Beauty And The Beast

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Something There (Beauty & The Beast 2017)

Edit By; Angela Marie (YouTube)

3rd Person POV

Malfoy Manor (Present Day)

 Dining Room

Draco choked on his coffee hearing his daughter's words. "I'm sorry, what did you say my dear?" Draco asked blinking more then usual. "Dad I said, tell me you and mum's love story." Alya repeated herself, with slight annoyance in her voice.

"Eww! Gross Alya!"  Leo said barging into the room where his sister and father where. "Shove off Malfoy." Alya rolled her eyes. "Yeah you too Malfoy." Leo grinned making his sister even more annoyed.

"Now doesn't that sound familiar, huh Malfoy?" A teasing feminine voice said entering the room with shopping bags.

"Why, good to see you too Granger. Or should I say, good to see you too Malfoy." Draco smirked looking up at his wife.

Hermione greeted her husband with a peck on the lips. She also greeted Alya and Leo before she went to her room to change her clothes, but also to greet Scorpius. As she was about to grab the door handle to make her way out, a hand gently pulled her arm.

"Mum wait!" Lyra yelled. Hermione turned around to give Alya her attention.


"Mum, can you tell me you and dad's love story?" Alya asked with pleading eyes.

"Ew ok bye." Leo said awkwardly walking past Hermione and Alya out the door.

"Why do you ask honey?" Hermione laughed quietly taking a glance at Draco.

"It's for a muggle project, in language arts." Lyra explained.           

  "We'll tell you-" Hermione soon got cut off by Draco.     

"Tomorrow." Said Draco looked at the 2 girls and back down to his book.

"Why?" Asked Lyra. 

"Well 'Al, mum and I would like to have a chat. Now go along hon, go play with your brothers." Draco said still looking down at his book. Alya nodded and left the dining room.

"Why do you want to tell Alya our story?" Asked Draco ripping his eyes away from his book, to look at Hermione.    

"Why don't you?" Hermione ask dropping the bags she was holding, taking a seat.

"I-I don't want Alya and the kids to know." Draco said quietly almost like a whisper.

"Know what Draco?" Hermione asked in a whisper.

"T-This." Draco shakily pulled his left sleeve up to show his dark mark. Hermione didn't say anything and grabbed his hands holding them in hers. "If you don't want me to share our story, then it's okay." Hermione said kissing his cheek and walking out of the room. Draco pulled down his sleeve and continued to read. Then something changed his mind.

Later That Evening

"Good night 'Scorp." Hermione said kissing his forehead. "Night mum." Scorpius smiled. As Hermione closed the door to Scorpius's room she thought, 

'Alright now for some alone time.'

Hermione walked into the huge library they had in the Manor. Hermione sat down with a book 'Beauty And The Beast' Hermione smiled to herself. 'What a beautiful story.' Hermione thought opening the book. Before Hermione could read a word one the page, she heard a teasing voice. 

"Beauty And The Beast, eh? Reminds you of us? I'm the beauty you're the beast." Hermione could hear the smirk in his voice. Hermione looks up from her book and rolls her eyes playfully.

"Hermione?" Draco called out. "Hmm..." Hermione hummed flipping a page from the book. "I want to tell the kids our story." Draco said rubbing the back of his neck. "What made you change your mind?" Hermione gave him all her attention, waiting for an answer. To be honest she was a little suspicious, but she had trust in him.

"Well, I want to tell them because if they hear what've I done they would learn form my mistakes and not do them." Draco said looking down at his shinny shoes. "Bloody hell Draco!" Draco shot up quickly.  "That's bloody brilliant!" Hermione screamed running up to Draco. Hermione planted a soft loving kiss. Draco smiled through the kiss.

"You are such a good father! I love you so much Malfoy! You fugly  ferret!" Hermione laughed giving him a hug.

"You are such a good mother! I love you so much too Granger! You know-it-all beaver!" Draco mocked smirking.

Draco hugged Hermione tighter. Draco kissed her forehead as Hermione nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck.

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