Chapter four

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Hello there everyone I really appreciate the fact that you are taking time to read this book with me..
It really means a lot..
Now every name and word in this book inscribed in italic font are just from my head. I'm deeply sorry if they coincide with you...

Im happy to be writing this book and I hope you are happy to be reading it too.. Pls keep reading, and of course if you like it vote and recommend...
❤️ Shimaya..

***this chapter is dedicated to all the wide dreamers like me...
I'm so sorry I have been having tests upon test in school... But I'll make it up to you guys love you so much guys... ❤️ ❤️ ❤️

Chapter four

' What happened? ' sky sat up. Her throat was itching like crazy and she was thirsty.
' here'. Aiko handed her a glass of water.
' thanks '.
Aiko couldn't help but wonder what must be going on with sky. She was too fragile for this.
' Aiko I asked you a question. Please tell me what happened here. '
He sat down scratching the back of his head, how  can he possibly tell her.
' I can take it. Please. ' her eyes were watery.
He hissed, ' you went into some  kind of shock.. I really don't know what to say. Your eyes were blue and you were cold... Very cold. '
So that's it?  She finally had gone crazy.
Sky thought to herself.
' did I...' She gulped. ' did I hurt anyone?'.
' no. Norman and Lori were able to keep you safe. '
' until how long ' she sat  up. ' how long can you guys keep me safe. You are loosing your lives all because of me. Its not right. '
Aiko touched her face, ' we are not loosing anything sky. These people care about you. I care about you and we will keep you safe as long as necessary'.
Sky smiled, ' still-
' stop complaining. We need to get some food in you, you look skinny.' He laughed
She laughed along with him, his hand was still on her face. It made her feel warm in a way.

Norman opened the door and met sky and Aiko laughing, his hands were on her face. It made something in him feel pain. Or was it jealousy he felt?.
' I see you are awake. '
Sky jumped from her position.
' hey. ' she was feeling uneasy all of a sudden.
Aiko realized he was still touching her and stood up.
' did you find anything?'
' not really. ' Norman sat across from her.
' I'll be outside. ' Aiko rushed out leaving them alone.
Norman smiled,  'so how do you feel? '
' I'm okay I guess '. She shrugged refusing to meet his eyes.
Okay what was wrong with her.

Norman got up and moved closer to her, ' you will be fine. I promise you. I won't let anything happen to you. '
Sky looked up, she could tell he was not joking. There was something else in his eyes she couldn't understand.
He held her hand looking into her eyes , ' sky..'
' I'll be fine. '
Norman let go of her and got up.
' get some rest. I'll be back.'
Sky sighed, 'okay. '
He walked out.

She turned to her side, facing the wall. For a moment she actually thought he was going to kiss her.
What do you think? That he likes you?
Oh please get a hold of your self.
She mentally reminded her self, there was nothing between them.
She felt nothing for him. He didn't give her butterflies.
Who the hell was she kidding, he didn't give her butterflies he gave her the fucking Amazon in her stomach. The whole zoo fighting to be out!.
She was hopeless.


I had to get out of that room if I didn't want to do something stupid.
Her eyes were so fucking captivating, I couldn't stop staring at those lips of hers.
why was I having these thoughts? What was wrong with me? Sky was just a friend nothing more.

This feelings or whatever was getting out of hand, I slowly groan in my seat before starting the car back home.
There was only one thing to do, hide my feelings from her and help her heal as fast as possible.

There has to be a way to communicate with the people of sertrum. Sky didn't have to suffer or be sacrificed in order for the so called peace to reign.

After cooling my already heated tension and trying to put her beautiful eyes behind me, which I might add I fail miserably.. I head home.
For the first time in my whole Life I am thorn between two worlds. I slowly find my self wondering what the other ' sky' looked like.
It was indeed a hell of a headache.

Sky was out of the room when I got back, she had her back to the garden door her hair cascading behind her with soft locks I wanted to rake my fingers through them. Her slender shape drowning me in every moment.

Only the gods know.

' hey, you are back ' she turned to me. Her eyes looked tense.
'Yea umm... I had to go out for a while. To clear my head a little. '
I scratch my nose.
Why was i nervous.
' umm about earlier, me and Aiko we have nothing going on. Just thought I should tell you '.
She turned around.

Wait was sky worried I left?.
' oh.. Umm.. Its okay I didn't think that. '
This time when she turns she flashes me a smile,
' oh nice. It felt a little awkward back there. '

Definitely I felt like punching the hell out of him.
' so any updates from doctor Lori? '
' yeah he says I'll be fine for now before you guys get a lead on where sertrum is located '.
I move forward and take her hand in mine.
' you will be fine. I promise. '
' thank you. ' her hands were still in mine. So perfectly fitted.

By the gods I love this woman.
She finally notices and takes them back. the tension building up between us was able to cut through a rod.
' so... I should probably let you rest. I will come see you tomorrow. '
I turn to leave.
' be safe Nathan. ' she whispers enough for me to hear.

That does it. I cant hold it anymore I need  to hold her.

My legs are moving before I could stop them, next thing my arms were rapping her into my body.
She stiffens at my touch but finally starts to relax into the embrace.

God she smells so nice, I don't want to leave.
the door opens making us jump away from each other. I roll my eyes and groan as sky chuckles.

Aiko walks in behind doctor Lori.
' you need to see this. ' he pants.
' what happened? '
He looks from sky to me, ' just come out now. '. They walk out.
' stay here. '
' no way. Come on Nathan you saw the way he looked at me. I believe it has something to do with me. '
' I know but-
' I'm coming too. ' she walks out.

By the gods if any thing happens to her...

We hurry to where Aiko and doctor Lori stood.
' we found it after sky left. '
I couldn't even speak, my eyes were fixed on the blue and white eyed creature. It lay dead, encased in a white mist.
Sky moved closer, the creature seemed to sense her presence and opened its eyes.
' sky Step back! '
Doctor Lori held my hand from dragging her.
' watch '.
Sky moved closer to the creature that was fully awake now,, watching and imitating her moves.
Then she touched the mist and her whole body turned white again.
This time she seemed to be in control of it. The mist encaging the creature opened and it hopped on her arm.

Sky turned around to face us her features were different, her hair now pure white and longer, eyes a dull blue.
She looked angelic. Her mouth began to move together with the creature.

The time will come for man to pay for their sins and mischief. The time when the gods will no longer be away from men and live amongst them.
This universe has taken over my entire world and turned them into wastelands but I will rise and bring freedom to all.
The sacrifice must be made! The endinto must die!.

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