This is how it goes

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It was my first day of high school and we got to pick clubs we wanted to be in. I'm very antisocial so I don't see myself finding a club I'd want to be a part of but they're making us look.

I walk past all the booths. Nope, Nope, Nope, Religious group... Ew. Nothing I was about to just walk out of the gym when I noticed SGA. Straight and Gay Alliance. Now that's a club I'd want to join.

I wrote my name down on the group list. Throughout middle school I had no one. I came out as gay and I lost all my friends. No one was like me. At least no one that I knew of. So maybe this is my chance to meet people like me.

The next day I told my parents that I was staying after school for a religious club at school. You see they still don't know I'm gay. If they knew I was gay I would be disowned. So we keep it a secret from them.

After school I go to the SGA meeting. Basically the first meeting is where we all get to know eachother. I pick a random seat and sit down.

The teacher tells us for introductions we have to say our name, grade, gender, and sexuality. First is Hayley.

"Hi I'm Hayley, I'm in ninth grade, I'm female, and I'm a lesbian." "I'm Troy, I'm a junior, I'm male, and I'm gay." "Hieee I'm Chase Young, I'm a junior too, I'm male, and I'm gay," he says like a stereotypical gay pretending to toss his hair back.

"Hey I'm Demi, I'm a sophomore, I'm female, and I'm bisexual." "I'm Sarah, I'm a senior, I'm female, and I'm a lesbian." "Hi I'm Meagan, I'm a senior, I'm female, and I'm a lesbian."

"I'm Eva, I'm in ninth grade, I'm female, and I'm straight." "I'm Frank, I'm in ninth grade, I'm male, and I'm straight." Next it was my turn.

"Hi I'm Brendon, I'm freshman, I'm male and I'm gay." "Hiya my name's Ryan, I'm a sophomore, I identify as male, and I'm gay AF." Oh my god I like Ryan.

Next was Chase Ross. "Hi I'm Chase Ross, I'm in 11th grade, I'm transgender, female to male, and I'm queer." "Hi my name's Breezy, I'm in 12th grade, I'm female, and I'm straight."

"I'm Dallon." And oh my god if love at first sight existed this would be it. "I'm a senior, I'm male, and I'm bi." I am totally finding out more about that guy.

"Hey what's up you guys yes my name is Shane Dawson and I'm a junior, I'm male, and I'm bisexual." "Hi I'm Ryland, I'm a junior, I'm male, and I'm gay."

After introductions I walk up to Dallon. "Hi," I say. "Hey Brendon right?" "Yeah." "Nice to meet you. How's high school so far?" "Well so far it's better than middle school. I thought I was the only gay guy and now I know there's more people like me."

"Well I'm glad it's finally my last year. High school is hard I barely passed 11th grade." "Hey babe I'll be right back," Breezy says walking up to Dallon. Oh.

"So uh are you guys dating?" I ask. "Yeah for about 5 months. We started dating at the very end of last year." "Oh cool. Well I'm gonna go introduce myself to other people."

I'm so embarrassed. So much for love at first sight. Well I might as well go meet that Ryan kid.

This Is How It Goes ~ BrallonWhere stories live. Discover now