The Test

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[Tony's POV]

Today was the day.

The day that would change everything.

Every child waits for their seventeenth birthday anxiously, wondering if they'll be the alpha or omega. The technical term was 1 or 2, but it just seemed more like a dominant/ submissive kind of separation.

The 1's are always praised, my dad is a 1, but I'm sure I'm going to be a 2. Placed where my family will be angry. I will not have the control. I will be weak, unwanted. I'm pretty sure my father doesn't even think I'll get a soulmate. The only reason that would be upsetting is the thought of living in this house for another single minute is sickening.

Bruce and I continued walking toward the building where the tests took place. There wasn't a long line, but it was long enough to make me anxious.

"Don't worry, Tony. Whatever you get will be fine"

"Yes, but what about my dad. I'm pretty sure he'll disown me if I'm a 2."

"Since when have you ever cared about his opinion. Plus I'll still love you." Bruce leaned in for a hug, but I dodged the attack by stepping up to the window.

"Uh, I'm here for soulmate testing."

"Wonderful!" The lady responded, a little too perky for my liking.

"Follow me please and I will have someone come out and test you." I glanced back at Bruce and the idiot just gave me a thumbs up. I could really use one of those hugs now, but he doesn't need to know that.

As I followed the lady down a hallway and into a room I noticed a very handsome young man, who also appeared to be here for soulmate testing, tall, broad shoulders, blonde hair, I bet he'd be a 1. But before I could do anything I was shoved into one of the testing rooms.

The whole thing wasn't really a test it was really quite stupid and I didn't see a point. The government already controlled everything in our lives, couldn't they just leave our love lives alone.

Just as I finished my internal rant a tall women entered with a clipboard and some sort contraption I could only assume was the test.

"And your name is?"

"Anthony Stark" the blonde simply nodded, yes I know you're in my presence it's amazing, isn't it?

"And you are how old?"


"What do you enjoy doing?"

"Building, reading, inventing, that kind of thing."

"And do-"

"I'm sorry Ms."- I looked around for her name tag-"Carter. But I honestly don't see a point to all of this. Can you just draw my blood or whatever, tell me whether I'm a one or a two and go on with my life."

"Yes, of course." Who cares If I had offended her. I simply needed to know.

She went over to her computer, stuck a needle in me, waited a few moments, and then glanced back over at me.

"Well congratulations Anthony. You are a 1"

"I-I'm a what?"

"You're a 1" I didn't think that such a statement would ever be heard being directed at me all I know is that I ran out of that office and hugged Bruce.

"Woah. I'm guessing that went well?"

"I'm a 1!"

"Congrats Tony! That's great!"

"Alright thanks for coming Bruce, but I gotta go tell my mom"

[Loki's POV]

"Come, Loki we must go get you tested today."

"But why mother. I don't see the point. I've already waited this long."

"Because It is the last day to get tested before this group is sent to training and you promised me you would go this year." I wanted to say no, but how could I break a promise to my darling mother.

"Fine mother I'll go, but I would like to go alone."

"That is fine, just be back. And I expect you back home directly after the test. I want to know your result immediately."

"Yes, mother. I promise."

The walk to the clinic was dreadfully slow, but peaceful. I needed moments like this away from my father and the big oaf known as Thor. He had to go back to training and I was just thankful that he was a 1. Because I knew that would not be the case for me. I was quiet, reserved, and most importantly not athletic in the slightest, I basically kept to myself, teams were not a thing I enjoyed. Therefore being placed with someone for the rest of your life seems a little terrifying.

I got to the clinic still enjoying the peace and quiet when an idiot ran out of the back hallway running towards another man that looked like a big teddy bear.

I approached the window and my hand shook a little, social interaction wasn't my strongest point.

"Hello, sir what may I do for you?"

"I'm here for testing."

"Of course. Follow me." The woman rose and walked back towards the long hallway where I was guided all the way to the back end. I sat nervously as I began to fiddle with my sleeve. My mother hated the habit, but it kept me calm.

"Would you mind giving me your name?"

"Loki Laufeyson." The woman typed it into her computer and she looked confused.

"It doesn't seem that there is a 'Loki Laufeyson' how do you spell it?"

"No. I was adopted I used my birth name. My adoptive last name is Odinson" the name tasted bitter on my lips as it passed through.

"There you are. So I'm going to ask you a few questions and then we'll do the actual test, okay?" Why was she treating me like a child? I understand how the process works. I've heard the rumors, I have a (adoptive) brother who went through this. I think everyone knows how this thing works.

The questions were stupid and pointless and the needle, I don't see the point.

"Alrighty, Mr. Odinson."

"Laufeyson" I corrected her, just being associated with that man is bad enough.

"Mr. Laufeyson. It looks like you are a 2." I didn't respond, responding is overrated I just walked out.

I'm a 2, big surprise there.

A/N: Alright so this is the first Marvel fanfiction I've written and also the first thing I've written in first person POV, so the characters may seem a little OOC. And for the sake of this fanfiction Loki is going to be a lot quiter and more reserved, still his snarky self just more introverted. Also Loki will probably end up being an artist and I know that is commonly associated with Steve, but live with it. Thanks!

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