Chapter 8 {Hangout}

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your Pov

After the practical exam, we were given the rest of the week off since we weren't gonna have an actual summer vacation. The days following the exam were extremely hot so mostly stayed in the house with Aki watching F/s (favorite show).

One day I was watching tv wand eating ice cream and Aki was eating a frozen dog treat called frozen paws. Then there's was a knock at the door, I groaned and got out of bed to open the door to see Todo. "Oh hey Todo what brings you here?" I say continuing to eat my ice cream and by now Aki had came to the door too.

"I was bored in the house so I came to see if you wanted to hangout" He shrugged

"Well, I'm not doing anything anyway so sure just give me a second," I said as I closed the door, put my ice cream in the freezer, put my shoes on and grabbed Aki's leash because I wasn't gonna leave him in this hot house. I walked out the door and I instantly realized that todo was wearing casual clothes and it was weird cause I've only seen him in his school uniform and/or a tank top but now he was wearing a sleeveless white shirt with some jeans. It was kinda nice on him.

"So where too?" I asked as I walked along side todo

"Well we can go to the park or the puppy cafe or Ooo I know this really nice lake we could go too" he named as the ideas went through his head

"Sounds great, we could stop at the store and grab some snacks so we don't get hungry" I suggested as we kept walking. We walked to the local convenience store and bought some snacks, well more like I bought snacks but I know he's gonna steal them when I'm not looking. Then we walked down to the lake most people don't know it well but it is something we have in town.

Todo happens to know a great spot at the lake. It was a small lake, not many people visit it because they have a lot of pools or places with pools in town. It was nice that offered to take us.

Todo and I sat at the peer of the lake designed for people to sit while fishing but also good for just sitting. I took my shoes off and dipped my feet in the water, it was a good refresher since it was very hot.

"So, Y/n how's everything?" randomly asked todoroki while eating some cold soba he bought.

"Everything is Awesome todo. I Past my finals and I'm hanging out with my best friend" I smile as I started to eat some candy I bought.

 Todo and I continued talking while Aki occasionally took a swim in the lake or ran around. I was down to my last piece of candy when Todo snatched it from me. "Todo!!!!" I yelled causing him to chuckle "that was my last one!!!!"

"You have more" I said as he ate the candy

"But that was my favorite!!" I yelled again. I was extremely mad that I pushed Todo off he peer and h went splash in the river. Within a few secs his head came back to the surface, is hair was all wet and sticking to his face.

"So that's how it is," said todoroki as he grabbed my foot and pulled me into the water causing me to scream.

"Todo!!" I yelled as I swam to the surface of the water where he was chuckled I punched him causing him to laugh more.

"Okay okay," he as he pulled himself back on the peer and held his hand to help me up. I hesitantly grabbed his hand and pulled my self on the peer.

"Ugh, now I'm soaking wet" I complained as I squeezed all the excess water out of my clothes.

"You're one to talk" chuckled todoroki as he did the same.

We noticed the sun started to set so we decided to go back to my house, I decided to be a dummy and walk home barefoot and eventually stepped on a sharp rock so todo had to carry me home.

When we got to my house, I got towels for us to dry off with and then I suggested we could roast marshmallows in the backyard with todo's fire. He agreed as set up the stuff for us to start a camp fire while looked around for marshmallows.

After A Fee Mins of preparation, we finally had everything ready, Todo started the fire and I got the marshmallows and chocolate and graham crackers for smores.

We sat and talked and joked around until the sun went down then we looked at the stars for awhile before todo had to go home. It had already been late but he didn't care. We put the fire out and cleaned up the slight mess we made.

I went inside and took a shower before plopping on my bed. today was a good day I wish all days were like that but next, we take a field trip somewhere for the rest of the summer.

A/n: Sorry short chapter, this probably the last short chapter but don't @ me on that anyway I'm glad this book as over 300 views and Lookie Two chapter in one Day yay. have A Nice Day Plus ultra!

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