me by my real name– right?"

The name Stephen was given to him by Y/N's parents when he was adopted. Y/N's parents preferred English names, and it would be a little strange for them to have a child with a foreign languaged name. They didn't have anything against Japanese, but would want to have Stephen get comfortable and have him feel like he belonged.

"Why should I?"

"I didn't belong in your family anyways."

"No, you did. And you still do."

Stephen eyed the [H/C]-haired proxy with a sad smile. Before shaking his head in disagreement. "Anyways.... I'll have to get you back to the Mansion. Before Slendy... y'know–"

He was interrupted by Y/N's sudden realisation of the nickname Stephen has given Slender.

A gasp.

Y/N let out a fucking gasp at that.

"Uhm... I don't think I wanna go back there."

"Trust me on this, Y/N. If there's anywhere where you belong, it's Slendy's mansion."

The [fe]male thought for a moment, before nodding with hesitation.

"Do you have an alias yet?"

"An alias?"

"Yeah, ever thought of having one? It's going to be dangerous if you go by your real name– that is, if they were to find out the culprit of a murder."

"I don't think they're necessary."

"We use codenames in armies for a reason."

"This is not an army."

The two chuckled at the pointless conversation they were having.

Y/N's PoV + TimeSkip

          They soon made it back to the mansion without a problem, or any unnecessary encounters. Stephen had assured Y/N that he'll cover for them– in case Slender finds out that Y/N tried to leave.


Oh, how Y/N had recognised that voice. The vulgar.

"Jeff! How are you doing on this wonderfu–"

A knife passed by the proxy's head, missing by just an inch or two. They sweat-dropped. Same goes for Stephen, who stood right beside them.

The black-haired killer was about to yell at Y/N again, before noticing the male right next to the proxy. "Oh... it's you again."

"Happy to see me?" Stephen smirked slightly, as Jeff returned the same.

"Of course not, fuckface. Would've loved for you to come back after a year!"

"Oh? I'm terribly sorry for returning so early to steal your little spotlight."

The mock battle went on and on for a solid five minute, Y/N slowly backed away... into the mansion. Closing the door to muffle the loud yells from the two outside.

        With a sigh, they left the room entirely afterwards. Everything was calm and quiet, until the proxy bumps into someone's back.

They quickly recovered before they fall on their ass. Looked up only to be met with a feminine masked man– Masky. Smoke exhaled from his mouth, as he had pushed his mask slightly upwards just enough for him to smoke.

"Smoking isn't good for your health, y'know that?" Y/N commented, catching the older proxy's attention once and for all.

Earned a shrug from him.

"It's a habit."

"An addiction."

"Whatever. By the way, Ben's in your room messing with your things. Have fun cleaning it up."

The [H/C]-haired proxy raised an eyebrow in confusion, before hearing a loud thud from right above them.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2018 ⏰

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