Chapter 7

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It was lunch, and of course, Playtime and Bully sat next to each other. Bully had to leave the table for a second, but he didn't want to tell Playtime what he was going to do. Bully was planning on confessing his love to her, through notes... Bully's idea was with secret admirers, and after about a couple of notes, he will tell Playtime to meet him at a location. Bully had it all planned out. He walked to his locker to get his first note, that's when Mr. Baldi stopped him.

"Good afternoon, Bully." Mr. Baldi said.

"Wassup..." Bully turned back to his locker, but he didn't know the conversation would be over.

"Wait I'm not done..." Mr. Baldi sighed. Bully turned around again. "Can you, come with me, into my classroom?"


Playtime was getting impatient, and bored. Before she stood up to look for Bully, Arts and Crafts went to her table. He sat down next to Playtime.

"What do you want!?" Playtime exclaimed and crossed her arms while looking down.

"I-I came to, apologize, to you." Playtime looked Arts and Crafts with a confused face. "I have been acting like a jerk to you for past...years... and when I moved to your school, I should've learned my lesson, but I didn't..." Arts and Crafts looked away in embarrassment. Playtime was even more confused.

"Learned your lesson? What do you mean by that." Arts and Crafts turned back around.

"You see, after you left the school, everyone was trying to find out why you left. Your friend knew, and she told a couple of people. The word got spread around fast, and everyone was treating me horrible. I was being called names, being bullied, so then I had to move schools. Just like you..."

"W-wow, well, I'm sorry that-"

"No, I'm sorry, I am the one who is suppose to be apologizing, not you." Arts and Crafts put an old jump rope on the lunch table.

"My old jump rope you stole in 1st grade?"

"Yes, it's like, a piece offering in a way." Playtime looked up and the sock, and Arts and Crafts smiled. "So, Playtime? Can we, start over?"

Playtime smiled and took the jump rope. "I'd love to!"


Bully walked into Mr. Baldi's classroom, while the teacher took a seat at his desk.

"Please sit down, Bully." Mr. Baldi said. Bully looked around and sat down of the floor. He laughed, but that just made Mr. Baldi mad. "I meant in your seat!" Bully walked to is desk and sat down.

"So...why did you call me here?" Bully asked.

"I need to adjust something here about your behavior..."

"Ughhh...we already explained this, teach! I need to change, ya, I DID." Bully just wanted to get out of here, but Mr. Baldi wouldn't let him. The conversation was still going.

"No you didn't..." Mr. Baldi sighed. "Your behavior may had changed in my class, but not outside of it."

Bully was confused. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, you beat up another student..." 

Bully almost chocked on his own words when he heard that. "H-HOW DO YOU KNOW!?"

"The event happened right around my classroom. You guys were also loud, so anyone could've heard it."

"HEY! And besides, I only did it because that smelly gym sock was harassing my friend!"

You Make My Heart Jump (Playtime x Bully)Where stories live. Discover now