Chapter 6

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After 3 days, Playtime was caught up with all of her work! She even made an A on her math test. Mr. Baldi was very proud of her, and gave her a shiny quarter. Playtime was just glad everything was normal again. She did the usual meet up with Bully, by his locker, and walked to Mr. Baldi's room. As Playtime sat down at her desk, she noticed something different. There was a new person sitting in front of her. This person looked quite familiar to her, but before she could ask for their name, the class had started.

"Good morning class, as you probably noticed, we have a new student. Would you like to introduce yourself?" Mr. Baldi said.

"Of course!" Said the stranger, which sound like a male voice. They walked up to the front of the room. When they turned around, Playtime gasped. It was Arts and Crafts, from her old school. He was the most popular kid in the school, and now he is in Playtime's school. She was shocked, and even Bully noticed.

"Um...Playtime?" You OK?" The bully asked. Playtime noticed and smiled. 

"Oh, n-no, everything is fine!" Bully smiled and turned around. Playtime turned around as well, and looked at Arts and Crafts. He was still talking, but she made eye contact with him. They both glanced their eyes away from each other.

"Thank you Arts and Crafts, now you may sit down." Mr. Baldi said. Arts and Crafts smiled and walked back. Playtime was still shocked...Arts and Crafts was like a bully to her, and who knows what he is up to.


Playtime's next class was English, so she had to get her reading book, but then Arts and Crafts walked up to her.

"Well, surprised to see you here, Scribbles." Arts and Crafts chuckled. Playtime didn't respond to him. "Is there a problem, are your ear drums bad, too?" 

"My ears are fine."

"HAHA, your voice is still as bad as I thought it was." Arts and Crafts laughed. Playtime looked away, but the sock grabbed(?)her and turned her so that the two of them were looking at each other. "Still as ugly as you were..." Then, Arts and Crafts was laying on the ground, with a tear in his eye. Playtime looked to the right, and it was Bully, who had saved her from being harassed any longer.

"Nobody messes with my friend." Bully said. Playtime was mixed in emotions right now, she didn't have a response to all of this. "Come on Playtime, lets go." Bully let out his hand, and with out hesitation, Playtime took it. They both speed walked, because they didn't want a detention, and they went to Bully's locker. They both sat down by his locker. "OK, so what happened back there?" Bully asked.

"Um..." Playtime couldn't put her words together. "That kid was, uh, my bully from my old school.

"What!? I will give him a piece of my mind-"

"NO, STOP!" Bully froze, and then sat back down. "Arts and Crafts was the most popular kid in my old school, so if he were to pick on anyone, everyone else would on them. And it just so happens that I was one of those kids... words were thrown out at me at every chance they got. 'Your ugly.' 'Your voice hurts my ears.' 'Your hair is messier than a rat.'" Playtime started to tear up. "Eventually, the bullying got so bad, I-I had to change schools." Playtime couldn't take it anymore and she started to cry. Bully hugged her, and that stopped the water works.

"Playtime, if they are calling you ugly, then they need some glasses cause your, your, beautiful." Bully blushed, and so did Playtime. 

"Thank you, Bully. Your probably one of the first to accept me on who I am." The bully smiled, and stood back up. 

"Well, we only have 2 minutes to get to class, we should be going now." Playtime nodded, and they both walked their separate ways.

You Make My Heart Jump (Playtime x Bully)Where stories live. Discover now