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This chapter is located in the next planet.
Now remember i said sky had a look alike? Well in this planet many things and people look alike but bare different names. Its more like a photocopy of earth.
I just hope you understand as you read..
Thank you guys for getting through with me... 🔷🔷🌟
Another chapter of my other book ' before dawn has been updated.. You can breeze in anytime!..
I love you guys.. Please don't forget to vote like and share.. Any gifts will be appreciated as well as comments..

Sertrum :( earth two)


'Hey endinto ' one of the soldiers smack my butt as I passed.
I no longer feel the pain or the hurtful comments they threw at me.
I was getting stronger that was what matters to me.
I kept moving forward, avoiding their lustful stares and trying to keep my mist down. It was growing each day. I'm still surprised they haven't realized I have powers. They seem to know everything.
' sky. '
I turn around to face him. Nethen seems to be the only one that still calls me by my name and I love him for that.
' hey'.
' hey snow hair, you look pale. He ruffles my hair.
' stop it, you know how much I hate that. ' I swat his hand away.
' why are you here. We don't want anyone to see you with the endinto. ' I mock.

You see Nethen is the prince of sertrum, weird right? Only sertrum still does royalty. I'm sure no other planet does that.
' hey. I love to pick on my favorite slave ' he mocks back.
' okay seriously why are you here. '
' I have to show you something. Come.'
I roll my eyes and start walking away, Nethen loved to joke and play stupid pranks..some were funny but it always got us into trouble _ me especially. I mean who could blame him; he was the Prince.
' I am serious jokes. It's really different '
I look at him , something seemed off in his appearance.
' okay' I drool .
'Alright I'll meet you the full moon shack this evening' he ruffled my hair again before walking away.
'I hate you Nethen' I groaned.
' you should.'
'What do you want ' i groan.
Brenda was an elder's daughter , she was extremely difficult and a bitch. There was no word that could describe her.
And I hated her, well the feeling was mutual. She wouldn't stop pointing out the fact that my family were slaves.
' I missed you too darling' she smiled.
Plastic face
' I have things to do' I start walking away but she grips my hair , drawing me back.
' I'm not done talking to you sky'
I can feel my mist building up inside of me, trust me I want to zap this idiot into oblivion but that would be risky so I just keep calm and try to relax.
' good girl, now stay away from Nethen. He is mine and I don't need your slave stench around him. I'm I clear'
She pulls on my hair again.
' yes ' I gulp.

Oh the God's help me because one more pull from this bitch I'm going to kill her.

' Good now leave' she smirks.
' bunch of fools' I spit and walk away.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2022 ⏰

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