Niagara Falls As Eyeballs (Year 4)

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By; Avril Lavigne

Hogwarts 4th Year

Hermione's POV

Gryffindor Common Room

"There is literally nothing to do!" Ron shrieked. Harry and I roll our eyes laughing. 

"You can sleep." I suggested. 

Ron groans loudly.

"You can eat." Harry suggested.

Ron groans quietly.

"You can eat and sleep!" Harry and I both said at the same time. We burst out laughing after.

"I'm gonna take a walk. Anyone wanna join?" I said getting up. "I'll go!" Ron stood up quickly.

"Harry?" I asked before opening the door. "I'm exhausted. Plus the last task is after, after, tomorrow." Harry said yawning.

"Alright then, lets go Ron." I said linking arms with him. He nods. "See ya mate!"Ron waved at Harry. "Bye Harry!" I smile.

I walked down the empty corridors linked arms with one of my best friends. I heard faint footsteps.

 "Are we alone in the corridors right now?" Ron asked. "Yeah why?" I said. I don't know why I lied but, I had a feeling I knew who the person was. 

"I need to tell you something." He mumbled. "You can tell me anything." I smiled rubbing his arm with my free hand.

"Ifancyyou." He said quickly. 

I didn't know what he said. I heard, 'I dance with poo.' 

"What? I didn't understand what you said Ron." I said "I fancy you." He said giving me a hug. I felt my emotions messing around again. I don't know what to say. I'm hell'a confused now. I like Malfoy, but then there was Ron. 

I heard the same footsteps again. It was a lot louder then before.

"I-I don't know what to say." I stuttered. "I kinda of want to be just friends for now. But it doesn't mean you might have a shot in the feature." I said. "I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship." I said. He smiled at me. I smiled back up at him weakly. Ron released a yawn all of a sudden. I burst out into giggles. 

"I'm gonna head back. I'm really tired." Ron said. I nod. He began to walk away. I watched him walk away until he vanished around the corner.

Malfoy Manor (Present Day)

3rd Person POV

Family Room

"Hold up," Leo said. "Uncle Ron, and Mad McLaggen both fancied you? And father?!" Leo asked. "Yup." Hermione smiled sheepishly popping out the 'P'. "And a few others too!" Draco added.  

"Dang. Dad you must've been good!" Scorpious chuckled.

Hogwarts 4th Year

Hermione's POV

Empty Corridor

"What if I fancy Ron and not Malfoy. What if I fancy both? How would I chose between them?"  I said out loud.

I heard the footsteps getting so loud, it sounded like it was behind me. I looked behind me and saw,


"Hey?" I said. "Hey? Hey?! That's all you got to say?!" Blaise snapped. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Not here. Black Lake." He said. I nod.

The walk there was quiet and awkward. We sat on a bench in silence until Blaise spoke. 

"Hermione Jean Granger!"

I was startled by the tone of his voice. 

"You don't fancy Weasel-Bee! You can't! You mustn't!" Blaise pleaded. 


"I see the way you look at Draco sometimes. So you can't lie to me or yourself that you fancy Ginger head." Blaise said staring at the Black Lake.

"I'm trying to figure it out. Ever since Malfoy told me he fancies me, I've gotten confused. I thought about Ron when he said that. And when Ron said he fancies me, I thought about Malfoy." I said sounding confused. I honestly really am confused. 

"Stop being stupid! Think, who cares more, who will do anything for you, and who fancies you enough to put you first then themselves?!" Blaise said almost loudly.

"Draco care's for you so much, and Ron cares if there's enough cheese on his lasagna!" 

"I'll leave you to think about that. The bad but yet sweet bad boy. Or the cat hating wanna be bad boy." 

With that, he got up and left. 

The Next Day

Draco's POV

The Great Hall 

I was at the Slytherin table talking to Pansy, when Astoria pointed something out. 

"Is Hermione okay?" Astoria asked us pointing to her. 

Granger had puffy, blood shot eyes, red, tear stained cheeks, her bottom lip quivered, and she had a pained expression.

She looked at me with hurt in her eyes, as tear welled up in her eyes. 

She sat down beside Weaselette, ignoring the stares and Weasel King. Weaselette and Granger where whispering. She-Weasel gave Granger a hug as Granger started to cry again. 

"I told you to fuck off Ronald!" Granger screamed. Everyone in the Great hall went quiet. They watched Granger and Weasley.

"60 points from Gryffindor for foul language!" Dumbledore casually yelled. 

"I was only trying to help!" He yelled back.

"I don't need your help! You'll only make it worst! You always make things worst!" She glared sharply. 

He glare at her one last time, then stormed off out of the Great Hall.

Granger sat down and cried her eyes out on Potty's ugly, in-expensive, excuse of a shirt. 

'Asty, Pansy, and Theo got up and walked over to the Gryffindor table. Blaise and I stayed. 

"Do you know what happened to her?" I asked. Blaise said nothing I got mad but realized he was chewing.

"I don't know."

3rd Person POV

"Move over Pothead, her buzz hype gay best friend is here." Theo said pushing Harry aside to sit beside Hermione. 

"Watch it Nott." Harry scowled. 

"Excuse me 'Gin." Astoria smiled. Pansy stood behind Hermione comforting her.

Blaise walked over to Hermione. 

"Can I talk to you in private?" Blaise whispered in her ear. She nod following him out of the Great Hall. "We'll be back." Blaise shouted. 

They stood outside the entrance of the Great Hall. "I'm sorry if I hurt you Hermione. I just wanted to help with your confusion, because I care for you." Blaise said quietly looking at her. "It's okay it wasn't your fault." Hermione smiled weakly. 

"It isn't?" Blaise said surprised. Hermione shook her head 'no'. 

"Then why do you have Niagara Falls as eyeballs?" Baise asked.

"Because Ron kissed me."

A Project On Mother And Father's Story ~~Dramione~~Where stories live. Discover now