Chapter 5

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After about a week, Playtime has almost recovered fully. She was ready to be back at school. Playtime was excited to see Bully again. She has missed him so much, and wanted to hear about what was going on at school.

Playtime walked into the school, and was greeted by 1st Prize. 

"G0od 2 c U aga!n, Pl@yt!me!" 1st Prize hugged. Playtime hugged him back, and smiled.

"It is good to see you, too!" She looked around. "Have you seen Bully?"

"BuLly !s @ h1s l0cker."

"Thank you, 1st Prize! I will be off!" Playtime waved good bye, and walked towards Bully's locker. Bully was getting out some sling shots, and than he saw Playtime, so he put them back. They both ran towards each other gave them a hug. "I missed you Bully! We have so much catching up to do!"

"Haha, yup! Are you feeling OK?" Playtime wasn't felling the best today, her head kinda hurt, but other than that, she was OK.

"I'm fine! Don't worry about me!" Playtime smiled. "Shall we head to math?" Bully nodded and walked together to math class. While they were walking, Bully noticed that Playtime wasn't wearing the ripped hoodie, instead she was wearing a red dress. 

He blushed and said,"Y-you look pretty in that dress, today!" Playtime looked down, and realized she was wearing a dress, and she giggled.

"Heh, thank you!" 

After 3 minutes, they were in Mr. Baldi's classroom. Playtime was greeted with a wave and a "Welcome back!" by Mr. Baldi. While Bully was greeted with a glare. They both sat down, and the lesson began.


"Alright everyone, make sure you do your homework, Page 99, see you real soon." Mr Baldi said. All the students were heading out to lunch. When Bully and Playtime were about to leave the door, the teacher stopped them. "Uh, Playtime? Can I have a word with you?" The bully and the small girl looked at each other. 

"You can go on without me Bully! I will be fine" Playtime smiled. The bully nodded and left. Playtime turned her head to Mr. Baldi.

"Since you were absent for a week, you missed a lot of work and even a test." Mr. Baldi shook his head to the side.

"O-oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know how much I missed." Playtime sighed.

"Well, you know I am not gonna let you off the hook easily, so I am gonna have to ask you to stay after school to finish your work." Playtime nodded, and was kinda slumped over on the teachers desk. She was tired, and her head hurt even more. "Do you think you can handle it?"

"Of course I can!"

"Good, well, see you after school." Playtime walked out of the classroom, and headed over to the cafeteria. Once she got in, she saw Bully waving his hand in the air. Playtime sat next the bully. Bully had a big tray of food on the table. 

"How did you get all of that food?" Playtime asked.

"Um. I had a lot of coins?" Bully lied and shrugged.


rInG rInG rInG rInG

While everyone was running out of the school, Playtime was walking into Mr. Baldi's class. When she got in, she glanced around the room, and found Mr. Baldi, sitting in a chair, reading a book while sipping his coffee. Mr. Baldi noticed and stood up to greet the tired girl.

"Good afternoon, Playtime!" Mr. Baldi smiled. "You may sit down in your usual spot." Playtime slowly walked over to her desk. She felt her head, and it was burning. Playtime knew she had a fever, but she just wanted to get her work over with. The teacher put a bunch of papers on her desk. "Once you finish with all that work, come to me and you will be able to take the test." Playtime nodded and began her work.


It's been 2 hours since Playtime started her work. She has been more tired than ever, and her head hurts like crazy. Playtime was at least more than half way done with her work. Mr. Baldi stood up from his seat. 

"I will be right back, I have to print out something." Mr. Baldi said as he walked away. Playtime looked back at her work. There was still at least an hour and a half of work left.

"I-can't...continue..." Playtime let go of her pencil, and collapsed on her work.

Before Playtime completely fainted, she felt warm arms wrap around her. She felt slight movement while being wrapped, but that's when everything blacked out.


Playtime woke up again, in the same place was in when the incident happened. She looked around the room, and thought is was a dream. Playtime wasn't aching anywhere, she didn't feel tired, it had to be a dream. Before she could make any movement, Mr. Baldi walked into the health office. 

"Ah, your awake!" he said, smiling. 

"Is this a dream?" Playtime mumbled, still confused.

"No no no." Mr. Baldi chuckled. "While I was printing out a document, you seemed to have fainted. When I came back, your head was on your desk. I asked you if you were OK, but you didn't respond. I knew something was wrong, so I carried you to the health office." Warm arms... so Mr. Baldi must of carried me..."I checked your temperature and you were at 102."

"Oh..." Playtime didn't really have a response to this. She was still processing on what just happened.

"Don't worry though, your parents will come pick you up soon, I called them and-" Before Mr. Baldi could finish his sentence, Playtime hugged him. Mr. Baldi hugged her back, and heard her cry in his long sleeve shirt.

"I-I want to t-thank you, that w-was really kind of y-you." Playtime sniffled.

"Anytime, Playtime, anytime..."

You Make My Heart Jump (Playtime x Bully)Where stories live. Discover now