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I'm gonna change from third person perspective from time to time. Sometimes, it can be second person if needed. I want my readers to feel like they're in the story rather than reading it.

Not only will there be Y/N's perspective. Others will be involved. One person's perspective in one chapter. Easier for me that way.

It's my first time writing in perspectives, so...

I want to give the reader some angst. But. I'll become too sadistic.


Reader's POV

           You watched as the two argued, while you sat on the couch with the controller in hand. They are arguing with each other like couples– except for the fact that they're both guys and a bunch of insults were thrown towards each other. It's even worse than watching Andrew and Isabelle fighting in their apartment because of a donut. You soon got up, and left the two idiotic killers(?) alone. "Eh, I'll play with you later, Jeff." Earning a raised eyebrow from the said male.

Third Person PoV / Masky's PoV

             After that, they pretty much went on with their insults– since it can be heard from the other side of the living room.

"Let me guess, they're fighting again." Y/N turned around to see Masky standing behind them with a drink in his hand. "And no, I'm not getting drunk. Just holding it for someone." He received a nod from the new proxy.

Masky eyed the [fe]male up and down, they seemed to be wearing the same thing ever since they've arrived yesterday. Or was it last night? Meh. It doesn't matter.

"Slender said he has a mission for us, if I'm not wrong?" They raised an eyebrow at that, questioning him as they soon stared at him for answers.

Masky sighed, before nodding. "Yeah, but you wouldn't like it. Much."

"Why is that?"

"Oh... nothing, just... it may be a little gory."

{TimeSkip brought to you by the drink}

            I might've spoiled some action for the new kid, Masky thought as he grabbed hold of his weapon, a knife. Not sure if he uses a knife, couldn't find answers on Google. Well, what's done is done anyway... he tucked the knife back into its holster, before the door creaked open. Revealing another masked man other than himself, with yellow hoodie. "Oh, ready to go?"

The hooded man shook his head, a crowbar in hand. While a knife and a gun are kept somewhere else, which Masky never knows where he puts them. "Tobias ain't ready yet." He simply stated, before closing the door behind him. "What 'bout Y/N?"

"Last I saw h[er]im, I was drinking." He could feel Hoodie rolling his eyes at that, as the hooded sat on the table near the window. "And it was only an hour or two ago."

"Tim... it's six o'clock... in the afternoon."

"Then six hours ago."

"You don't drink in the morning."

"Time isn't real."

"Settle for coffee instead, wouldn't want you drunk on a mission."

"Are you doubting my ability to handle alcohol?" He eyed Hoodie who turned away and slightly nodded and mumbled a 'yes.'

Reader's PoV / Jeff's PoV + TimeSkip

              "What about knives?" Jeff gestures towards one, along with a couple of weapons laid on the desk. God knows where the hell did he gathered all of them from. By a couple of weapons, it meant more than five of them. There's a knife, a handgun, a barbed wired baseball bat , a scythe, a hatchet, and some other stuff that Y/N would rather not keep in mind of.

"I'm not good with knives... or blades."

"Well, just pick up. Or those proxies are gonna be impatient and kidnap you."




Y/N sighed, before scanning their eyes over all of the weapons on the desks. They were in a baseball club before so... the baseball bat would work pretty well. They picked up the weapon, and swung it with an half-assed effort, "This will do." Missing Jeff's face by an inch or two.

The killer shot the [fe]male a glare before letting it slide and calling himself down. "Alright then, take a gun with you just in case." He picked it up, and tossed it over to them. "Now go and meet them in... uhh... Masky's room? I don't know."

The [fe]male nodded before leaving the room with a baseball bat and a gun in hand.

             Somehow Y/N was able to find Masky's room in this mansion, thank god for the nameplates. They let out a deep breath before knocking on the door, and realised it's not closed or locked, and can be easily pushed open. "Masky...?"

They poked their head into the room, grabbing both men's attention. Y/N hasn't seen the guy in yellow hoodie before, but doesn't question it.

"Oh, Y/N, you're here. Have you seen Toby?" Masky tilted his head slightly towards the left in question, "Y'know, that guy with a mouth guard. Wearing... brown? Also, you can come in. Hoodie doesn't bite." He said as he gestured over to the hooded man. Who just ignored his statement about him.

Y/N nodded before inviting themselves into the room, closing the door gently behind them. "And no... I haven't seen Toby." Knowing exactly who they're talking about.

Hoodie's PoV

              He eyed the [fe]male up and down like how Masky did when they encountered each other in the morning. The new proxy has a baseball bat in hand, and a gun in its holster. A short-ranged and a long-ranged weapon? Do they even know how to use a gun? He thought before observing them even further.

Y/N wore a black hoodie, with sleeves rolled up all the way to their elbows. Paired with dark blue jeans, that's exactly their size, and a pair of [F/C] sneakers. [S]he wears almost the same thing as everyone here... the male then hopped off the desk he was sitting on.

"I'll be looking for Toby."

Was all he said before leaving the other two in the room.

Masky's PoV

              As soon as Brian (Hoodie) left, he turned his attention towards Y/N who's standing awkwardly in the same position they were before. "Didn't know we have those in the weapon room." He pointed at the baseball bat they were holding in their right hand.

"Eh, Jeff gave it to me so..." They shrugged, as their [E/C] eyes landed onto the ground.

He nodded, his hands tucked in his pockets. Headed towards the door, "We'll be leaving for the mission soon... you can still back out but– Slender would not be happy."

"I'll be fine as long as I don't need to do much... plus, I don't know what's the mission's about. Slender wouldn't tell me."

"It's fine, you can just observe."

Hoodie's PoV + TimeSkip

             Brian soon showed up with the brown-haired teenager(?) trailing slowly behind him as they proceeded into the living room. Both Masky and Y/N were sitting on the couch, talking. Probably talking about the mission. He sighed before catching Tim's attention. "Ready?"

He was answered with a nod from the two of them.

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