Chapter 16 {Special To Me}

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Todoroki's Pov

I hadnt seen Y/n since that day I blew her off to see my mom, I didnt tell her about it cause it was kinda last minute if you ask me. I was really worried because theres a possibility that she could be with bakugou. I sat in the Common with Midoriya and his friends, im not much of a talker so I just sat and listened to their conversation. "Hey Todoroki, You look pretty down these past few days is everything alright?" asked Midoriya

"Obviously Not deku, He misses Y/n" Bubbled Uraraka "Y/n And Bakugou Have Been Together alot lately so its A Love Triangle"

"Uraraka! Thats not Very nice uraraka, We shouldnt Intrude on his personal and love life" said Iida

I hadn't replied to them even though thats what was wrong. I sighed slightly and got up and walked to my room, I wonder where she was she hadn't text me or anything. 'Maybe i should Text her' I thought as I pulled my phone off of charge. I sat on my bed with phone in hand. I decided against texting her and sat my phone back down and laid down Worried. I wanna do something special for her to make it up to her for the other day. She Is special to me and i want her to know so. An Idea Popped In my Head, I know What to do good thing tomorrow is saturday..

~Your Pov~

Bakugou Walked Me Back the dorms around 10 after we finished breakfast. He Cooked pancakes, eggs and bacon for us and man were they delicious. I gave aki a few strips of bacon since he was hungry too, also maybe it was just my imagination but I dont think aki likes me around bakugou. I mean bakugou is the second boy ive really hung out with and he didnt act like this around todo, in fact aki loves when todo is around.

When We got back to the dorms, Almost everyone was awake, Jirou and the other girls were sitting talking, someone cooked breakfast cause it was still lingering in the air. I waved at them and went straight to my room to pick out some clothes so I could take a bath cause after last night I felt I needed to scrub myself down.

~Mini Time Skip~

After my Well deserved bath I threw on a black skirt with some black thigh highs and a long sleeve yellow sweater with a picture an outline of a bunny on it. Its nice weather outside so I feel my outfit was nice.

I went and sat in the common with everyone else but I sat on the couch keeping to myself as aki laid in my lap. "God Dammit aki, You're heavy" I laughed as I tried to move the shiba inu off of me. Out of the corner of eye I could see Todo approaching me causing me to turn my head toward him and causing aki to perk up. He Wore A Simple blue Long sleeve shirt and some jeans.

"Hey Y/n" He said sitting next to me, causing aki to climb out if my lap and into his.

"Hey wassup todo" I smiled at the relief from the heavy dog.

"I was wondering if you were doing something today." He said nonchalantly and shrugged his shoulders slightly.

"No im not actually why?" I question raising a eyebrow and tilting my head slightly.

"I wanted to take you somewhere" He said As He stood up.

"Ooo where?" I said with perked intrest as I jumped up off the couch

"Thats a surprise" he said with a small smile.

"O-Okay! I Can Leave Aki Here for Awhile but not too long cause he'll get lonely" i explained as we walked to my room. I dont feel good with aki walking around the dorm so I just put him in my room when im gone.

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