Chapter two

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She was here, standing in front of me not speaking but still she was here.
I could not make out the figure standing beside her, it was too bright to see anything. Then she spoke finally, ' you need to get ready to leave'. She was no longer smiling.
'What? What do you mean!' I yell.
But she was slowly fading and the figures behind her were getting closer and clearer. They looked ancient and dripped of green slime.
Her voice echoed in my head again, 'you have to leave, leave now! '. Then I ran, my legs seemed heavier. I kept running until I fell, my ankle was twisted and they were closing up on me. I needed a plan or I would be dead. I was too late they hovered over me like ghosts.
' she's perfect for the ritual. Tie her'.
The tallest one spoke, turning away from me. I didn't try struggling, it was useless I had come to my end.
The only thing I saw last was her face, she was slowly fading but I saw her.
I saw her, my exact replica, I saw me.

Sky jumped from her bed, beads of sweat clung to her skin. It was only a dream. She reminded herself and stood up to wash her face.
Her stomach stung making her sit back down on the bed. She raised her shirt up to find a dark patch on her stomach.
' what the -' she pulled the shirt over head and walked to the mirror.
This wasn't happening.
She was definitely imagining things, she pinched her arm to make sure she wasn't dreaming. How possible was it?, the dream came back to her making her shudder in fear. This wasn't happening, it couldn't be.

For the next hours sky carried out her duties in camp, her stomach was hurting so bad and she tried enduring it.
' are you okay? ' Aiko, her instructor watched her.
' yes I'm alright ' she managed a weak smile.
' are you sure, you look pale' he came closer.
Sky moved back the last thing she needed was attention right now.
' I thing ineed water and maybe rest a little. ' she lied.
God the pain was becoming unbearable. She turned to leave but fell to the floor.
Aiko rushed to her before she hit her head, ' jesus , sky your body temperature is high. I am taking you to the doctor. ' he carried her.
Sky was too weak to protest, her head ws spinning. She couldn't keep her eyes open anylonger, they felt heavy.
' what happened to her? 'Norman took her from Aiko.
' I don't know, she just fell and her body is so hot. '
Norman turned to look at sky as the doctor undressed her.
' she's been going through a lot of stress.' He sighed.
' stress doesn't explain this. Norman shut the door, Aiko the window. ' the doctor turned to sky.
' something's wrong '.
Norman moved closer to sky, her stomach had marks and she looked pale.
' what in the heavens name is that?' Aiko rushed to her.
' they look like marking '. Norman turned to the doctor.
' they are patterns. I have never seen one but my father had. Its closer than I thought '.
' what is closer? 'Norman asked.
' come with me ' the doctor opened his study and walked in with Norman and Aiko behind him.
' there are some things that the trinity seven had kept from us, but of course for our own benefits and good.' He looked through his book shelf.
'I believe you know the story about the exumed?' He turned to Norman.
' yes my father used to tell it to me, I believe it was a good old story besides what has it got to do with sky?'
Doctor Lori sighed and opened the book. ' its not a myth Norman, years ago there were other inhabitants of the universe but in different planets. You see Earth one used to be dominated by forces and spirit beings before our founders took it from them. ' he paused to look at their faces.
' if I'm correct they are coming back to Earth one and that marking on sky is just a sign - a reminder that they are watching. '
'This can't be serious, doctor do you mean we would have to evacuate?' Aiko asked.
' that is a decision the trinity seven have to make. My concern now is sky and how she is related to all this. ' he searched the big book.
' yes, look here ' he pointed to a drawing. ' that is the marking used to state an invasion, but here it says it has to be performed in the spirit '. Doctor Lori stood up.
' has sky been having nightmares or visions. Anything weird'.
Norman sat thinking, sky was a little secretive these days but still nothing seemed unsual about her. He shook his head,
' apart from her sister's death I don't think there's anything odd. '
Doctor Lori walker to the window, ' there's got to be something else these markings don't just appear.there has got to be a connection with her and the other realm.

' I saw her, sonia. She was standing right in front of me Norman. ' sky explained sitting up on the bed. Doctor Lori had managed to help subside the pain.
' what do you mean you saw her? ' Norman asked.
Sky looked out of the window, she knew it was going to sound crazy.
' In my dreams but last night was different, she was trying to warn me about something. I don't know. ' she sighed.
Norman got up and walked to the door. ' wait here sky. '
Aiko was still with doctor Lori, 'she's awake'
' what's wrong? '
' you need to come with me, I really dont know '.
Aiko looked at doctor Lori and walked to the door.

Sky was sitting at the edge of the bed, facing the window when they walked in.
' sky doctor Lori is here'. Norman took her hands in his.
' tell me about your dreams sky.'
She turned to look at Norman as if waiting for him to disagree but he just nodded.

' I saw her' she repeated.
' you saw who sky? ' doctor Lori asked sitting opposite from her.
Sky gulped this is stupid, how would they even understand.
' sonia, in my dreams every night although she doesn't usually say anything but last night was different'. She paused and gave a sigh.
This was frustrating, the whole lot of it.
' she spoke, it was like she was warning me of danger. I couldn't really understand then she was gone and they started chasing after me. I kept running but I guess I wasn't fast enough and they got me. '
Sky was becoming uncomfortable again, she got up and rubbed her palms together.
' they looked like ghosts at the same time they felt real. I think they mentioned something about a sacrifice and how I was perfect for it.'

Doctor Lori frowned, 'are you sure about this sky?'
She turned to him, fear written on her face.
' and then I saw her ' the memories were still fresh in her head.
Doctor Lori stood up, ' you saw who? '
Sky shuddered, ' I saw me. I mean she looked exactly like me. '
It still surprised her. ' and then I woke up to this mark on my stomach'.
Doctor Lori moved closer to her to examine the markings. They seemed to have become wider, almost covering her lower abdomen.
' oh gods, is something wrong with me? ' sky was shaking.
' not you with all of us. We have to warn them. ' he turned to Norman.
He nodded ' I'll do that but for now isn't there something you could give her for the pain? '
Doctor Lori sighed, ' I'll see what I can do. This is far beyond me but I'll try. '
' does somebody want to tell me what is going on? '
Aiko took her hand, ' I'll take her home Norman, do what you have to. ' he smiled weakly to sky.
' I'll tell you everything. '

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