Chapter three

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' you can't be serious ' sky asked wide eyed after Aiko had explained everything to her.
' I wish I wasn't but that's the situation now. Doctor Lori would explain better to you. '
She sighed, brushing her palm on her face.
' hey you would be fine okay? ' he assured her.
Sky smiled, ' thank you Aiko. For everything. '
' anytime ' he got up to leave.
' you are sure you will be okay on your own? '
' yes. Of course. Thank you again. ' she sighed. Things were beginning to go really weird and difficult to understand these days. First she sees someone that looks exactly like herself and now there is a growing mark on her stomach.
What could go worse.

All she wanted was to get sonia back but it seems she would have to wait for a very long time before that wish would be granted. Now she found herself falling into something bigger than herself... Or her universe at large.
The only thing she was finding hard to understand was how she was at the center of it all. From what aiko had explained I t seemed her forefathers went way back in history. Could there be a way she was linked to this people or was she the cause of the whole problem?. Maybe,  because it had been she and sonia that went wandering in the wastelands and she knew for a fact that something had happened there - something she couldn't fathom but she was ready to dig deeper.

Norman stood waiting for them to finalize their judgment. He was slowly getting irritated at the way they failed to show more concern.
Sky was in pains for goodness sake and that was all that mattered to him.
' we have come to a conclusion. ' Adam, the oldest elder spoke.
' we give them what they want '.
Norman's blood boiled,  ' which is? ' he asked through gritted teeth.
Adam stood up and walked towards them,  stopping in front of doctor Lori.
' you didn't tell him the whole story? '
Then to Norman, ' sky is an endinto. A living ritual. And to avoid the war already coming  we will hand her over to the people of sertrum. '
Like hell you will!
' you can't do that!' Norman yelled. Doctor Lori tried calming him.
' no! You realize she will be killed right?  I'm not letting you touch her. It isn't her fault! '.
Adam turned to his other elders sitting.
' no one is saying its her fault my son. You know nothing about this. Years ago the endinto's were the most powerful forces on the face of the universe and then all of a sudden they were wiped out by the sertrum. I still don't know the reason for it or how sky survived but the only thing I know is they are used to cleanse the evil in the land. '
Norman was more confused than ever now. Things were getting nasty.
' that is what's best for everyone. Norman I really understand you been protective of her but this is the only way out. We have no other choice. '
Adam turned and walked back to his seat.
This can't be happening.
' we could meet with them, I mean we are not completely sure its her they want.' It came out more like a question. He wasn't sure what he was doing but he had to try.
' you mean talk to them? That hasn't been done in hundreds of years. We can't risk it.' Luka who has been sitting and listening spoke up.
Doctor Lori spoke up for the first time since they got to the council.
' I could try to conjure the other female sky had seen in her dreams. I mean we could try to negotiate with them. ' he turned to Norman with a small smile.
' are you sure? ' Nafessa the only female elder asked.
' maybe'.
She turned to the others, their faces were calm but Norman knew they were telecommunicating.
' very well. You have just 1 month to try Lori. That's all you get. ' she smiled.
'Thank you, may we leave now?'.
' yes you may. And Norman? '
He turned to look at her,
' good luck with your friend.' She smiled. ' you need it. '
Norman could only nod, ' thank you.'
' we are not the enemy Norman. I hope you understand. ' Adam said as they walked away.

Yeah right, I'm not totally convinced.

Norman's POV:

I watched her sleep so calm and peaceful, she was finally relaxed. Lori had mixed something to take away her pain for a while.
She would be fine. I kept assuring myself. I needed to convince myself too.
The conversation with the elders came back to my head.
She was an endinto. A living ritual.
Looking at her sleepy form she looked nothing like a ritual more or less a spirit body. She had always seemed fragile to him even when she tried to look feirce.
I needed to be calm for her,  there were so many emotions flowing through my mind right now. I slowly raise my hand to stroke her cheek, they felt so waarm and soft.
This wasn't the body of a killer, fuck!  She couldn't even hurt a fly if she wanted to. Something was definitely wrong.
They had seemed too reluctant to give me a chance at saving her if not for Nafessa. He would do anything to make her feel safe again.
No matter what.
She was slowly groaning in her sleep.
' hey, you are safe, Shhh. I'll just get you more blankets, you are freezing. '
He made to get up but sky grabbed his arm. Her hands felt so strong he had to turn to look at her.
And he saw the most scaring eyes ever, her eyes were as blue as the ocean.
' sky? '
She opened her mouth to speak but only smoke could come out. She shut her eyes again,
' they are coming' she whispered and fell back to the bed screaming.
Norman held her before she could fall down. The door opened and Aiko rushed in.
' what's happening? '
' I don't know, get Lori! '
Norman couldn't hold her any more, her skin was freezing cold and she kept pulling her hair.
' sky please fight it.' He was in tears.
He couldn't believe it.
Doctor Lori walked into the room with a confused expression.
' step away from her Norman. ' he started enchanting a spell.
Norman watched as sky slowly began to relax , her eyes returning to their normal color.

Well this is all for now till I get comments to continue with this book.

I only hope you read and go on this adventures with me..
Shout out to my first comment by @ryrybow.. Thank you for following and commenting.. I appreciate..
You all are wonderful.. I love you so much guys.
Please don't forget to keep reading 'before dawn' too and vote..

Have a nice day pals...
Love ❤️

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