Ron Kissed Me (Year 4)

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kiss You

By; One Direction

Malfoy Manor (Present Day)

3rd Person POV

The Garden

"HE WHAT?!" Scropius yelled.

"Don't raise your voice at me Scoripus Draco Lucius Malfoy." Hermione warned.

"What exactly happened?" He asked.

Hogwarts 4th Year

Outside The Great Hall

"HE WHAT?!" Blaise yelled.

"Don't raise your voice at me Blaise Zabini." Hermione warned.

"What exactly happened?" He asked. Hermione began to cry again.

Last Night At The Gryffindor Common Room

Hermione can back to the Gryffindor Common Room 2 hours after her and Ron's walk. She opened the portrait hole to find Ron waiting for her. 

"Hermione!" Ron jumped up from the couch and ran towards Hermione. "Shh! Ron you'll wake the whole Wizarding World up!" Hermione whispered. "I was so worried! What happened?" He asked. 

"I was talking to Blaise Zabini." She said. "Why? What does Zabini want?" He asked. "None of your concern. I best be off. Good night Ron." Hermione walked past him, but Ron grabbed her arm spinning her around to face him. 

Before she could say anything, Ron smashed his sloppy lips on her's. She tried to pull away but found herself kiss back. 

He pulled away and smiled. "Good night 'Mione." 

When Ron was gone, Hermione fell to her knees crying. I quiet sob escaped her lips as she covered her face. Her hands began to shake as her cheeks where getting wet from the salty tears.

'I don't want to hurt anyone. I now have even stronger feelings for both boys. I'm even more confused.' Hermione thought as she cried.

The Next Day

"Holly Hufflepuff Hermione!" Blaise said earning a scowl from a pair of second year Hufflepuffs. 

"I-I know, I know, I ju-" Hermione cried but got cut off by Blaise. He gave her a warm embrace. 

"Hermione it's okay. You have the rest of the year to figure this whole mess. Hell, you got 3 more years till we graduate. You probably sloved it by then. Besides, you're The Brightest Witch Of Her Age." Blaise smiled. 

Hermione wiped her tears and pulled away from Blaise. "Thanks Zanbo King. Let's go back in." Hermione smiled linking arms with Blaise.

When they opened the Great Hall doors, Hermione's friends all ran up to her. 


"'Mione are you okay?!"

"What happened?"

"Hermione how are you?"

"Is everything okay?"

"How are you feeling?" 

"How's it going?"

"What happened?"

"How's everyting?"

"What took you so long?"

"Did you have a heated snogging session with Zabini over there?"

It went silent and everyone turned to her. 

"GINEVRA MOLLY WEASLEY!" Hermione shrieked.

"What? He's kinda cute though." Ginny mumbled. Blaise smirked. "Thanks Weaselette. Not bad yourself."

Ginny turned into the shade of her hair colour. Everyone burst out laughing, except for Harry and Pansy. they just pulled out fake giggles.

In The Library

Hermione sat at a table by herself, reading a muggle fairy tales. 

"A dream is a wish you're heart makes, when you're fast asleep." Hermione read. 

"Granger." Malfoy nodded. "Malfoy." Granger said back in the same tone. 

"Are you alright?" He asked taking a seat. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" Hermione said as if it was obvious. "Well for starters, you had a melt down in the Great Hall earlier. And you're avoiding me." Malfoy drawled. "I'm not avoiding you." Hermione mumbled. 

"Fine. How about we hang out at Hogsmeade on Saturday?" Malfoy suggested. "I can't." Hermione said. "Why?" Malfoy raised an eyebrow at her. "I'm hanging out with Ginny the whole day." Hermione lied. "Sunday?" Malfoy asked. "Can't." Hermione lied again. 

Hermione had zero plans with anyone. She just needed to think. So, she's been avoiding Malfoy. 

"You are avoiding me!" Draco exclaimed pointing at her. "Am not!" She shot back. 

"Well why where you crying?" He asked a little softer. "It's none of your concern." Hermione crossed her arms over her chest.

"Did it had something to do with Whining Weasley? Bet his pig like table manners got your knickers in a twist! " Malfoy laughed bitterly. 

Hermione scowled.

 "It's none of your business! Get your pale, pointed nose out of my business! Stop asking questions I don't want to answer. Yes I was crying because of Ron and because of someone else. And if I was avoiding you, you wouldn't care because you hate me Malfoy!" Hermione snapped, marching out of the library angrily.

'What the bloody hell just happened?' Malfoy thought.

A Project On Mother And Father's Story ~~Dramione~~Where stories live. Discover now