Mudblood (Year 2)

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Big Girls Don't Cry

By; Fergie

Hogwarts 2nd Year

3rd Person POV


Draco sat alone at a table drawing Her. Again. Draco honestly got better at drawing. Before, Hermione's picture looked like a caterpillar combined with a squirrel wearing a Hogwarts uniform, with a Gryffindor crest. Now, she looks like a tree, wearing clothes. He quickly shoved the picture in his bag, and started his DADA homework. 

"Sup." Theo said sitting down at the table. "Sup." Draco said back. 

"M-May I sit here?" A girl stuttered. "Of course." Theo said. Draco was too concentrated in his homework, he didn't realized who was sitting at the table.

"So, how are you Hermione?" Theo asked. Draco's head shot up. 'Hermione? Granger.' He thought. 

"Fine Theo. You?" Said Hermione fiddling with the hem of her skirt. "Oh, hi Granger." Draco said awkwardly. "Hey..." Hermione drawled. A silence fell on the table. An owl swooping into the library broke the quietness.

The owl gave Draco a rolled piece of paper and the owl flew back out. 


I hope you where able to give Miss. Granger the red rose. Hopefully things go great at school. Study hard, you'll make me and your father very happy. Treat Hermione properly, keep your eyes out for Gregory Goyle. I over heard your father talking to Gregory's father. He said, "Tell your son to keep on eye on my son. He fancy's a mudblood." Be careful my love.



P.S: Turn Miss. Granger into Miss. Malfoy.

Draco turned a dark shade of crimson. Theo was laughing really hard. "What's so funny?" Hermione asked. "N-Nothing. Just got back to Potter and Weasley, Granger. No one asked you to be here." Draco spat still crimson. Hermione frowned and got up. Soon she was gone. 

Blaise and Pansy came to the table, linked arms. Theo was still laughing and Draco was still red. "So that's where the red rose was from! From your mother!" Theo said still laughing. Draco crumpled and shoved the not in his robe pocket. "Shut it Nott." He growled. 

"Ooouu I heard this before. Hermione told us you got her a rose. It sweet and all but-" Pansy said but Draco cut her off. "Sh-" Pansy cut him off back. 

"Don't you bloody dare tell me to shut up! I'm giving you facts! I don't sip tea. I sip facts! So, you do ME a favor and shut up!" Pansy said with a dead glare. Blaise and Theo where surprise with her out burst. Draco was quiet. "Anyways, Cormac gave Hermione a bouquet of red roses. So I suggest you step up your game."  Pansy said. She then got up and flipped her hair walking away.

"Now that's a woman!"

Hermione's POV

(1 Hour Before Curfew)

Empty Corridor

I was holding a stack of books and I tripped. The books where blocking my view. Someone caught me again. Bloody hell! I'm so clumsy! I look at the hand I was holding. Hmm...

Pale and bony...

Slytherin robe...

Taunting laughter...

"Malfoy!" I scremed. I squirmed in his hold so I fell on my face. 

"You can fall on the ground, you can fall out a tree, but 'Mione the best way to fall is in love with me." Malfoy smirked.

A Project On Mother And Father's Story ~~Dramione~~Where stories live. Discover now